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Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870

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All Records in Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870

Record #1

Date 17 Oct 1868
State Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient Rev. John Kimball, Superintendant of Edu.
Message Abstract Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 16th inst. Encloses a list of the schools under the auspic…

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Roll Number 5
Date 17 Oct 1868
State Delaware
County Sussex
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient Rev. John Kimball, Superintendant of Edu.
Other Names Mentioned O.O. Howard
Message Abstract Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 16th inst. Encloses a list of the schools under the auspices of the Delaware Association. Requests to have sent him 125 blanks for teachers.
States that he intends to visit the remote parts of Sussex County & that the colored people are very poor in that section. Requests the Supt. of Education to visit Wilmington on the 5th of Nov. when Maj Genl. Howard will address a meeting
Message Body It gave me pleasure that thee paid a visit to Wilmington but my regret was great that I was not at home when thee was here
Thy note of 16th came direct. I have not seen Wm Howard Day for some months but am told his home is Wm Simpson's, French St between 8th & 9th in this City
The Normal school has claimed my attention for the last four months I have consulted with the former Teacher and the present one also and decided to take from the lesser schools the best scholars as soon as the discipline is improved to allow the Teacher to give more time to Teach I expect to visit the remote parts of Sussex Co this week The condition of the Colored people there claim the most of my sympathy as they are very poor in the midst of poor White people many of whom are nearly as ignorant as the Colored and all void of good domestic training I think our labors may be rendered more effective if thyself or one of the Bureau officers had opportunity to interchange [[strikethrough]] our [[strikethrough]] sentiments with me & will be glad to have your Company here on the 5th of next month at which time Gen O.O. Howard expects to be here & we have secured the largest & best public Hall in the City to hold the meeting in
Enclosed find statement of Schools as far as they are opened
We are expecting to open some new schools at points that where they [[strikethrough]] are more [[/strikethrough]] have not been
Pages 110-13
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Record #2

Date 31 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors H.T. Aborn
Recipient Rev. John Kimball, Superintendant of Edu.
Message Abstract States that he has opened school at this place: that the colored people built the house at their…

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Roll Number 5
Date 31 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Worcester
City/Town/Neighborhood Snow Hill
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors H.T. Aborn
Recipient Rev. John Kimball, Superintendant of Edu.
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that he has opened school at this place: that the colored people built the house at their own expense: that they request him to apply for them to the Bureau for desks.
Message Body I have within a few weeks organized a school in this town.
A colored man, by name of Baker, styling himself agent of bureau was here about 10 days ago, & addressed the people on subject of Education.
They have a school house about 18 feet sq. too small for the place. Lumber would be solicited for enlargement, or for add benches or desks, of which they are deficient. The colored citizens built the house at an expense of 300 or 400 dollars
Possibly you may visit this section, if so, would be happy to see you
Pages 146-47
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Record #3

Date 2 Nov 1868
State Maryland
Authors Macon B. Allen jr.
Recipient John Kimball, Esq.
Message Abstract States that he had no difficulty with his transportation papers, and arrived on the 24th ult.: t…

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Roll Number 5
Date 2 Nov 1868
State Maryland
County Queen Anne
City/Town/Neighborhood Deep Landing
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Macon B. Allen jr.
Position teacher
Recipient John Kimball, Esq.
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that he had no difficulty with his transportation papers, and arrived on the 24th ult.: that the children are supplied with books.
Message Body I beg leave to inform you, in accordance with your directions, that I arrived here the 24 of Oct. I had no difficulty about my transportation under the orders you sent me. As to the books, the children are supplied with them for the present.
Pages 163-164
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Record #4

Date 11 Nov 1868
State Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient J. Kimball
Message Abstract States that [[underlined]] Harrington [[/underlined]] has approved the deeds for Newport in New C…

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Roll Number 5
Date 11 Nov 1868
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Newport; Slaughter Neck; Summit Bridge
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient J. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that [[underlined]] Harrington [[/underlined]] has approved the deeds for Newport in New Castle Co. and Slaughter Neck in Sussex County: that he has no written authority to buy material for either place: that he has authority to buy for Summit Bridge but they have not got the title right yet.
Message Body P. M. Harrington has approved the Deeds for New Port in New Castle Co and Slaughter Neck in Sussex County. I have no written authority to buy materials for these points
I have authority to buy for Summit Bridge but we have not got title right yet - so I decline
Shall I hear soon
Pages 183-84
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Record #5

Date 28 Nov 1868
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract Encloses letter from Rev. Mr. [[underlined]] McCarter [[/underlined]] in relation to proposed sch…

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Roll Number 5
Date 28 Nov 1868
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Princess Ann, Somerset Co.; Furnace Branch; Federalsburg
Authors John Core
Position Actuary for the Baltimore Association
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Miss Oldham; Mr. Davis; Mr. Janney; Mr. McCarter
Message Abstract Encloses letter from Rev. Mr. [[underlined]] McCarter [[/underlined]] in relation to proposed school-house near Preston.
States that they want all the female colored teachers they can get on the terms proposed for the Rhode Island lady: that he will send her to Princess Ann, Somerset Co. Inquires for Miss [[underlined]] Oldham's [[/underlined]] address.
Encloses deed for school lot at Federalsburg. States that Mr. [[underlined]] Davis [[/underlined]] wants to get the lumber and put the house up at once.
Message Body I want as many ladies of color as you can send me on the terms proposed with the Rhode Island lady, or even worse terms. I will thankfully receive her and send her to Princess Anne, Somerset Co. I can get along with six or eight more ladies if you can furnish them. Miss Oldham called but once at my office and I was then out. If I knew her whereabouts I would take her out to Furnace Branch and try to have her fixed in a boarding place. Have you her address? If you have write her to call on me any day before noon and I will take her to F.B. in the carriage of the Bureau, and see what arrangement can be made.
The accompanying deed is forwarded to you to show that the people of Federalsburg mean work. Mr Davis is anxious to get the lumber so as to get the house up at once. I will get the directions sometime today showing how to forward the materials. Mr D. asks that you will be kind enough to pay freight as the colored people are so poor. Whatever you can do in this respect will be conferring a favor not only on the colored people but the white Union men of the neighborhood. Mr Janney will probably be in Annapolis with you on Thursday next.
Yours truly,
[[signature]] Jno. Core [[/signature]]
A. A.
The accompanying letter explains itself — please give it your thoughtful attention, and write Mr McCarter, what you can do. Mr McCarter is the Methodist Minister of the station.
Pages 208-209
Transcribers Notes Core includes a letter from J.M. McCarter, which is documented here as a separate record
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Record #6

Date 25 Nov 1868
State Maryland
Authors J.M. McCarter
Recipient Hon. C. Davis
Message Abstract

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Roll Number 5
Date 25 Nov 1868
State Maryland
County Caroline Co.
City/Town/Neighborhood Federalsburg
Other Locations Mentioned Preston, Caroline Co.; Bethlehem, Caroline Co.
Authors J.M. McCarter
Position Pastor
Recipient Hon. C. Davis
Other Names Mentioned Mr. Webb
Message Abstract
Message Body I call the attention of the Bureau officers to the following statement respecting the colored school at Preston, Carolina Co. Md. I learn that a colored man named Webb has secured a site for a school house and expects through the Association and Bureau to get up a school between Preston & Bethlehem.
The colored people are [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] greatly divided respecting the new project because of the proposed site, and the party being the agent said (said Webb) that if built it will break up the relations of harmony heretofore subsisting. It is thought that the school house is to be used to set up an organization known as the "Bethel" in rivalry to the M.E. Ch. to which all now belong who are christians among the peoples of color in that neighborhood.
If however the building could be properly located and put into hands of white men as to management, all differences now existing might be adjusted.
If not the new project will be of service only to a party. I wish the attention of the officers directed to this fact and offer my services (as from residence there, I am acquainted with the neighborhood) and those of A.C. Patchett and Wesley Bradley & [[?Iain]] B. Fletcher to see after its proper location & the adjustment of present difficulties.
Pages 210
Transcribers Notes This letter was included in a larger message from John Core to the Superintendant of Education, which is listered here as a separate record
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Record #7

Date 30 Nov 1868
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract States that all the places mentioned in letter of 28th inst. are owned by boards of trustees of c…

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Roll Number 5
Date 30 Nov 1868
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors John Core
Position Actuary for the Baltimore Association
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Gen'l Howard
Message Abstract States that all the places mentioned in letter of 28th inst. are owned by boards of trustees of col'd men: that their association has 45 teachers which will cost the Bureau $450 for the month of Nov.: Societies $600.: Freedmen $1125.: total $2175.: that the amount credited to freedmen includes $10 tax, board &c. under estimated at $25. per month for each teacher: that some reports have been sent by mistake of schools that opened in Nov. and the No. should be 31 instead of 38.
Message Body All the places mentioned in yours of the 28th inst are owned by Boards of Trustees of Col'd men. Most of them are churches. You are likely to find on your books a charge against Royal Oak as the Government supplied part of the lumber and all of the desks for that place.
The postoffice address of our teachers is the same as the names of the schools except, Millersville, the postoffice for which is Waterbury, A.A. Co.; Skull Town, which is Carrollton, Balt'o Co. and Fountain Church, which is Chestertown, Kent Co. care Wm. Perkins
The schools under our Association for Nov'r., will cost the Bureau, - there being 45 teachers - $450. & Nor. Sch'l, I dont know how much, that will be settled today by our Com. appointed to wait on Gen'l. Howard. Contributing Societies $600. Freedmen $1125.00. Total $2175.00 exclusive of Nor. Sch'l. The county school boards do not give anything worth counting. If the total amount paid by them were distributed equally to all the schools in the State it would not reach more than $1.00 per mo. for the school year. The amount credited the Freedmen includes the $10. tax, board of teacher, washing, lights & fuel, and is taken at $25. for each teacher. This you can take as the amount for each month according to number of teachers so far as the freedmen are concerned.
I was quite surprised this morning when making a list of all our teachers for October, - as a memo. for our Com. appointed to visit Washington, to find that the clerk I had employed to assist me - being myself greatly hurried - had made such a mistake as to include some of the teachers who only commenced in Nov. The correct no. I find is 31, and not 38 as he made it to appear. The list you can get from the Com. I presume you have reports for that number.
Pages 212-214
Transcribers Notes This letter is related to one sent by Core two days before, which is documented here as a separate record.
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Record #8

Date 1 Dec 1868
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract States that he has been applied to by [[underlined]] James Clash, [[/underlined]] of Blackwater, …

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Roll Number 5
Date 1 Dec 1868
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Blackwater, Dorchester Co.
Authors John Core
Position Actuary for the Baltimore Association
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Mr. James Clash
Message Abstract States that he has been applied to by [[underlined]] James Clash, [[/underlined]] of Blackwater, Doncaster [Dorchester] co. Md. to request that the Bureau furnish their school-building with desks and seats, as they were not aided in building. The desks should be addressed to [[underlined]] Clash. [[/underlined]]
Message Body I have a request from Mr James Clash, at Blackwater, Dorchester Co. to try and get for their school some desks and seats. I promised to make the request known to you and urge their claim for assistance on the ground that you had not done anything for them in the way of a school building. If you will furnish desks &c. please forward them at once, directed to Mr James Clash, Blackwater. If you cannot furnish them, please advise him to that effect.
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Record #9

