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Items with subject 'Military service --- United States'
3353rd Quartermaster Truck Company Photograph
by Kisner, Kyle (1945)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
The 3353rd Quartermaster Truck Company photograph was taken on June 20, 1945 in Ulm, Germany. The company is standing in front of a building that was used by the Hitler Youth but had been repurposed as the maintenance building for the 3353rd. On the back of the photo, the last names of the soldiers are documented.

Alvin and Dorothy Piegols Papers
by Piegols, Alvin; Piegols, Dorothy (1939 – 2024)
2 boxes, 2 oversize folders (1.75 linear feet)
The Alvin and Dorothy Piegols papers document the experiences of Alvin Piegols as he served in the Army during World War II and of his fiancée, Dorothy Cannon, who was studying to be a nurse at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. The materials date between 1939 and 2024, with the bulk of the textual materials dating between 1939 to 1947. Items in the collection include "the Scalpel" yearbook, correspondence between Dorothy and Alvin, newspapers, photographs from Alvin's tour in Europe, postcards of German towns, programs and pamphlets, publications about Alvin's battalion, the Thunderbolts, and artifacts such as Alvin's military patches, German pins, a Nazi flag, and a wooden crucifix. Family photographs document Dorothy and Alvin's marriage and family and date from 1943 to 1992.
Clyde Family Letter Collection
by Clyde, Ethel; Clyde, Jane Leslie "Jennie"; Clyde, Leslie M.; Clyde, Robert A. (1916 – 1919)
9 folders (0.1 linear feet)
The Clyde Family Letter Collection documents the lives of Leslie Clyde and Robert A. Clyde as they served in France during the First World War. The letters date from 1916 to 1919 and describe the men's experiences as they trained at Fort Monroe, Virginia and served with the 2nd Trench Mortar Battery, 2nd Division throughout France. Most of the letters were written by Leslie and Robert to their mother, Jane "Jennie" Clyde, and their father, Robert S. Clyde, as well as their younger siblings: Margaret, Alexander "Sander," Jennie, and Marion. While most of the correspondence contains details about daily life, some mention national and worldwide events such as the Spanish influenza epidemic, Daylight Savings Time in the US, prohibition, the Chicago race riot of 1919, unions and the Railroad Brotherhood, and Charlie Chaplin. Some of the letters include racist slurs and sentiments.
Emily and Bill Briddell Collection
by Emily and William Briddell; Rebecca Skinner (1672 – 2017)
6 cartons, 3 oversize folders (6.3 linear feet)
The Emily and Bill Briddell Collection contains genealogical records of the Briddell, Ames, Stevenson and other families. The collection ranges from 1672-2017 with the bulk of materials from 1880-2000. the collection contains correspondence, official and unofficial documents, pamphlets, maps, and photographs.
Floy G. Pearson Letter Collection
by Blake, Maurice P.; Bull, William F.; Johnson, Carl S.; Pearson, Carl L.; Pearson, Floy G.; Pratt, Butler Hillman, Sr.; Winslow, Percy R. (1917 – 1945)
6 folders (0.6 linear feet)
The Floy G. Pearson Letter Collection contains 53 letters addressed to Floy Pearson of West Falmouth, Maine from 1917 to 1919. Written by eight different men, including her brother Carl Pearson, these letters describe daily life as a soldier stationed in various sections of France during World War I and some include reactions to the end of the war. Most of the letters include envelopes showing approval stamps by military censors and some of the letters have parts cut out by the censor. Additionally, there are pieces of ephemera including a prayer card, lyrics to "Our Loved Ones in Heaven," loose envelopes, a page from a letter (most likely by Carl S. Johnson), a receipt for Maurice Blake, and an immunization record for Robert G. Fitzgerald (dated 1943-1945).

Major George W. Fisk Papers
by Fisk, George W. (1938 – 1946)
1 folder, 1 oversize folder (0.2 linear feet)
The Major George W. Fisk papers document Fisk's experiences as a Major during World War II. The materials range from 1938 to 1946. Within the collection are photographs of Major Fisk and the Division Staff of the 2nd Infantry Division, a map of Western Europe with his route marked, a typed memoir, two books about the 2nd Infantry Division, two stamp albums for the purchase of war bonds, Maj. Fisk's uniform jacket and pants, and Maj. Fisk's wool army blanket.
Sentimental Journeys: Delmarva Remembers World War II
by Judith M. Ferrand (circa 1995)
1 box (0.25 linear feet)
"Sentimental Journeys: Delmarva Remembers World War II" is a collection of interviews of fifty(50) World War II veterans from the Delmarva Peninsula. The collection was assembled and produced by Judith M. Ferrand in the spring and summer of 1995 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, in association with WBOC-TV and Wor-Wic Community College. The interviews of the fifty veterans cover all topics surrounding the Second World War including life prior to the war, enlistment and training, various battles, important individuals such as Generals Patton and McArthur, and the Veteran's views of their service. Included with the Interviews is a plastic-bound book that uses the information from the fifty interviews to tell their collective story, from the causes of the war to Veteran's evaluation of their service. Digitized versions of each tape are available upon request.
The Life of a P.O.W. Under the Japanese in Caricature
by Fortier, Malcolm Vaughn (1946)
1 folder (0.1 linear feet)
The Life of a P.O.W. Under the Japanese in Caricature was written and illustrated by Colonel Malcolm Vaughn Fortier. Published in 1946, the book contains caricatures drawn by Colonel Fortier while imprisoned in a Japanese P.O.W. camp in the Philippines, from April 9, 1942 to August 20, 1945. The drawings illustrate life as a P.O.W. and include captions to clarify some of the scenes. At the end of the book is a compiled roster of P.O.W.s associated with Colonel Fortier in prison camps. Some names include the soldier's "emergency address" while others detail when that man died and how or where he was buried.
Vinson and Buck Family Collection
by Allen, Betsy; Allen, Fulton; Allen, Lois; Buck, Leonard; Buck, Ruth Valesca Allen; Gorrell, Marlene Buck; Gorrell, William; Hancock, Julia "Betsy" Allen (1838 – 2012)
22 boxes, 7 oversize folders (10 linear feet)
The Vinson and Buck collection is made up of the personal papers and artifacts of the Buck family. The collection contains personal documents dating back to 1838 and includes the records and belongings of several families related to the Bucks, including: the Allens, the Gorrells, the Raudenbushes, the Klines, the Jennings and the Phillips. The bulk of the collection is made up of photographs that document Leonard Buck’s time in the military, the travels and home life of the Buck family, and local history. Other items include religious papers, personal and business correspondence, and family mementos.
Wicomico High School Class of 1958 Reunions
by Unknown (1946 – 2020)
3 cartons, 1 box (3.5 linear feet)
The Wicomico Highschool Reunions Collection is a collection which features the documentation of each reunion of the Wicomico Highschool Class of 1958 with a range from 1946 to 2020 and a bulk range of 1954 to 2020.