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Items with subject 'Minutes (Records)'
Showing results 1–12 of 59
Baglean and Carnean Societies collection
by Baglean Society; Carnean Society (1926 – 1937)
4 folders (0.25 linear feet)
The Baglean Literary Society was founded in September, 1925 and was named in honor of Dr. William C. Bagley. The Carnean Literary Society was named in honor of local educator, Miss Mabel Carney. The Baglean and Carnean Societies competed with each other yearly in athletics and theatrical productions. The Baglean and Carnean Society collection includes two notebooks containing the minutes and finances of the Baglean Society from 1926 to 1929. Loose papers included in the collection contain minutes for the Carnean Society from 1931 to 1932, rosters of Carnean Society members, correspondence of the Carnean Society, programs for competitions between the two societies, and the societies’ songs.
Bethlehem Methodist Church Records (Taylor's Island, Md.)
by Bethlehem Methodist Church (1785 – 1978)
4 cartons (4.6 linear feet)
The Bethlehem Methodist Church Records document the membership and activities of the Dorchester County church, as well as Taylor's Island's Methodist congregation before the official church's establishment in 1858. This collection includes minutes from church conferences, membership rolls and congregation registers, and records from meetings, contribution records, Sunday school records, attendance lists, marriage licenses, deeds, and other material related to the church's history.
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Ledger (Cortland, New York)
by Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (1939 – 1967)
1 box (0.5 linear feet)
This ledger was maintained by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen in Cortland, New York between 1939 and 1967. Included are membership lists, cash reports, and annual reports, as well as several loose letters.
Carey Church Records
by Bowman, George A.; Carey Church (1878 – 1982)
folders ( linear feet)
The Carey Church records contains information pertaining to the pastors and members of the Gumboro Circuit Parsonage in Delaware. The majority of the records detail baptisms, probationers, marriages that took place at the church from the late 1890s to the early 1900s. An alphabetical list of church members and a chronological list of pastors dating from 1883 – 1982 is present in the collection.
Central Labor Union Journal (Portsmouth, New Hampshire)
by Central Labor Union (1927 – 1937)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
This journal documents the meetings and reports of the Central Labor Union in Portsmouth, New Hampshire between 1927 and 1937. The union represented several different trades.
Delmarva Church records
by Lilly, Charlotte K. (1956 – 1987)
1 folder (0.01 linear feet)
The Delmarva Church records document the activities of various churches on the Delmarva Peninsula from 1956-1987. Documenting materials include pamphlets from churches (Old Trinity Church, Green Hill Church), church records, as well as a speech recited at the Shrewsbury Parish of Kennedyville, Maryland.
Dorcas Club Ledger (West Virginia)
by Dorcas Club (1900 – 1904)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
This ledger was created by a Dorcas Club in West Virginia and provides records of the organization's activities, which include its dues, expenses, and member names.
Father Mathew's Total Abstinence Society Ledger (Norristown, Pennsylvania)
by Doran, Lawrence (1872 – 1912)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
Recorded by Lawrence Doran of Norristown, Pennsylvania, this ledger documents the members of the Father Mathew's Total Abstinence Society from 1872 to 1912. From 1879 to 1912, Doran also maintained a longhand journal that primarily discussed his finances and construction business.
First World War Women's Organization Ledger (Meriden, Connecticut)
by Unknown (circa 1918)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
This ledger contains the names, addresses, telephone numbers, occupations, working hours, and additional lines of work for women who were part of a Connecticut organization (likely Meriden) circa 1918. The women are listed in companies and each has a rank (Captain, Lieutenant, Private). It is likely that the women were either Minute Women or part of the Connecticut State Council of Defense. Other lines of work listed for the women were Red Cross, surgical, nursing, visiting, reading aloud, stenography, clerical, accounting, auto driving, sewing, gardening, playground, and more. Also included are definitions for various crimes including treason.
Fort Branch Community Club Ledgers (Fort Branch, Indiana)
by Fort Branch Community Club (1926 – 1954)
2 folders (0.2 linear feet)
These two ledgers document the weekly meetings of the Fort Branch Community Club in Indiana between 1926 and 1954. In addition to meeting minutes are newspaper clippings that demonstrate the local publicity the club received. Activities of the club included placing markers on the old fort, feeding needy children, and inviting lecturers.

Frank Dunbaugh Papers
by Dunbaugh, Frank (1919, 1945)
5 folders (0.5 linear feet)
The Frank Dunbaugh Papers document the activity of a Major in the United States Army immediately following the Second World War. Dunbaugh commanded the Allied Military Government (AMG) in the Hersbruck district of post-war Germany. He discussed how his unit identified former Nazi party members, the interrogation of S.S. officers at a castle, a riot in a Polish refugee camp, the mistreatment of civilians and rape of women, American soldiers being ambushed, American G.I.'s mistreating local civilians and German police, encounters with Russian officers, and meeting concentration and labor camp survivors.
Heritage Mural Collection
by Collins, Pamela Knox; Salisbury State University (1999 – 2002)
1 carton (1 linear feet)
This collection contains plans, sketches, diagrams, proposals, and artist details from the creation of the Salisbury State University Heritage mural spanning the years 1999 to 2002.