Date 11 Dec 1868
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract Encloses letter from [[underlined]] James Clash [[/underlined]] of Blackwater, stating that they …

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Roll Number 5
Date 11 Dec 1868
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Blackwater, Dorchester Co.
Authors John Core
Position Actuary for the Baltimore Association
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned James Clash
Message Abstract Encloses letter from [[underlined]] James Clash [[/underlined]] of Blackwater, stating that they have a teacher: that their school-room is 16 x 18 ft. and requesting the use of the school furniture in the church.
Mr. Core suggests that if the Bureau were to furnish this school with desks they might be made over to the trustees.
States that they are in want of more teachers.
Message Body I rec'd the enclosed letter from Jas. Clash, and forward it to you as being the answer to your letter of queries, dated Dec. 4. I believe the school room is either a house or in a house belonging to Jas Clash. If you were to furnish the desks you might arrange matters in such way as to have them transferred to any Board of School Trustees that might be elected by the people to take charge of the school, or when a school house would be built, to be so transf'd.
How about teachers. I am anxiously waiting to hear from you of more. I would pay all the salary if necessary.
Pages 231-232
Transcribers Notes Core includes a letter from James Clash, which is documented here as a separate record
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Record #10

Date 8 Dec 1868
State Maryland
Authors James Clash
Recipient John Core
Message Abstract

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Roll Number 5
Date 8 Dec 1868
State Maryland
County Dorchester
City/Town/Neighborhood Blackwater
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors James Clash
Recipient John Core
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract
Message Body I received your letter in due season and it gave me great pleasure in ^[[insert]] your [[/insert]] answering my request by giving me a teacher. She is hear now ready to commence her school.
I would like the use of the school furniture that is in the church if you will give me permisstion. I have received a letter from Washington and they wish to know the size of our school room the room is 16 ft by 18. I leave you to answer the letter as you think best
I now will bring this letter to a close by biding you good by
Transcribers Notes This letter is related to one sent by Core some days before, which is documented here as a separate record.
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Record #11

Date 18 Dec 1868
State Maryland
Authors G.E. Adams
Recipient Rev John Cimbill
Message Abstract States that he delivered the deeds he brought from Centreville to Mr. [[underlined]] J. M. Cushin…

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Roll Number 5
Date 18 Dec 1868
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville
Authors G.E. Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Rev John Cimbill
Other Names Mentioned Mr. John Core, Esq
Message Abstract States that he delivered the deeds he brought from Centreville to Mr. [[underlined]] J. M. Cushing [[/underlined]] of the Baltimore Asso., - that there is no colored school as yet at Centreville &c. &c.
Message Body Sir in the case of thos deeds that I Bought From Centeville & [[?Lamure]] For Mr. John Core Esq. to send throu to you and when I Came to his office he was Gown to Sents Marys County, and I was directed to carry them to Mr Jos M. Cushing No 262 W. Baltimore Md. I did as I was directed to do. Mr. Kimbill I am Anchus to heare from them I should have Brought them to Washington my self ef I had of [[insert]] had [[/insert]] money A nouth. I am so Bad oft that I had to take All the money that I had to pay my Boad so that I could Go to school in the year of 1869 in the City of Baltimore We have not got Any school in Centreville for Colored peaple.
Mr. Kimble if you would Be So Kind as to Loand me money A. nouthe to pay my way to Washington ex it is nesasy [[?]] for me to Come I will try to pay you Back when I do Go to Centreville.
Pages 238-39
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Record #12

Date 22 December 1868
State Maryland
Authors George Adams
Recipient Rev John Kimball
Message Abstract Received letter of 21st inst. Inquires when lumber will be furnished for school house at Centrevi…

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Roll Number 5
Date 22 December 1868
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville
Authors George Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Rev John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Received letter of 21st inst.
Inquires when lumber will be furnished for school house at Centreville and when the deeds will be returned &c &c.
Message Body I am compel to acknowledge the recpts of your letter dated the 21 inst. Sir you will oblidge me vary much if you rite me a letter stateing when you can the lumber please rite me a letter so that I can read it To the Cold people at Centreville thay are vary anchus to heare a letter read from you hand riting. Please rite word when you are going to send the deeds back to them. Please rite a satisfactionsaly letter so that I can give them full stifactions about the House thay are vary doubtfull about Geting a House for school I had A hard time to get them to by the land [[strikethrough]] bef [[/strikethrough]] after a longe struggle I got them to by the land promising them that I would bringe the deeds myself and see that they got the lumber for to bild the school house. So you will ablodge me of you will rite a letter so that I can read it to them when I return home to Centreville
Pages 247-49
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Record #13

Date 28 Dec 1868
State Maryland
Authors G.E. Adams
Recipient Mr John Kimball, Esq
Message Abstract Acknowledges receipt of letter, deeds &c.

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Roll Number 5
Date 28 Dec 1868
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville, Queen Anne's Co.
Authors G.E. Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Mr John Kimball, Esq
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Acknowledges receipt of letter, deeds &c.
Message Body I received thos deeds, and I was happy to read you kind letter, and I started to go to Centreville on the 25 day of Dec. But if the Potapsco River was frows so hard that the Steamer Chester was unable to brake the ice. I do not know when I will be able to get to Centreville Md. I inten to make another start on Wesday Dec. [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] 30. Mr. Kimball you stated in you letter that you would try and get to Centreville next Spring. Dear Sir I was happy to read that and I am shure that cold people in Queen anns Co will be pleas to see you theare. Dear Sir I am going to stay in the City of Balto this winter so that I can have the privage of going to school this winter. I hope that I can make it posable so that I can com to see you some time before you goes to [[strikethrough]] Washington [[/strikethrough]] Centreville Dec 28/68
Pages 254-55
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Record #14

Date 27 Dec 1868
State Pennsylvania
Authors Pauline Allen
Recipient Major General O. O. Howard
Message Abstract Furnishes facts in relation to her school at
Lewes, Sussex Co, Del. See book on school buildings.

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Roll Number 5
Date 27 Dec 1868
State Pennsylvania
City/Town/Neighborhood Philadelphia
Other Locations Mentioned Lewes, Sussex Co., Delaware
Authors Pauline Allen
Position teacher
Recipient Major General O. O. Howard
Other Names Mentioned Zedekiah Bailey, trustee; Henry Bodney
Message Abstract Furnishes facts in relation to her school at
Lewes, Sussex Co, Del. See book on school buildings.
Message Body Sir I take pleasure in seating myself to reply to your questions, which came to hand last week just before my departure for home. In answer to your first question, I state that there is no deed, the people having neglected to attend to it. The school house was commenced on the 27th of November 1867 and is not finished yet. I have no desk, there is no benches, only a few belonging to the meeting house! I do not know the exact debt on the school, but it is near about $45.00. The amount paid by the colored people for tuition is about $15.00 per month Day and Night school included. The debt on the ground is about $100.00 or perhaps over that. And I must here state that I think our school is in a very critical condition on that account. The owner of the ground is the preacher, yet I think from all accounts not a very safe person to have such a matter as that in hand, for he has threatened to [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] sell the school house to get his money, still pretends to be interested in his race, but I think no farther than self interest is concerned. The children bring 10 cents per seek for my board and what their money fails to do towards it, the trustees raise by means of festivals &c. Zedekiah Bailey is one of the principal colored, trustees, Henry Bodney is considered the most friendly white man. Hoping that I have given satisfactory information
Pages 263-67
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Record #15

Date 6 Jan 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core. A. Acty.
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract States that Miss [[underlined]] Lyons [[/underlined]] was dissatisfied at Princess Ann, and he ha…

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Roll Number 5
Date 6 Jan 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Princess Ann; Clayton; Elkton; Still Pond Neck; Quaker Neck; Morgan Creek Neck & Galena, Kent Co.; Trappe Ferry Neck & Bayside, Talbot Co.; Salisbury, Wicomico Co.; Forest Hill, Harford Co.; Salem, Dorchester Co.; Green Hill, Somerset; Union School house, Queen Anne's County
Authors John Core. A. Acty.
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Miss Haskell; Miss Jenness
Message Abstract States that Miss [[underlined]] Lyons [[/underlined]] was dissatisfied at Princess Ann, and he has sent her to Clayton (Melomas Institute: that he understood the school at Elkton was supported entirely by the people, but they now ask for aid and it is an important place &c.
that he has places for all teachers that can be sent him, and mentions twelve places where they are needed.
Encloses account for December. for payment.
Message Body Miss Lyons went to Princess Anne but was dissatisfied with the place and people. She reported at this office and I have sent her to Clayton, (McComas Institute.)
Elkton, I was informed, had a teacher who was entirely supported by the people. I had a letter from there to that effect. They may have failed to raise the requisite amount, and now ask for aid. 'Tis an important place.
I have places for all the teachers you can send me. I name Still Pond Neck, Quaker Neck, Morgan Creek Neck & Galena in Kent Co., Trappe Ferry Neck & Bayside in Talbot, Salisbury in Wicomico Co., Forest Hill in Harford Co., Salem in Dorchester, Green Hill in Somerset & Union School House in Queen Anne's.
I telegraphed to you today for Miss Haskell's transp'n. Miss Jenness has opened night school and is anxious to get her (Miss H.) assistance. She opened with 34 scholars. Enclosed I forward our A/c for Dec'r. and hope you will put it in the proper channel for payment as well as the a/c already rendered. Your kind attention would much oblige.
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Record #16

Date 9 Jan 1869
State Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient John Kimball
Message Abstract Acknowledges receipt of Check for $720, for rent of school houses. Also paper relating to school…

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Roll Number 5
Date 9 Jan 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Newport; Slaughter Neck; Summit Bridge; Union Church of New Castle Co.; Red Lion Hundred; Christiana Hundred; Milford; Cape Henlopen
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Acknowledges receipt of Check for $720, for rent of school houses. Also paper relating to school houses at Newport and Slaughter Neck asking explanation as to the price of shingles. States that shingles vary in size, and range in price from $10. to $65. per thousand
States that he has received a letter from Milford informing him that the new school-house was burned on the 6th inst. and is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.
[ADDITIONAL NOTE:] Respectfully forwarded. The building burned, will have cost the Bureau $305.45, when the bill already presented is paid. I recommend that the matter be immediately investigated.
Message Body The check for $720 for Rent of school house came also sumary papers relating to House at New Port & Slaughter Neck asking explanation for price of 2300 Shingles at 27 pr thousand Shingles vary in size from covering 15 square inches to 63 square inches and in price from $10 per thousand to 65 per thousand I advised paying the latter price for some to recover Friends Meeting house in this town and I think it economy to buy large sized when time & durability are considered Those used were good cypress covering say 54 inches each = The Deed for Summit Bridge is Backed Trustees of Union Church of N Castle County To [[strikethrough]] Jese B [[/strikethrough]] Jesse Porter Stephen Wiley & Locates the lot in Red Lion Hundred That for Newport (H Tihlman To J Turner & others) Locates the land in Christians Hundred the last I have not seen being sent [[direct?]] for the colored people inside With deep regret I state that I received a letter from Milford stating that the new school house was burned to the ground at midnight of the 6th inst. Circumstances point that it was the work of an incendiary and the reliable white men are very anxious that the case shall be investigated by the Bureau or Committee of Congress.
The location is on the road leading from Milford to Cape Henlopen say six or seven miles from the [[strikethrough]] lake [[/strikethrough]] former place.
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Record #17

