Native American Representation in Visual Media

Popular culture, like films, shows, and literature, are a great source of entertainment and education. However, they can also, unfortunately, carry misrepresentations and inaccuracies. Throughout the years, the representation of Native Americans in film, as well as other visual media, has done more harm than good. Non-Indian people appropriate Indigenous stories and art for themselves and manipulate them in order to make a profit. From roadside, traveling shows to modern-day movies, as well as insensitive Halloween costumes. Native Americans have suffered from inaccurate representations that have undermined their culture and heritage. Negative stereotypes, historical inaccuracies, and white-washing are just some of the ways Indigenous peoples have been consistently misrepresented in visual media. These misrepresentations are not only offensive, but they reinforce ignorant ideals, fuel discrimination, and justify violence against Indian peoples.

Native American Representation in Visual Media