Browse Items (56 total)

45 - 1946 Dodgers Park.jpg
Photograph of an aerial view of Dodger Park baseball field in Cambridge, Maryland

46 - Stan-Musial-Branch-Rickey-hunting.jpg
Photograph of Branch Rickey and Stan Musial after a hunt

47 - Home Run Baker.jpg
Photograph of Frank “Home Run” Baker

48 - Foxx Jimmie.jpg
Photograph of Jimmie Foxx

49 - Pittsburgh_Crawfords.jpg
Photograph of the Pittsburgh Crawfords baseball team featuring Judy Johnson (far right)

50 - Harold BainesLS.jpg
Photograph of Harold Baines

51 - 1987 Perdue Team.jpg
Photograph of the Perdue company baseball team

52 - Throwing Ball at 1st game.jpg
Photograph of Frank Perdue throwing the opening day pitch at Perdue Stadium

Judy Johnson Induction.jpg
Photograph of Judy Johnson being inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, 1975, Courtesy of the
Eastern Shore Baseball Hall of Fame Museum

Landis White Clouds.jpg
Photograph of Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis meeting with former Salisbury White Clouds players
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