Date 11 Jan 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev Jno Kimball
Message Abstract Requests to have transportation forwarded to [[underlined]] Susan Morris, [[/underlined]] No. 9. …

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Roll Number 5
Date 11 Jan 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Providence, RI; Still Pond Neck, Kent Co., Maryland
Authors John Core
Position A. Acty.
Recipient Rev Jno Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Susan Morris
Message Abstract Requests to have transportation forwarded to [[underlined]] Susan Morris, [[/underlined]] No. 9. Angle St. Providence R. I., from that place to Still Pond Neck, Kent Co., Md., where she is to teach.
Requests to be furnished with techer's blanks.
Message Body Please forward to Susan Morris No. 9 Angle Street, Providence, R. I., orders for transfer to school at Still Pond Neck, Kent Co., to take charge of same.
I am entirely our of Monthly Reports for scholars - Please forward me some. I hope the bill for Dec was rec'd & found correct.
Pages 286-87
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Record #18

Date 9 Jan 1869
State Maryland
Authors Mary J.C. Anderson
Recipient Rev John Kimball
Message Abstract States that her reports have been mailed promptly but she regrets to learn they have ^[[not]] bee…

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Roll Number 5
Date 9 Jan 1869
State Maryland
County Cecil Co.
City/Town/Neighborhood Port Deposit
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Mary J.C. Anderson
Position teacher
Recipient Rev John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Col R.R. Corson
Message Abstract States that her reports have been mailed promptly but she regrets to learn they have ^[[not]] been received: that she will send duplicates &c.
Message Body I have heard that my reports have none of them reached you. I regret this very much for I have made them out and sent them promptly. I would not neglect so important a matter, I have therefore made them out again from duplicates in my possession, and will have them registered to insure against accident.
Col R. R. Corson told me I had better write to you, he also promised to send me my salary in advance. My School is doing well now and a bright prospect of doing better this month, I need books and many things that is almost indispensable, I hope to see you soon for I need your advice. I am hopeful for the future.
Pages 290-92
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Record #19

Date 14 Jan 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract States that he would like to have two teachers sent him, one for Trappe, Talbot Co., the other fo…

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Roll Number 5
Date 14 Jan 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Trappe, Talbot Co.; Quaker Neck, Kent Co.
Authors John Core
Position Act. Acty.
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that he would like to have two teachers sent him, one for Trappe, Talbot Co., the other for Quaker Neck Kent Co.
Received money for rent of County Schools.
Message Body Dear Sir:
You might send the two teachers, one to Trappe, Talbot Co. and the other to Quaker Neck, Kent Co.
Resp'y Yours
[[signature]] Jno Core [[/signature]]
A. A.
P.S. I rec'd the money for rents of County schools. Did you examine Dalton's Physiology, and can't you have it and Hooker's Child's Book of Nature put into the University.
Pages 292-93
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Record #20

Date 12 Jan 1869
State Maryland
Authors G.E. Adams
Recipient Mr. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that the school trustees at Centreville desire to know when they are to have lumber for sc…

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Roll Number 5
Date 12 Jan 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville
Authors G.E. Adams
Recipient Mr. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that the school trustees at Centreville desire to know when they are to have lumber for school-house &c &c.
Message Body I take this opertunity of Riting your A. Few Lines hoping that your will So. Kind as To. Grant our Request Dear Sir the Trustees Have Been working with the Great es of peasengs for the Lumber To Bild thay School house withe, and as I have Advise them To By the Ground and Get the Deed for it thay thinks that it is my duty To Rite to you and See when you can Send them the Lumber an you will please Rite theam word when you are coming to Centreville So, that thay will Be Ready To See you. Address No. 56 Sarah ann. St Baltimore
Pages 294-95
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Record #21

Date 16 Jan 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Message Abstract States that if Miss [[underlined]] Hewett [[/underlined]] taught in Caroline Co. or any other Cou…

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Roll Number 5
Date 16 Jan 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Caroline Co.
Authors John Core
Position Act. Acty.
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Miss Hewett
Message Abstract States that if Miss [[underlined]] Hewett [[/underlined]] taught in Caroline Co. or any other County their association had nothing to do with her.
Message Body If Miss Hewett taught in Caroline or any other Co. it must have been a private school or for some independent Society. Our Assoc'n. hadn't anything to do with her. I don't know her.
Pages 299-300
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Record #22

Date 18 Jan 1869
State Maryland
Authors G.E. Adams
Recipient Mr. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that the people of Centreville are ready for the lumber for school-house: that they wish t…

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Roll Number 5
Date 18 Jan 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville; Salem
Authors G.E. Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Mr. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that the people of Centreville are ready for the lumber for school-house: that they wish to have house completed next May: that they have sixty or seventy children who will attend school &c.
Message Body Sir this is the 2d time that I have rote to you. Dear Sir the people at Centreville and Salem are reddy for the lumber that you are Going to send them for to Bild thear Houses. Dear Sir you will do a kind act for our if you will be so kind as to send it to ous sa that we can have our houses op so that we can make some arrangement for To have School Re next May, 69 thay are A Boat 60, or 70, schoolers in Centreville Md To Go To School.
Pages 301-302
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Record #23

Date 1 Feb 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Message Abstract States that he will give Miss [[underlined]] Susan Thomas [[/underlined]] of New Bedford, Mass th…

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Roll Number 5
Date 1 Feb 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Salisbury, Wicomico Co.; Forest Hill, Harford Co.
Authors John Core
Position A. Atty.
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Miss Susan Thomas; Miss M.E. Pauline Lyons
Message Abstract States that he will give Miss [[underlined]] Susan Thomas [[/underlined]] of New Bedford, Mass the school at Salisbury, Wicomico Co. and Miss M. [[underlined]] E. P. Lyons [[/underlined]] of Providence R.I. the school at Forest Hill, Harford, Co.
Requests that in sending orders they may be notified to call at his office for instructions.
Message Body I will give Miss Susan Thomas, No. 8 Cedar Street New Bedford the school at Salisbury, Wicomico Co. and Miss M.E. Pauline Lyons, 16 B Street, Providence, R.I. the school at Forest Hill, Harford Co. In transmitting the orders for transp'n please request each to call at my office for instructions &c
Pages 315-16
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Record #24

Date 10 Feb 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Message Abstract States that he will give Mrs. [[underlined]] Clady [[/underlined]] the school at Salem, Dorcheste…

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Roll Number 5
Date 10 Feb 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Salem, Dorchester Co.; Galena, Kent Co.
Authors John Core
Position A. Acty.
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Mrs. Clady; W.D. Johnson; Miss M.J. Currey
Message Abstract States that he will give Mrs. [[underlined]] Clady [[/underlined]] the school at Salem, Dorchester Co., lately taught by [[underlined]] W. D. Johnson [[/underlined]] who is a worthless fellow, &c.
Requests that transportation may be sent to Miss [[underlined]] M. J. Currey, [[/underlined]] to Galena, Kent Co., provided she is a good teacher.
Inquires if the "Physiology, and Child's Book of Nature" can be used.
Message Body I will give Mrs. Clady the school at Salem, Dorchester Co. the teacher who taught there the past month having left. His name is W. D. Johnson, & styles himself a Methodist Preacher. If he applies to you for a position, you, in giving him one, must be particular to get him a nice residence not more than 100 yds. from the school house, which, to suit his fancy, should be built of brick, and made air tight and surrounded with shade trees. Also get a chair in which he may recline while in school, the pupils attending which must so appreciate being educated as not to require any effort on his part. I might have saved all this rigmarole by telling you he is a lazy, good-for-nothing lubber. You did not give me the name of Miss M. J. Curry. If she is competent and you know her address please forw'd to her orders for transp'n to Galena, Kent Co.
How about that Physiology & Child's Book of Nature? Can you use them?
Pages 330-32
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Record #25

Date 15 Feb 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Message Abstract States that he has been requested by Mr. [[underlined]] Graham, [[/underlined]] who attends to th…

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Roll Number 5
Date 15 Feb 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Easton
Authors John Core
Position A. Acty.
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Mr. Graham; Gen'l Chas. H. Howard
Message Abstract States that he has been requested by Mr. [[underlined]] Graham, [[/underlined]] who attends to the business of the school trustees of Easton to invite Genl. [[underlined]] C. H. Howard [[/underlined]] and the Supt. of Education to address the colored people of that place sometime during Easter week
Message Body I have rec'd a letter from Mr Graham, - the gentleman who attends to all business for the trustees of the Easton School, asking me to engage you & Gen'l Chas. H. Howard to address a meeting of col'd people at Easton to be held sometime during Easter week. The are heavily in debt and think that notice of a meeting at which the Gen'l and yourself would be speakers, would draw such a concourse as would enable them on the occasion to raise the required sum. Please answer as early as possible so that notice may be given from the several pulpits & advts put in the local papers.
Pages 343-44
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Record #26

Date 18 Feb 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Message Abstract States that the Schools at Cumberland, Fallston and Oxford, closed during the month of January.

