Message Body
I drop you these few lines to inform you that I have seen Messrs Johnson & Clark's bill which I enclose and send to you The amount as per bill is $258,,28
and also the other material required is also sent the amount is [[underlined]] 156.50 [[/underlined]]
This last estimate was made $414,,78
out by a gentleman named John Miller who furnishes these material he made out this last bill and will fill it up at these figures I would not let them put in no nails, hair, lime, locks, hinges, and c. And the trustees say they will have the House put up forthwith if you will give the additional order of $156,,50 worth of material. If this meets the Genl's favour please write to J.W. McGrath Princess Anne to go on with the building and he will push things foward. And when pay time comes send a check in favour of Johnson & Clark for $258,,28 And one in favour John Miller but send it to J.W. McGrath Miller holds him responcible for the amount of his bill or you can send it in favour of JW McGrath who will pay off these bills he is a responcible man and will do what is right They are hawling the material on the ground and will wait your desition please let them know at your earliest convenience and also favour me with the same notice and direct to me at Saulsburry as I am going to Tipkin, Nanticoke, Schildes, Quantico Forktown and other places. Please say who the people must expect a teacher from you or the Balt association I shall continue to say from you untill otherwise ordered.
[Enclosed bill:]
8 12 Light 10 x 15 $3.75 with Painting Bench | $30.00
2 feet Side Door
[[fraimes?]] 3 feet by 7 @ 3.75 | 7.50
2 Out Side Doors 3 f by 7 |14.00
[[subtotal]] | $51.50
10000 Shingles | $100.00
400 Bricks | 5.00
[[total]] | $156.50
To Johnson & Clark [[?]]
To Lumber for Freedmans Schoolhouse
3 Sills 40 ft. long 6x6 | 360 ft @ 2.50 | 9 00
2 Do. [[Do. for Sills]] 30 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 6x6 | 180 " " " [[dittos for ft @ 2.50]] | 4 50
3 Plates 40 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 4x6 | 240 " " [[dittos for ft @]] 1.80 4 32
2 " [[ditto for Plates]] 30 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 4x6 | 120 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 2 16
6 Posts 12 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 4x6 | 144 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 4 59
46 Joists 16 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 3x8 | 1472 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 26 49
30 " [[ditto for Joists]] 16 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 3x5 | 600 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 10 80
70 Pcs Studding 12 ft. 3x4 | 840 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 15 12
8 " [[ditto for Pcs]] (for Braces) 12 " [[ditto for ft.]] 4x4 | 128 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 2 30
32 Rafters 20 ft. long 3x5 | 800 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 14 40
1300 ft. Flooring | @ 3.00]] 39 00
1600 " [[ditto for ft.]] Sheathing 4/4 | " [[ditto for @]] 1.60 | 25 60
300 " [[ditto for ft.]] Flooring for wainscotting | " [[ditto for @]] 3.00 | 9 00
5500 Plastering Lath | " [[ditto for @]] 3.00 | 16 50
2200 ft Siding 5/8 | 22. @ 1.80 | 39 00
[[subtotal]] | $220.78
1500 ft. dressed 4/4 boards | @ 2.50 | 37 50
[[total]] | 258.28