Browse Items (34 total)

Anatomy Photo.JPG
Anatomy graphic 18, Back Case, Death.jpeg
Nabb Research Center Death and Mouring Display. 2, Bazooka, War.jpeg
A bazooka rocket shell manufactured at the Carvel Hall factory in
Crisfield, Maryland. 4, Bloodletting, Medicine.jpeg
An ivory handled lancet, metal fleam, and scarificator.

Bodily Function Display.jpeg
Chamber pot, child toilet training chair, flushing toilet 25, Burial Vault, Funeral.jpeg
Metal Clark vault burial salesman sample.

Hoop Skirt.jpg
Cage crinoline with eight metal hoops and cloth straps 24, Casket with Curtains, Funeral.jpeg
A wicker casket in front of drapery and metal framework, used behind a casket during a funeral. 7, Chamber Pot, Bathroom.jpeg
Ceramic chamber pot.

Combination Undergarment.jpg
A lace and cotton undergarment
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