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Roll Number 5
Date 18 Feb 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Cumberland; Fallston; Oxford
Authors John Core
Position A. Acty.
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that the Schools at Cumberland, Fallston and Oxford, closed during the month of January.
Message Body Cumberland, Fallstow, & Oxford were closed during Jan'y.
Pages 347-48
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Record #27

Date 20 Feb 1869
State Maryland
Authors H.T. Aborn per Edw'd Harmon
Recipient Mr. E H Monteith
Message Abstract States that a lot (on which to erect a Freedmen's School House) has been paid for) and they expec…

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Roll Number 5
Date 20 Feb 1869
State Maryland
County Worcester
City/Town/Neighborhood Snow Hill
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors H.T. Aborn per Edw'd Harmon
Recipient Mr. E H Monteith
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that a lot (on which to erect a Freedmen's School House) has been paid for) and they expect to organize a school soon.
A suitable Deed will be obtained.
Respectfully referred to Mr. John Kimball Supt. of Education Washington D.C., with the information that lumber has been furnished for the above mentioned School House, by the Govt., but the lot had not been properly deeded and I sent them a blank form of Deed Aug. 7/68.
E. H. Montieth
Disbg. Offr.
Message Body We have our ground bought and paid for and we expect to organize a school very soon.
The trustees give their obligation to guarantee that [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a deed will be given in accordance with your instructions in your letter of Aug. 7th 1868
The reason of not writing sooner is that we have not been able to accomplish the above until the 5th of present month.
Pages 355-56
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Record #28

Date 22 Feb 1869
State Maryland
Authors Geo. E. Adams
Recipient Mr. John Kimball Esq
Message Abstract States that the colored people of Centerville desire to know when they are to receive the lumber …

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Roll Number 5
Date 22 Feb 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centerville, Queen Anne Co.
Authors Geo. E. Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Mr. John Kimball Esq
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that the colored people of Centerville desire to know when they are to receive the lumber promised them for school-house &c.
Message Body Sir the cold people at C.ville [[strikethrough]] Quyn [[/strikethrough]] Qeens anns Co. Md. Has Been weating for you Sir To make them a viset To See Some thing A Bout the arangement of Sending the Lumber for A School House, and you, Rote me word in the of Dcember that you would Lend them the Lumber for Serlem and Centreville. I Give them the Deeds and letter that you Rote me. and. I Have Been To. ever sence the 7 of Jan. 1869. and I. Rec'd 4. leters from Centreville from. the Cold Trustees Requesing me to Rite to you and Try and find out when you are going To Centreville they are inneed of the School House they Has not Had any School 18 month I have Been Going To School ever Sence the 12 of Jun/69 in the City of Baltimore to Wm. A. Willyams's School on Biddle Street No. 175...
Pages 347-48
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Record #29

Date 27 Feb 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract Requests transportation for Miss [[underlined]] Flood [[/underlined]] from New Bedford, Mass. to …

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Roll Number 5
Date 27 Feb 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Princess Ann, Somerset Co.
Authors John Core
Position A. Acty.
Recipient Rev Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Miss Flood
Message Abstract Requests transportation for Miss [[underlined]] Flood [[/underlined]] from New Bedford, Mass. to Princess Ann, Somerset Co. Md. To be forwarded to [[underlined]] Alfred Kelly: [[/underlined]] cor. Cedar & Middle Sts.
Message Body If I have not asked for transp'n for a Miss Flood to Princess Anne, Somerset Co., please to forward transp'n papers to Alfred Kelly, cor. Cedar & Middle Streets, New Bedford, Mass. to Princess Anne, Somerset Co. Md.
Pages 361-62
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Record #30

Date 1 Mar 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core on behalf of Mr. Graham
Recipient Rev Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract Inquires in behalf of Mr. [[underlined]] Graham, [[/underlined]] if Genl. [[underlined]] C. H. Ho…

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Roll Number 5
Date 1 Mar 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Easton
Authors John Core on behalf of Mr. Graham
Position Acty.
Recipient Rev Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Gen'l Howard
Message Abstract Inquires in behalf of Mr. [[underlined]] Graham, [[/underlined]] if Genl. [[underlined]] C. H. Howard [[/underlined]] and the Supt. of Education can address a meeting at Easton on Easter Monday or Tuesday.
Message Body Mr Graham asks me to enquire whether you and Gen'l. Chas. H. Howard could address a meeting at Easton on Easter Monday or Tuesday -
An early reply will much oblige
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Record #31

Date 2 Mar 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract States that he wants transportation for [[underlined]] Alfred Kelly, [[/underlined]] to Princess …

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Roll Number 5
Date 2 Mar 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Princess Ann
Authors John Core
Position A. Acty.
Recipient Rev Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Miss Flood; Alfred Kelly
Message Abstract States that he wants transportation for [[underlined]] Alfred Kelly, [[/underlined]] to Princess Ann, and not for Miss [[underlined]] Flood.: [[/underlined]] that [[underlined]] Kelly's [[/underlined]] address is Cor. Cedar & Middle Sts. New Bedford, Mass.
Returns Miss F's. papers.
Message Body I want transp'n for Alfred Kelly - not Miss Flood - to Princess Anne Somerset Co.
Please find orders for Miss Flood's transp'n ret'd.
My letter of 27th ult will give you Kelly's address which is, cor. Middle & Cedar Streets, New Bedford, Mass. Miss F. lives in New York_
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Record #32

Date Mar 1869
State Maryland
Authors Geo. E. Adams
Recipient Mr. John Kimball
Message Abstract Requests to have the lumber forwarded for school-house at Centreville, Md.

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Roll Number 5
Date Mar 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville, Maryland; Salem
Authors Geo. E. Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Mr. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Requests to have the lumber forwarded for school-house at Centreville, Md.
Message Body Sir in the case of ^[[insert]] the [[/insert]] chool houses, ^[[insert]] for [[/insert]] Qeen anns [[insert]] co [[/insert]] Md 1, for, Centreville and 1, for Saulem if you Will Be So kind as To Send the Lumber So we can have the Houses, Built So we can Have School, in the month of May, the are 1,50 Scholers, weating for, To Go, to school thay are Geting Behind time it is continually so in life, the Best laid plans, the most important affairs the fortunes of individuals, the weal of nations, honor, happines life itsef, are daily sacrificed Because somebody is "Behind-time." there are men who always fail in whatever thay undertake, Simply Because thay are "Behind time," there are others who put off reformation year, by year, till death Seizes them, and thay perish unrepentant because forever "Behind time," five minutes in a, crisis is worth years, it is But A little period, yet it has often Saved a fortune or redeemed a people, if ther is one virtue that Should Be cultivated more than another By him who would Succeed in life. it is puntuality, if ther is one error that Sould be avoied it is Being Behind time,
please ancer this letter
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Record #33

Date 1 May 1869
State Delaware
Authors Saml. Woolman
Recipient Maj Gen O. O. Howard
Message Abstract Requests aid for the colored people of Georgetown, to the amount of $350. for the purpose of buil…

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Roll Number 5
Date 1 May 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Georgetown, DE; Middletown, New Castle Co.
Authors Saml. Woolman
Position Actuary
Recipient Maj Gen O. O. Howard
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Requests aid for the colored people of Georgetown, to the amount of $350. for the purpose of building a School-house.
States that eight of their schools have closed owing to the fact that many of the children are called out to work.
Message Body There is a large number of colored people at Middletown and vicinity whose children are running at large there being no house for devotional, Temperance, or School purposes-
Middletown is in the lower part of New Castle County Agriculturally the Garden of the State; but to the eye of the humble Christian it is, low -
The Farmers have grown sick by oppression and unpaid labor of the poor Colored people -
I have worked hard to persuade some of the white folks to help the colored build a School house one man has given a lot valued at one hundred & fifty dollars and the colored people have about one hundred toward paying for the work provided they can get some assistance from the National Bureau of Education -
Will thee please grant them Three hundred & fifty dollars to pay for the Lumber Lime and Hardware that may be used in the proposed house
By so doing it will help to raise a long neglected tranch of the Human Family. [...] Thee will observe by the reports that will be sent in a few days that we have closed 8 of the 30 schools that were in operation - The caus of closing is as not a diminution of interest in the cause but the opening of the spring work reduced the number of scholars yet the parents are as anxious as ever to have them opened next year -
We have the cellar to the new school house in this City ready for the [[?Brickunlz]]-
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Record #34

Date 5 Jun 1869
State Maryland
Authors Geo. E. Adams
Recipient Major Gen O.O. Howard
Message Abstract Requests in behalf of the colored people of Centreville, lumber for building School-house

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Roll Number 5
Date 5 Jun 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville
Authors Geo. E. Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Major Gen O.O. Howard
Other Names Mentioned Major Petherbridge
Message Abstract Requests in behalf of the colored people of Centreville, lumber for building School-house
Message Body Sir in the case of the lumber which Mr Kimball was to send to Centreville MD. for the School House you will obodge me very much if you will please rite me word Something concerning it. Dear Sir I saw Major Petherbrige some time ago and he told me that I had better write to you and if any thing could be done that you would do it For the colored people. Dear sir you will please do somethings for us if you can
Pages 409-10
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Record #35

Date 14 Jun 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Message Abstract Gives the names of colored school trustees of Chesapeake City, viz. [[underlined]] David Griffin,…

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Roll Number 5
Date 14 Jun 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Chesapeake City; Elkridge Landing
Authors John Core
Position A. Acty.
Other Names Mentioned David Griffin; Joseph Resin; James Savin; and Joshua Brown
Message Abstract Gives the names of colored school trustees of Chesapeake City, viz. [[underlined]] David Griffin, Joseph Resin [[/underlined]] &c.
States that at Elkridge Landing the people would not sign the agreement to pay the $10. per month.
Message Body List of Trustees of Chespeak City - Col'd Sch'ls David Griffin Joseph Resin James Savin, and Joshua Brown.
Elkridge Landing would not sign the agreement to pay the $10.00. and dont know the name of Trustees
Pages 415-16
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Record #36

Date 19 Jun 1869
State Delaware
Authors Saml. Woolman
Recipient John Kimball
Message Abstract States that their Committee have decided to close all their schools in the State on the 24th inst…

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Roll Number 5
Date 19 Jun 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned entire state
Authors Saml. Woolman
Position Actuary.
Recipient John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Charles W Howland, treasurer
Message Abstract States that their Committee have decided to close all their schools in the State on the 24th inst.: that they are depending on their rental account from the Bureau to pay their teachers. Requests to have the amount forwarded by the 25th inst.
Message Body The executive committee decided to close all the schools in the State on the 24th inst and some who reside at a distance will want their pay on afternoon of that day to enable them reach home before the sabbath and all will want on the following day
We are depending on the amt from the Bureau to pay them
Will thee please use thy influence to have the amt forwarded us that we may use it on the 24th & 25th - By so doing thee will oblige eighteen Teachers and thy Friend
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Record #37

Date 21 Jun 1869
State Delaware
Authors Saml. Woolman
Recipient John Kimball
Message Abstract Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 18th inst. States that the report of the Camden school was…

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Roll Number 5
Date 21 Jun 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Camden School
Authors Saml. Woolman
Position A. Acty.
Recipient John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned S.H. Watsons
Message Abstract Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 18th inst. States that the report of the Camden school was forwarded on the 10 inst., but if not received, wishes to have the bill due their association made out without it and paid by the 25th inst.
Message Body Thine of the 18th just come to hand
The second report of Camden School was sent or mailed on the 10th inst. in company with S. H Watsons bill for traveling. At this late day it is impractical to get another copy from the school in time to be of any use
If thee does not see the report in thy desk I prefer thy making the amount due the Delaware Association ten dollars less to waiting for the ans later than the 25th or 24th if practical
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Record #38

Date 9 Jul 1869
State Maryland
Authors Mary J.C. Anderson
Recipient Rev. J. Kimball
Message Abstract States that she has been advised by Col. [[underlined]] Corson [[/underlined]] to write in relati…

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Roll Number 5
Date 9 Jul 1869
State Maryland
County Cecil
City/Town/Neighborhood Port Deposit
Other Locations Mentioned Philedelphia
Authors Mary J.C. Anderson
Position teacher
Recipient Rev. J. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Col. Corson
Message Abstract States that she has been advised by Col. [[underlined]] Corson [[/underlined]] to write in relation to her salary: that she has closed her school and is waiting for transportation and salary: that the trustees wish to have her return next year which she is willing to do, &c.
Message Body I was in Philla a few days ago and saw Col_ Corson he told me I had better write to you about my salary; I have closed my School._ here; and only await salary and transportation; which you will please send immediately, as I wish to leave for home:
The trustees in their general report will state what they can do next year
They wish me to return to them_ next term; you will see by reports that my School after the first two months did well, I am willing to return again if you should think best.
please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience and oblidge yrs
I mail this from Balt - but - am still awaiting your reply in Port Deposit
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Record #39

