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Two 1970s-era children's era propaganda books from China

Engraving of the headquarters of the Propaganda fide in Rome, (Palace of the Propagation of the Faith)


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The “Tokio Kid” campaign consisted of a series of posters featuring a caricature of a Japanese man with highly exaggerated features such as pointed ears and fangs

Image of a young boy saluting

These miniature books were given as a token to those who donated to the annual Winterhilfswerk (German Winter Relief). Children were extremely active in collecting for the charity and these books were often given to those whose work, monies, or both…

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Postcard portraying Axis leaders – Hitler, Hirohito, and Mussolini – as monkeys in a zoo.

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World War II anti-communist French leaflet that translates to “French it is with your own blood we will redden your flag.”
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