Browse Items (34 total) 21, Accessories, Mourning Attire (a).jpeg
Brooch and earrings made of hair and wire, a brooch containing hair and a black bonnet. 22, Baby Box, Infant Death.jpeg
A black metal container with a crocheted blanket and cloth liner. 23, Baby Photo, Infant Death.jpeg
A photograph of a dead infant with painted eyes and cheeks. 24, Casket with Curtains, Funeral.jpeg
A wicker casket in front of drapery and metal framework, used behind a casket during a funeral. 25, Burial Vault, Funeral.jpeg
Metal Clark vault burial salesman sample. 26, Embalming Display, Preparation .jpeg
A collection of items used for embalming and preparation of a body after death.

National Garments Style Book 1928_ Unmentionable_Page_01.jpg
1928 burial garment catalog.

Anatomy Photo.JPG
Anatomy graphic

Mourning Ad.jpg
Mourning attire advertisement

War Case.jpeg
War Section of Unmentionable Exhibit
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