Date 16 Jul 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core per P.J. Doran
Recipient Rev. J Kimball
Message Abstract States that their Association has not decided on its course for next year, and therefore he canno…

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Roll Number 5
Date 16 Jul 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Annapolis; Snow Hill; Salisbury; Birdsville
Authors John Core per P.J. Doran
Position A. Acty.
Recipient Rev. J Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Noah Lewis
Message Abstract States that their Association has not decided on its course for next year, and therefore he cannot answer as to Annapolis: that their teacher at Snow Hill is keeping summer session: that Salisbury would be a good place to send a teacher: that they will send copies of back reports as soon as possible, &c.
Encloses letter from [[underlined]] Noah Lewis, [[/underlined]] (teacher at Birdville) requesting to be furnished with a Blackboard for his school.
Message Body Our Assoc'n has not decided on their course for next year, consequently I cannot give a positive answer as to Annapolis.
At Snow Hill our teacher is (I believe) conducting a summer session. Salisbury would be a good place to try as our teacher has left & gone home.
We will hunt up such reports as you have not rec'd copies of & send them soon as possible.
Transcribers Notes The enclosed record from Noah Lewis is not included as it does not pertain to our research's geographical region
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Record #40

Date 19 Jul 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core per Doran
Message Abstract Forwards letter from [[underlined]] Josiah Bailey [[/underlined]] of Tobacco Stick, Md. stating t…

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Roll Number 5
Date 19 Jul 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Tobacco Stick, Md. [now Madison]
Authors John Core per Doran
Position A. Acty.
Other Names Mentioned Josiah Bailey; James H. Turner
Message Abstract Forwards letter from [[underlined]] Josiah Bailey [[/underlined]] of Tobacco Stick, Md. stating that [[underlined]] James H. Turner, [[/underlined]] who was sent there to teach, did not open school, but left without seeing the trustees, and that they are in want of a teacher &c. &c.
Requests to have the amount ($30.00/100) deducted from their quarterly account.
Message Body We have just rec'd the enclosed which will explain itself. Please have the am't ($30.00) deducted from our quarterly a/c.
Mr Core will call on you on Wednesday next.
[Forwarded message:]
Tobacco Stick July the 18 1869
Dear Sir Mr James H Turner came here [[?]] an never waited to see none of the [[?]]tce of the school and went [[?]] away without seeing any of the head men in this place
So Jentlemen we no nothing of him
We are suffering for the want of a School please to excuse my hand
[[signature]] Jacob J Bailey [[/signature]] turn over
P. Master
Say that ther has been 4 Letter cam her for the same turner, and they have been Return to dead Letter office at Washington
T. M. [[?Tobacco]]
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Record #41

Date 31 Jul 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Message Abstract Forwards school reports which he was notified had not been rec'd and requests a settlement of the…

All Fields in This Record

Roll Number 5
Date 31 Jul 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Tobacco Stick [now Madison]; Middletown; Petersville; Denton; Clayton/McComas Institute; Frederick No. 2; Hickory
Authors John Core
Position A. Acty.
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Jordan at Hickory
Message Abstract Forwards school reports which he was notified had not been rec'd and requests a settlement of their rental account.
Message Body I herewith forward the reports mentioned as not having been rec'd by you and as being necessary to a settl'm't. of our "Rental a/c". The charge for Tobacco Stick please deduct as that school was not — contrary to my belief — opened.
The following schools were not open in June because of the great falling off in the attendance:
Middletown, Petersville, Denton,
Clayton or McComas Institute,
and the following in May & June
Frederick No. 2.
In the case of Jordan at Hickory the school was open only 1/3 of the month of April and as a consequence no report was made.
Hoping this will prove satisfactory and that you will be kind enough to have my a/c settled, I am Sir
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Record #42

Date 4 Aug 1869
State Maryland
Authors George E. Adams
Recipient Mr. Kimball
Message Abstract Reminds the Supt. of Education that he promised to furnish lumber for School-house at Centreville…

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Roll Number 5
Date 4 Aug 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville, Queen Anns Co.; Salem, Queen Anns Co.
Authors George E. Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Mr. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Reminds the Supt. of Education that he promised to furnish lumber for School-house at Centreville, and also at Salem. States that there is a large number of children at both places, &c. &c.
Message Body in case of those School Houses for Queen Anns Co Md, Which you promous to Give the people at Centreville & Salem, thay are weating for you to Do some Thing for them, Mr Kimball Sir they are for Children to be Egucated and thay Have No School Houses to Do it in, Sir you [[strikethrough]] r [[/strikethrough]] wrote Me word last December that you would make A viset to Centreville before you Sent the Lumber and the trustees of the school Has been looking for you thay will be Glad to —Recve you when ever you will be please to come, I have Got them to make Out A statement of what thay are Able to Give to wards the bilding of they School Houses and ef you thank it [[strikethrough]] nesary [[/strikethrough]] nescesary to do, So I, will Come To washington and bring it with me. [...] [[underlined]] please answer this letter [[/underlined]]
Pages 463
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Record #43

Date 6 Aug 1869
State Maryland
Authors George E. Adams
Recipient Mr. Kimball
Message Abstract States in reply that he will call a meeting of the colored people of Centreville on any day the S…

All Fields in This Record

Roll Number 5
Date 6 Aug 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville
Authors George E. Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Mr. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States in reply that he will call a meeting of the colored people of Centreville on any day the Supt. of Education will appoint to meet them, &c.
Message Body I Recd your kind letter of 5 inst. and give me great satisfaction to hear that you will visit Centreville soon. I am unable to say at this time when they will be a large gathering at Centreville Md but eny day that you say you will be there I will call the people to gether to meat you please point [[strikethrough]] a [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the day that you will be the so that I may let them know, please answer this letter
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Record #44

Date 21 Aug 1869
State Maryland
Authors George E. Adams
Recipient Mr. Kimball
Message Abstract States that the people of Centreville are about to hold a camp meeting and that the 26th inst. wi…

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Roll Number 5
Date 21 Aug 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Centreville
Authors George E. Adams
Position [teacher]
Recipient Mr. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that the people of Centreville are about to hold a camp meeting and that the 26th inst. will be the best time for the Supt. of Education to meet them, &c.
Message Body Sir I have seen the people at Centreville Md and said that they are going to have a camp meeting and that will be the best time for you to meet a large gethoring if it will be convient for you to come too Centreville on the 26 day of Aug it will be the best day that you can meet a large number of people, you will Oblige me very much if you will asnwer this letter and let me now [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] if you can come to Centreville on the 26th of Aug.
[[underlined]] Address your letter to George E. Adams
Centreville, Md. [[/underlined]]
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Record #45

Date 27 Jun 1869 - 17 Sep 1869
State Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman; Henry M Whittlesey, A.A.A. Genl.; John Kimball
Message Abstract

All Fields in This Record

Roll Number 5
Date 27 Jun 1869 - 17 Sep 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Middletown, Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman; Henry M Whittlesey, A.A.A. Genl.; John Kimball
Position Education Department Admin
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract
Message Body Woolman Samuel
Encloses letter of [[underlined]] J. B. [[?Fenimsger]] [[/underlined]] in behalf of the Colored people of Middletown Delaware, and recommends the appropriation of [[underlined]] $300 [[/underlined]] to aid them in building a School house.
[...June 29]
Respectfully referred to Rev. Jno. Kimball Superintendent of Education, D.C. Md. Del. &c
By order of
Bt. Maj. Genl. [underlined]] O. O. Howard [[/underlined]]
[[signature]] E Whittlesey [[/signature]]
A.A.A. Genl.
[...Sept 16]
Respectfully returned.
I recommend that aid to the amount of $200.00 be granted when a building 20ft x 30ft & 12ft high, is completed, on land properly deeded to School Trustees.
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt of Education
[...Sept 17]
Respectfully [[/stamp]] returned to Mr [[underlined]] Samuel Woolman, [[/underlined]] Wilmington, Del. whose attention is invited to the endorsement of [[underlined]] John Kimball, [[/underlined]] Supt. of Education for D.C. &c. when the conditions therein suggested are complied with this application will be favorably considered.
By order of
Bt. Maj. Genl. [underlined]] Howard, [[/underlined]] Com'r.
[[signature]] Henry M Whittelsey [[/signature]]
A.A.A. Genl.
Pages 486
Transcribers Notes The messages conspire between the three authors so there is no recipient listed
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Record #46

Date 23 Sept 1869
State Maryland
Authors Geo. E. Adams
Recipient Mr Kimball
Message Abstract States that the colored people of Centreville want him to teach a Night school &c.

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Roll Number 5
Date 23 Sept 1869
State Maryland
County Queen Anne
City/Town/Neighborhood Centreville
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Geo. E. Adams
Position teacher
Recipient Mr Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that the colored people of Centreville want him to teach a Night school &c.
Message Body Dear Sir the people of Centreville are very much please with you and they Say if you will be so kind as to help them they will be A bloge to you the young men & boys who are not Able to go to School in the day time are trying to Get up A night School which they wants me to teach I am not able to pass [[?]] if the Board has been as far as Division of vulger fractions
they say if you will be So kind as to Set me teach rentel if they can do better they will pay all that they can if you will help them please answer this letter.
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Record #47

Date 6 Oct 1869
State Maryland
Authors John Core
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Message Abstract States that the school at St. [[strikethrough]] Nicholas [[/strikethrough]] Michaels is in want o…

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Roll Number 5
Date 6 Oct 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned St. Michaels
Authors John Core
Position A. Acty.
Recipient Rev. Jno Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Mr Alvord
Message Abstract States that the school at St. [[strikethrough]] Nicholas [[/strikethrough]] Michaels is in want of a dozen or more Desks, which he requests to have supplied.
Message Body The school at St. Michaels is in want of two dozen or more desks. I see from Mr Alvord circular that help in this direction may be had.
Please have the desks supplied if possible_
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Record #48

Date 8 Oct 1869
State Maryland
Authors George E. Adams
Recipient Mr John Kimball
Message Abstract States in reply, that he cannot say what they are doing about the school-house but that Mr. - wil…

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Roll Number 5
Date 8 Oct 1869
State Maryland
County Queen Anne
City/Town/Neighborhood Centreville
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors George E. Adams
Position teacher
Recipient Mr John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States in reply, that he cannot say what they are doing about the school-house but that Mr. - will report soon.
Message Body Your Communications bearing date is rec'd I cannot now inform you what is being done about the school house at Cenvill I saw Mr [[?prembook]] a few days sence and he inform me that he would report to you in a few days
Pages 521
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Record #49

Date 13 Oct 1869
State Maryland
Authors Wm S. Anderson
Recipient Mr Kimball
Message Abstract Intends to open school at this place on the 14th inst.

