Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

Record Detail

Record #64 from Somerset County Bond Book EB28, 1805-1815

County Somerset
Date 11 Aug 1814
Text John Jones of Benja and George D. Walter reappraised the negroes of Matthew Travis, deceased and made the division as follows: the widow's part: Martha age 39, Unice age 4, Charlotte 8 mos; the children's part: Rheubin age 16, Pompe aged 14, Terrise aged 9, Sarah aged 7.

If you are citing this record, please use the following format:

[Author (if known)], Somerset County Bond Book EB28, 1805-1815, [Date (if known)], Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva’s Black History, Nabb Research Center, Salisbury University.

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