Browse Items (56 total)

43 - Coca-cola.jpg
Photograph of the Cambridge Coca-Cola company baseball team

44 - Phillips Delicious.jpg
Photograph from the Cambridge Daily Banner of Major League stars who played for the Phillips Delicious company baseball team

45 - 1946 Dodgers Park.jpg
Photograph of an aerial view of Dodger Park baseball field in Cambridge, Maryland

46 - Stan-Musial-Branch-Rickey-hunting.jpg
Photograph of Branch Rickey and Stan Musial after a hunt

47 - Home Run Baker.jpg
Photograph of Frank “Home Run” Baker

48 - Foxx Jimmie.jpg
Photograph of Jimmie Foxx

49 - Pittsburgh_Crawfords.jpg
Photograph of the Pittsburgh Crawfords baseball team featuring Judy Johnson (far right)

50 - Harold BainesLS.jpg
Photograph of Harold Baines

51 - 1987 Perdue Team.jpg
Photograph of the Perdue company baseball team

52 - Throwing Ball at 1st game.jpg
Photograph of Frank Perdue throwing the opening day pitch at Perdue Stadium
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