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Roll Number 5
Date 13 Oct 1869
State Maryland
County Kent
City/Town/Neighborhood Chestertown
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Wm S. Anderson
Position Teacher
Recipient Mr Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Intends to open school at this place on the 14th inst.
Message Body I arrived at Chestertown yesterday afternoon from Balt'o, And if we get out wood & coal I shall try and open the school to morrow morning if not on Monday morning.
My appointment was made the first of the month but owing to sickness in my family I was allowed a few days.
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Record #50

Date 12 Oct 1869
State Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient General Howard
Message Abstract Enclosed please find letter of J A Stevenson Dupont Station is four miles north of Dover, Hunt Co…

All Fields in This Record

Roll Number 5
Date 12 Oct 1869
State Delaware
County Kent
City/Town/Neighborhood Dupont Station
Other Locations Mentioned Dover; Middletown
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient General Howard
Other Names Mentioned J.A. Stevenson
Message Abstract Enclosed please find letter of J A Stevenson
Dupont Station is four miles north of Dover, Hunt Co. I have not visited the spot but am informed that they will support a school of about fourty scholars [Â…] inside
Message Body Since writing mine to you on the 10th inst I find that my application to you for School house for Freedmen at Middleton has been returned to me endorsed directing to buy materials to the amt of Two hundred Dollars provided the Freedmen will erect (on a lot that is paid for) a building 20 x 30 feet with story 12 ft high
Transcribers Notes The enclosed letter from J.A. Stevenson is listed in this source as a separate record
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Record #51

Date 27 SepT 1869
State Delaware
Authors T.A. Stevenson
Recipient Saml. M. Harrington Esq
Message Abstract

All Fields in This Record

Roll Number 5
Date 27 SepT 1869
State Delaware
County Kent
City/Town/Neighborhood Dover
Other Locations Mentioned Dupont Station, Wilmington
Authors T.A. Stevenson
Recipient Saml. M. Harrington Esq
Other Names Mentioned Saml. Woolman
Message Abstract
Message Body I have been requested by several of the colored people at [[?]] near Dupont Station to enquire of the Friends in Wilmington if there would be any chance of getting any help in the way of materials or otherwise towards putting up a School House for the use of the col'd people of that neighborhood; they have bought & paid for a piece of ground for which they have a good title for the purpose of putting up a School House but have not been able to build the House; there are several very worthy familys of col people in the neighborhood but have but very little ability.
I do not know Mr Woolman's address or I would send this to him will you please hand it to him
Yours &c
[[signature]] T A Stevenson [[/signature]]
Ref'd. to Saml. Woolman for answer &c.
[[signature]] Saml. M. Harrington.
Oct. 9. '69
Pages 547
Transcribers Notes This letter is enclosed in a correspondance from Samuel Woolman to the Department of Education
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Record #52

Date Oct 1869
State Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient General Howard, referred to Rev. J.W. Alvord, then referred to Bvt. Maj. D. G. Swaim
Message Abstract States that the Freedmen of Middletown and vicinity, forwards their Deeds of Lot on which they ar…

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Roll Number 5
Date Oct 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Middletown, Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient General Howard, referred to Rev. J.W. Alvord, then referred to Bvt. Maj. D. G. Swaim
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that the Freedmen of Middletown and vicinity, forwards their Deeds of Lot on which they are about to build a School house; and their anxiety to get to work by opening said school 1st of 12 month, (1st Dec. next). States the desire of an early and favorable reply: also requests Twenty (20) School Registers to be forwarded.
(One Enclosure)
Message Body After much delay the Freedmen of Middletown and vicinity, have forwarded me their deed for lot on which they are about to build a school house [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]]
Everything has been done in good faith and they are very anxious to get to work so that they can open school by the 1st of 12th month (December) next
Hoping to have an early and favorable reply I remain
Pages 549
Transcribers Notes The forwarded deed is documented as a separate record
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Record #53

Date 7 Jun 1869
State Delaware
Authors Joshua B. Fenimore; Sarah M (his wife)
Recipient J. Nicholson
Message Abstract Be it remembered that on the seventh day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundr…

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Roll Number 5
Date 7 Jun 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Middletown
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Joshua B. Fenimore; Sarah M (his wife)
Recipient J. Nicholson
Other Names Mentioned Henry Davis, Notary Public for the State of Delaware
Message Abstract Be it remembered that on the seventh day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine (1869) personally come before me Henry Davis a Notary Public for the State of Delaware Joshua B Fenimore and Sarah M his wife parties to this Indenture Known to me personally to be such and severally acknowledged this Indenture to be their Deed and the said Sarah M Fenimore being at the same time privately examined by me apart from her husband acknowledged that she executed this Indenture willingly without compulsion or threats or fear of her husbands displeasure
Message Body This Indenture made the seventh day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine 1869 Between Joshua B. Fenimore of the Town of Middletown New Castle County and State of Delaware and Sarah M his wife parties of the first part and The Trustees of the coloured School in and near the said Town of Middletown New Castle County and State of Delaware parties of the second part Witnesseth that the said Joshua B Fenimore and Sarah M his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar lawful money of the United States of America unto them willingly [[?truly]] paid by the said Trustees of the said Col. School at or before the [[settling]] and delivery of these presents the Receipt Whereof is hereby acknowledged Have granted, bargained, sold, aleined, enfeested, released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, elign, enfeest, release, convey and confirm unto the said Trustees their successors and assigns, All that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate in St Georges Hundred New Castle County and State of Delaware adjoining land of John Allston, Samuel Dale and others the metes and bounds of which is as follows to wit Beginning in the centre of Lake Street and a corner of new Street thence North eighty one degrees East thirty three feet to a corner in J Allstons line, thence with said Allston's line North sixteen and a half degrees East 106 -- feet to corner for lot No 1, thence with Lot No 1 South eighty one degrees West eighty feet (more or less) to New Street (the East side thereof) thence with said New Street South nine degrees East ninety six feet to the place of beginning be the contents thereof, the same more or less, together with all and singular the building houses, improvements, ways, woods, waters water courses, rights liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversions and remainders, rents issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Joshua B Fenimore and Sarah M his wife in law, equity or otherwise howsoever of, in, and to the same and every part and parcel thereof to have and to hold the said lot peice or parcel of land hereditaments and premises hereby granted, or mentioned, or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said Trustees of the said Col School their successors and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said Trustees of the said Coloured School their successors and assigns for the purpose of erecting a proper building upon said lot of land in which to teach and give instruction to the coloured people of the town of Middletown and ajacent country in the different brances of learning or education, and for no other use whatever and if used for any other purpose to revert back to the owner J B Fenimore or hairs. And the said Joshua B Fenimore and Sarah M his wife their Heirs and Administrators Do by these presents, covenant grant, and agree to and with the said Trustees of said Coloured School their successors and assigns that they the said Joshua B Fenimore and Sarah M his wife their Heirs all and singular the hereditaments and premises above described and granted or mentioned or intended so to be with the Appurtenances unto the said Trustees of the said Coloured School their successors and Assigns, against them the said Joshua B Fenimore and Sarah M his wife their Heirs and against all and every other person or Persons whomsoever in lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by from through or under them or either of them shall and will by these presents Warrant and forever Defend In Witness Whereof the said Joshua B Fenimore and Sarah M his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals dated the day and year first above written,
Signed and Delivered in the presence of [[signature]] Henry Davis [[/signature]]
[[signature]] J B Fenimore [[/signature]] (Seal)
[[signature]] Sarah M Fenimore [[/signature]] (Seal]]
Pages 553
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Record #54

Date 23 Oct 1869
State Maryland
Authors C.T. Anderson
Recipient Mr. D.G. Swain
Message Abstract States that he has arrived and will open school on the 25th inst.

All Fields in This Record

Roll Number 5
Date 23 Oct 1869
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Forktown [now Fruitland]
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors C.T. Anderson
Position teacher
Recipient Mr. D.G. Swain
Other Names Mentioned Mr Black
Message Abstract States that he has arrived and will open school on the 25th inst.
Message Body Dear Sir: I write to inform you that I arrived here yesterday 4 P.M. and put up at Mr Black's where I understand the other Teachers boarded. I propose to open school on Monday.
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Record #55

Date 2 Nov 1869
State Maryland
Authors G.T. Anderson
Recipient Mr. D.G. Swain
Message Abstract Inquires from what time he shall date his report

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Roll Number 5
Date 2 Nov 1869
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Forktown [now Fruitland]
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors G.T. Anderson
Position Teacher
Recipient Mr. D.G. Swain
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Inquires from what time he shall date his report
Message Body Dear Sir: I recieved your's of the 26th Please write me whether I shall report my School from the 25th of Oct (the day I opened School) or from the 1st of Nov. So as to say for the Month of Nov or to for the month commencing Oct 25th. Write me as soon as possible. Yours Very truly.
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Record #56

Date 7 Nov 1869
State Maryland
Authors John W. Adams
Recipient P. Q. Crosby, Esq.
Message Abstract States that he arrived here on the 4th inst.: that the school building is in a dilapidated condi…

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Roll Number 5
Date 7 Nov 1869
State Maryland
County Wicomico
City/Town/Neighborhood Tyaskin
Other Locations Mentioned Salisbury
Authors John W. Adams
Position Teacher
Recipient P. Q. Crosby, Esq.
Other Names Mentioned Mr. Netter
Message Abstract States that he arrived here on the 4th inst.: that the school building is in a dilapidated condition and the trustees have applied to the Bureau for aid in repairing it: but have received no reply.
Requests to be supplied with books, &c.
Message Body Sir, I arrived on the evening of the 4th inst. via Salisbury per Mr [[Z?]] Netter who transfered me to this place .
Owning to the dilapidated condition of the school house (the trustees of the same here petitioned the Bureau to assist the same in repairing it, - but no response has been reached from the former.) that some necessary repairs had to be done, which has delayed the opening until the 8th inst. I will require a Roll book as well as several school maps. +. black board; whatever school books (Parker & Watsons) as are requisite.
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Record #57

Date 30 Nov 1869
State Maryland
Authors Cornelius T Anderson
Recipient Mr. D.G. Swain
Message Abstract Forwards his school report for November. States that he taught five days in October.

