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Items with subject 'Antisemitism'
Antisemitic Postcards
by Unknown (circa 1900)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
These eight antisemitic postcards depict Jewish individuals adhering to racist stereotypes, including large noses and greediness.

Frank Dunbaugh Papers
by Dunbaugh, Frank (1919, 1945)
5 folders (0.5 linear feet)
The Frank Dunbaugh Papers document the activity of a Major in the United States Army immediately following the Second World War. Dunbaugh commanded the Allied Military Government (AMG) in the Hersbruck district of post-war Germany. He discussed how his unit identified former Nazi party members, the interrogation of S.S. officers at a castle, a riot in a Polish refugee camp, the mistreatment of civilians and rape of women, American soldiers being ambushed, American G.I.'s mistreating local civilians and German police, encounters with Russian officers, and meeting concentration and labor camp survivors.
French Anti-Communist Leaflet
by Unknown (circa 1940)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
This French leaflet from 1940 depicts a hand with the Star of David holding a communist flag in 1944 that had evolved from the French flag in 1941. The text roughly states, "It's with your own blood that your flag will be blushed."
German and Nazi Stereoviews
by Deutsches Reich (1937 – 1946)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
These German and Nazi Stereoviews consist of two separate collections of stereoview photographs that were collected by a U.S. Army colonel. Included are two stereoview finders. The first collection of photographs depict the Third Reich's military might and Nazi Party ceremonial events. These 73 photographs, of which there were originally 100, are described in German on the versos, which was translated by the wife of the Colonel who collected the stereoviews. The other collection consists of 36 photographs that show the United States-occupied zone of Germany, which are identified in English.
Nazi Photograph Postcards
by Deutsches Reich (circa 1937 – 1945)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
These two Nazi Photograph Postcards both contain one photograph of German Nazis and an accompanying song. The two songs featured are translated as "Why is it then that Girls Love Soldiers?" and "As in your Little Flower Garden." Also included are three stamps depicting Adolf Hitler.
Pavlick Tschepotkin and Elvira Christophornia Letters
by Christophornia, Elvira; Tschepotkin, Pavlick (1920 – 1923)
2 folders (0.2 linear feet)
These letters were written between 1920 and 1923 by Pavlick Tschepotkin and Elvira Christophornia, White Russian refugees originally from Archangel (Arkhangelsk), and later translated into English and transcribed. The transcribed letters are attached.
Special Collections Pamphlet Collection
by Various (1762 – 1985)
9 cartons, 2 boxes (10 linear feet)
The Special Collections Pamphlet Collection consists of over 800 published manuscripts discussing a wide variety of national and international topics. The materials date between 1762 and 1985. Similar topics have been grouped together, but may be found throughout the collection. Some of the major topics included in the collection are: race relations, Australia, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, African American history, Native American history, military history (American Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War), education, industry, labor history, agriculture, railways, government and politics, international relations, socialism, communism, economics, prisons, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, prohibition, temperance, women's history and groups, and biographies and obituaries.