All Fields in This Record

Roll Number 5
Date 30 Nov 1869
State Maryland
County Wicomico
City/Town/Neighborhood Forktown [now Fruitland]
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Cornelius T Anderson
Position Teacher
Recipient Mr. D.G. Swain
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Forwards his school report for November. States that he taught five days in October.
Message Body Dear Sir: On making my report [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] I have filled the blanks so far as I knew how.
I do not know of any name for my school there is no School house here so I have to teach in the Colored people's Church.
My Salary is paid by [[underlined]] Penna [[/underlined]] branch of Freedmens relief Association and the Scholar's parents make up enough among them to pay my board that is all the expense pretty much with the exception of the fire which is furnished at the expense of the Church
I taught five days in October with fifteen Scholars. At present I have 23 twenty three Scholars. that is eight enrolled this month
School is located a little distance from Forktown Wicomico [[underlined]] Co. Md. [[/underlined]]
Pages 584
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Record #58

Date 1 Dec 1869
State Maryland
Authors CC Bell
Recipient John Core
Message Abstract Friend Crosby, Yours of the 1st. inst with enclosure rec'd. I have not got any funds to pay more …

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Roll Number 5
Date 1 Dec 1869
State Maryland
County Kent
City/Town/Neighborhood Galena
Other Locations Mentioned Elkton
Authors CC Bell
Position Teacher
Recipient John Core
Other Names Mentioned Christfields, son
Message Abstract Friend Crosby,
Yours of the 1st. inst with enclosure rec'd.
I have not got any funds to pay more teachers than we have at present at work so that I will most gracefully retire from Elkton in your favor.
Enclosed please find a letter from our teacher at Galena, Kent Co. which requires, I think, the prompt and decisive action of the Bureau. The teachers throughout the State require full protection.
Resp'y Yours
[[signature]] Jno Core [[/signature]]
Message Body Sir will you please to inform me if there is no law for a person striking one for nothing, there is one man here who makes it his business to strike the colored females, and one day I had to go up town and this fellow walked up deliberatly and stuck me in the eye and knocked the blood out of my face. I went to see the Squire and I was told that he could do nothing, if there is no law to stop this I will have to leave here no one seems to trouble any one but this family or rather he a man's sons who names are Christfields if there is any higher authority than this squire will you please let me know.
P. S. For this place is dangerous to go to the Post Office even for I cannot go there with out coming to contact with this fellow.
Transcribers Notes The official receipt page of this source is omitted; the abstract is the prefacing letter from John Core.
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Record #59

Date 1 Dec 1869
State Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient Major Swain; approved by W.L. Van Derlip, Bvt Maj & Supt of Ed'd and Bt. Maj. General Howard
Message Abstract Encloses bill to the amount of $200.00 for materials used in partial construction of school-house…

All Fields in This Record

Roll Number 5
Date 1 Dec 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Middletown, Delaware; Slaughter's Neck, Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman
Position Actuary
Recipient Major Swain; approved by W.L. Van Derlip, Bvt Maj & Supt of Ed'd and Bt. Maj. General Howard
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Encloses bill to the amount of $200.00 for materials used in partial construction of school-house at Middletown, Del. States that the above amount was promised by the late Bureau Supt. for that State, upon comptition of the house: that the freedmen and their friends have added largely to this appropriation and they have now a fine house completed.
Also encloses bill of $300.00 for materials used in rebuilding school-house at Slaughter's Neck, Del. on site of one burned last year by incendiary.
Message Body Enclosed please find acc of materials used in the partial construction of Freedmens school house at Middletown W. Castle Co Del by order of John ^[[Kimball]] late Superintendent of this district.
The Freedmen & their Friends have added largely to the appropriation of the house is highly crediable to all concerned is to plastered waiting to dry before opening school in it
It will give me much pleasure to have some of the Bureau Officers present at the dedication and opening ceremonies between now & [[?]]s[[?]] as
Pleas inform me of the probability of thy being present that we may fix the time to suit all parties
Also please find a statement of materials used in rebuilding the Slaughter neck house Sussex Co [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the site of the one that was destroyed by incendiary nearly one year since. A Physician informs me that he attended [[underlined]] Elias Bennett [[/underlined]] in his last sickness about six months ago; and that he is fully satisfied that the deceased (Bennett) was the prime hand or agent in burning the house. The Freedmen in that district are as industrious truthfull and modest as in any part of the state and very thankful for the help given them
It will give me much pleasure to have some of the Bureau Officers present at the dedication and opening ceremonies between now & [[?]]s[[?]] as
Pleas inform me of the probability of thy being present that we may fix the time to suit all parties
Also please find a statement of materials used in rebuilding the Slaughter neck house Sussex Co [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the site of the one that was destroyed by incendiary nearly one year since. A Physician informs me that he attended [[underlined]] Elias Bennett [[/underlined]] in his last sickness about six months ago; and that he is fully satisfied that the deceased (Bennett) was the prime hand or agent in burning the house. The Freedmen in that district are as industrious truthfull and modest as in any part of the state and very thankful for the help given them
Pages 592
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Record #60

Date 7 Jan 1870
State Delaware
Authors Samuel Woolman
Recipient Mr S Vanderlip, Superintend of Education
Message Abstract

All Fields in This Record

Roll Number 5
Date 7 Jan 1870
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Middletown
Authors Samuel Woolman
Position Agent Del Association
Recipient Mr S Vanderlip, Superintend of Education
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract
Message Body I herewith enclose the vouchers for Freamens school houses in this State.
The deed for lot at Middletown was sent to your Office about Oct 1st. Lest I should be mistaken I have written to that place inquiring for it! in the event of its being lost a copy can be taken from the Office in [[underlined]] this County [[/underlined]]
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Record #61

Date 6 Dec 1869
State Delaware
Authors Saml. Woolman
Recipient General Howard
Message Abstract Encloses letter of [[underlined]] J. B. [[?Fanamon]] [[/underlined]] in behalf of the colored peo…

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Roll Number 5
Date 6 Dec 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Middletown, Delaware
Authors Saml. Woolman
Position Actuary
Recipient General Howard
Other Names Mentioned J.B. Fanamon
Message Abstract Encloses letter of [[underlined]] J. B. [[?Fanamon]] [[/underlined]] in behalf of the colored people of Middletown, Del.
States that he knows of no place in the State where the colored people have been more unjustly dealt with: that if $300 can be allowed them for materials in building school-house it will be judiciously expended.
Message Body Wilmington Del 6th mo 27 69
Dear General Howard
Enclosed please find letter of J. B. Fennimore on behalf of the Colored people of Middleton.
I know of no place in this State where those poor people have been more unjustly dealt with and if Three hundred dollars can be allowed them to pay for the materials it will be thankfully received and judiciously expended
Most sincerely
Thy Friend
[[signature]] Samuel Woolman [[/signature]]
Transcribers Notes The enclosed letter has not been located at the time of this record's transcription
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Record #62

Date 8 Jan 1870
State Washington, D.C.
Authors W.L. Vanderlip
Recipient Genl H.M. Whittlesey
Message Abstract

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Roll Number 5
Date 8 Jan 1870
State Washington, D.C.
Other Locations Mentioned Slaughter Neck
Authors W.L. Vanderlip
Position Bvt Maj & Supt of Ed'n for D.C. Md. Del & W. Va.
Recipient Genl H.M. Whittlesey
Other Names Mentioned General Howard
Message Abstract
Message Body Respectfully referred to Genl H M Whittlesey AAAG with recommendation that the within bill for material furnished for the Slaughter Neck School amounting to $299.75 be paid.
[[signature]] W L VanDerlip [[/signature]]
Bvt Maj & Supt of Ed'n for D.C. Md. Del & W. Va.
Washington, Jan 10 1870
Respectfully [[/stamp]] returned to Major [[underlined]] W. L. VanDerlip [[/underlined]] Supt of Education for D.C. Md. Del and West Virginia with orders enclosed making the appropriation as requested
Respectfully referred to Genl H M Whittlesey AAAG with recommendation that the within bill for material furnished for the Slaughter Neck School amounting to $299.75 be paid.
[[signature]] W L VanDerlip [[/signature]]
Bvt Maj & Supt of Ed'n for D.C. Md. Del & W. Va.
Washington, Jan 10 1870
Respectfully [[/stamp]] returned to Major [[underlined]] W. L. VanDerlip [[/underlined]] Supt of Education for D.C. Md. Del and West Virginia with orders enclosed making the appropriation as requested
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
By order of
Bt. Maj. Genl [[underlined]] Howard [[/underlined]]
[[checkmark]] [[signature]] Henry M Whittelsey
Transcribers Notes This is documentation of a continued conversation between two federal administrators
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Record #63

Date 8 Dec 1869
State Delaware
Authors Saml. Woolman
Recipient Major Swain
Message Abstract States in reply, that Mr. [[underlined]] Kimball, [[/underlined]] (late Supt.) promised the color…

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Roll Number 5
Date 8 Dec 1869
State Delaware
County New Castle
City/Town/Neighborhood Wilmington
Other Locations Mentioned Middletown; Slaughter Neck
Authors Saml. Woolman
Position Actuary
Recipient Major Swain
Other Names Mentioned Superintendent Kimball
Message Abstract States in reply, that Mr. [[underlined]] Kimball, [[/underlined]] (late Supt.) promised the colored people at Slaughter Neck, when their school-house was burnt, that the Bureau would aid them in rebuilding to the same amount as for the former house: that he made the same verbal promise to him, with a requested to have the works go on.
Encloses Mr. [[underlined]] Kimball's [[/underlined]]] endorsement recommending aid to the amount of $200 for building school-house at Middletown.
Message Body Superinten Kimball told the Colored people of Slaughter neck that he would [[strikethrough]] te [[/strikethrough]] repeat the former donation immediately after their former house was burned! but they delayed fer want funds till they had another crop. On the 5th of Sept last he told me to go on with the [[?]] if the colored people were ready all verbal.
The correspondence at or few Middletown was at periods from Aprl to Sept the close of which I herewith enclose. The deed was sent to your office latter part of Sept. and size & quality of house is fully up to your requirement
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Record #64

Date 9 Sept 1868
State New York
Authors Sarah H. Baker
Recipient J. Kimball
Message Abstract Informs the difficulty of obtaining money to pay more than two teachers.

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Roll Number 5
Date 9 Sept 1868
State New York
City/Town/Neighborhood New York
Other Locations Mentioned Easton, Talbot Co.; Bladensburg
Authors Sarah H. Baker
Recipient J. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Mrs. Armstrong
Message Abstract Informs the difficulty of obtaining money to pay more than two teachers.
Message Body In reply to thy letter of 7th inst. I am very sorry to inform thee of the great difficulty we find in obtaining money to carry on our Assn. — and I fear the state of our finances will compel us to confine our attentions to the [[underlined]] two [[/underlined]] under our care — vis — one at Easton — Talbot Co — and one at Bladensburg.
The first meeting of our Board for the season will not be held until the 22nd or 29th of this mo — when thy letters will claim attention, and I will at once inform thee of their decision. The colored teacher at Easton - Mrs Armstrong who has been employed there for nearly or quite two yrs - called on me this morning to say she should not return to Easton - but recommended another competent person to take charge of the school.
Pages 868
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Record #65

Date 3 Oct 1868
State Washington, D.C.
Authors Henry M. Whittelsey
Message Abstract Referring to Communication of Rev. [[underlined]] Jno Kimball, [[/underlined]] Supt. of Education…

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Roll Number 5
Date 3 Oct 1868
State Washington, D.C.
Other Locations Mentioned Newbury Port, MA; Jamestown, MD
Authors Henry M. Whittelsey
Position Chief Quarter Master
Other Names Mentioned Rev. Jno Kimball, Supt. Of Education; Henry A. Monroe, teacher; Mrs. Eduah D. Cheney, Secy. Committee on Teachers, New England Branch Freedmens Union Committee, Boston
Message Abstract Referring to Communication of Rev. [[underlined]] Jno Kimball, [[/underlined]] Supt. of Education of Sept. 23, 1868, requesting transportation for [[underlined]] Henry A. Monroe, [[/underlined]] Teacher, from Newbury Port, Mass., to Jamestown, Md..
States that transportation for [[underlined]] McMonroe [[/underlined]] between the points above mentioned, has been already granted an application Mrs Eduah D. Cheney, Secy. Committee on Teachers, New England Branch Freedmens Union Committee, Boston.
Respectfully referred to Rev. [[underlined]] John Kimball, [[/underlined]] Supat. of Education for remarks.
By Order of [[underlined]] Assist, Commissioner [[/underlined]]
[[signature]] D. Swaim [[/signature]]
Message Body General:
Referring to your endorsement of date September 23d, 1868, forwarding to this office, approved, a communication from Rev. John Kimball, Supt. Education Dist. Col., requesting transportation for Henry A. Monroe, Teacher, from Newburyport Mass. to Jamestown Md., you are respectfully informed that transportation for Henry A. Monroe, from and to the above named points respectively, has already been issued upon an application made by Mrs. Ednah D. Cheney, Secy, Committee on Teachers, New England Branch, Freedmens' Union Commission
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Record #66

Date 5 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that the people at this place want to build a house 124 & 40 and two stories to be used fo…

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Roll Number 5
Date 5 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Worcester
City/Town/Neighborhood Newton
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Robert H Gillitt
Message Abstract States that the people at this place want to build a house 124 & 40 and two stories to be used for school & meeting house.
Message Body I drop you these lines to inform you that I met a portion of the colored people of Newtown and after they herd the conditions they stated that they were so badly off for a place to meet their societies in that they would build a House 24x40 feet and two stories high if you would agree to this plan and fix up the first story for the school and the second for society rooms and have the land deeded for school they say that a House 20x32 will not hold the children that will come to school and are willing to commence as soon as they hear from you They will have another meeting on Wednesday night and write to me about all further arrangements If you wish to write to Newtown to the people write to Robert H Gillitt Newtown Worcester Co Md.
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Record #67

Date 6 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract Informs that the people at this place are willing to buy a lot and build a school house, if the B…

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Roll Number 5
Date 6 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Worcester
City/Town/Neighborhood Little Union
Other Locations Mentioned Newton, Worcester Co., MD; Baltimore; Princess Anne
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Henson Handy
Message Abstract Informs that the people at this place are willing to buy a lot and build a school house, if the Bureau will aid them to the amount of $3,00,00 &c.
Message Body I write to inform you that I have seen a portion of the people here We had a large turn out last night and after they herd the statement that I made to them they concluded that if you or the Bureau would furnish them the amount of three hundred dollars as I stated [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] to them they would buy land have it deeded and build a house as directed by the plan they can buy lumber down here much cheper than in Balt. and by laying out $300 dollars here for them they can do better and we save the freight. They seem to be in earnest about the school house and as this County is so far behind in school houses I think this can be put up in a short time They want to know from you as soon as possible if they can go on and buy and deed the land if so write to George Ginn Newton Worcester Co. Md. and also please write to me at Princess Anne in care of Henson Handy
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Record #68

Date 7 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract Informs of the condition at & about the place, that they are willing to buy a lot and built a sch…

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Roll Number 5
Date 7 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Jamestown
Other Locations Mentioned Potato Neck; Accomack Co, VA; Newton
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Informs of the condition at & about the place, that they are willing to buy a lot and built a school house, if they only know for certain that the Bureau will help them.
Message Body I write to inform you that I met the colored people of this place last night and the meeting was largely attended And after setting forth the advantages of Education, explaining the plans, and the tearms of building, the people of this place decided to go to work as soon as they could know for certan that the Bureau would help them to the amount of $300 dollars worth of lumber as can be bought here they think that they will have their house done as soon as any of the others. I go to potatoe-Neck to day a place thickly settled with colored people Some of the people of Accomack Co Va. have been to see me about schools I told them I could do nothing for them but I would state their case In the neighbourhood of Horntown they there are about three hundred children and no school there and never had any there this place is about 12 miles from Newton. And also another application from another place near the line of Worcester Co they have two hundred and thirty names as petitioners for some kind of Building as they have neither Church nor school I did not get down to see them this place is about 6 miles from Newton
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Record #69

Date 8 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract Informs that they had a meeting, at this place and will have another soon, that the place is very…

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Roll Number 5
Date 8 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Fairmount
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Robert H. Boggs
Message Abstract Informs that they had a meeting, at this place and will have another soon, that the place is very thickly settled and should have a school house, and that they are willing to get one up.
Message Body I write to inform you that I met the colored people of this place and we had a good time but the turn out was not as large as the people thought it ought to be. They were much pleased with what they herd and called a nother meeting for friday night in next week I told them that I would write to you and after they held their meeting next week you could corrispond with them and direct your letters to Robert H. Boggs Fair Mount Somerset Co. Md. This place is very thickly settled with colored people, and they ought to have a school house here The Educational Department have been injured very much by some unfaithful teachers and the additional 12 dollars that were collected in this district last tearm these people say they want a school house and will do all they can to get it Yours truely
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Record #70

Date 9 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors J.H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that [[underlined]] Johnson [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Clark [[/underlined]] have …

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Roll Number 5
Date 9 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Princess Ann
Other Locations Mentioned Salisbury; Dames Quarter; Snow-Hill
Authors J.H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Johnson and Clark; Mr. Monteith, Distributing Officer; Mr. Crisfield
Message Abstract States that [[underlined]] Johnson [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Clark [[/underlined]] have got out the frame work of the school-house and would like more orders of the same kind; that the people now need shingles, window frames, &c; that he held a meeting and the people are ready to build; that they have an order from the Disbursing Officer for all they need; that the whites are trying to prejudice the colored against the Supt. of Education because he wishes to recall the order
Message Body I am here at this place and failed to see Johnson and Clark the parties who had the frame work of the school House to get out. They said that they have sawed out the frame work according to order and every thing is ready to be delivered [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] at any time and cutting it down would be out of the queston, they say that they got the whol amount out under written contract and every thing is ready and they would like verry much to have more orders of the same sort from you The people here say that they are two as good men as can be started in this place And, I do not see what can be done more, than to give these people shingles, window frames and door and frame so the House can be put up and covered in before cold weather. Pine shingles can be bought here at 5 dollars per thousand and the sash of windows are here but no window frames they have eight set of window sash and they are verry large
[new page]
We had a large meeting to night and the people seems willing to go on with the work of building as soon as they heare from you. Mr. Monteith disbursing officer has given the people an order for every thing they need to build the House all named and signed by him but nothing has been delvered but the order of Johnson & Clark and the official papers the trustees hold the white lawyers including Mr. Crisfield who is the leading man here tell the colored people that they can get every thing named in the order because it was given and signed by the proper officer at that time and they (the white) people say that you is not the colored people's friend that is the reason you want to take back that order they are waiting to see what disposition you intend to make of this order and then they will let the colored people see that they are their friends. please write to me at Saulsbury after the 12th I am gouing to Deales Island from there [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] to Dames Quarter then to Snow-Hill
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Record #71

Date 10 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors J.H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that they have a good house at this place, but no school: that they employed a teacher las…

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Roll Number 5
Date 10 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Deals Island
Other Locations Mentioned Princess Ann
Authors J.H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Mr. J.W. McGrath; John Dashields
Message Abstract States that they have a good house at this place, but no school: that they employed a teacher last year at a salary of $25.00 per month but are not able to continue it, and desire to have a teacher furnished them; that they have board provided for a colored teacher (Male preferred); that the teacher should be sent to Princess Ann and stop with Mr. [[underlined]] J. W. McGrath, [[/underlined]] where they will meet him.
Message Body I write to inform you that I am at this place. The people have a good substancial school house here all finished in good shape They have no school in the House they had last year and employed their own teacher but had to pay thirty five dollars per month and their house they say cost them about $300, dollars and now paying up their debts they cannot employ the teacher they had before They now desire me to ask you please send them a teacher as soon as you can, a colored man if convenient and if not send them a colored woman place for board is all ready send the teacher to Princess Anne and the John Dashields will meet the teacher there write several days ahead stating the day the teacher will be in Princess Ann and tell the teacher to stop at Mr J. W. McGrath's and Mr. Dashields will meet the teacher with a carage as the distance is 23 miles from Princess Anne
These people never had any teachers but a circuit Preacher who had his circuit to attend to as well as the school. I think if they are furnished a teacher this tearm they could be able to get along after that
Pages 933
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Record #72

Date 10 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that there is a large settlement of colored people at this place but they have no school; …

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Roll Number 5
Date 10 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Dames Quarter
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that there is a large settlement of colored people at this place but they have no school; that he held a meeting, and the people propose to build a house without delay if the Bureau will furnish material to the amount of $300.00; that they desire to have it purchased at Saulsbury from whence they will transport it., that the land is secured.
Message Body I am here at this place and had a meeting with these people They are much in want of a school House and teacher here a large settlement of colored people and no school of any kind here, the people are very poor but they say if you will buy them three hundred dollars worth of lumber at Saulsburry where they can scow it down near where the House is to be built they will put the House up in a few weeks after they get the lumber they have bought one acre of land and paid $148,,00 dollars for it and will deed a quarter of an acre off at once for the school House please write to me at Saulsburry this is the 4th letter I have written and have not herd from you as yet I said 4 but seven in four different Envalopes
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Record #73

Date 14 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that the house at this place is much too large and was built on land not deeded for the pu…

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Roll Number 5
Date 14 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Dorchester
City/Town/Neighborhood St. Peter's Church
Other Locations Mentioned Snowhill, Worcester Co., Md.
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Edward Harman
Message Abstract States that the house at this place is much too large and was built on land not deeded for the purpose. It has since been sold, and the owner will not let them have the ground at any price; that they have raised $38,50 and expect to buy a lot on which to move the building
Message Body I write to inform you that the school House at this place is built but is every thing except being right The people built the house on ground with a verbal promise and since that time the man have sold the land and did not deed one foot and the man who bought it will not let them have the ground it sits on at no Price we had a meeting and raised $38,,50 to buy an acre of land about 4 hundred yards from the House we have not secured the land as yet but escpect to in a few days. And then the House is too large for the people in the neighbourhood it is about 24 feet wide 30 to 35 feet long and about 18 feet high in the clear built very substantial but too large every way for the people of that place and about 2 to 3 miles from the place it ought to be for the convenience of the people. They are not ready for a teacher yet and I do not see that they can be ready soon I give them the best advice I could that they may be able to get along and be ready as soon as possible If you wish to write to them write to Edward Harman Snowhill Worcester Co, Md, and he will get it Please write to me at Saulsburry as soon as you get this letter as I have not received any from you since I saw you
[[footnote 1]]
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Record #74

Date 15 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that Mr [[underlined]] H. T. Aborn [[/underlined]] (white) who came there to teach was not…

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Roll Number 5
Date 15 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Worcester
City/Town/Neighborhood Snow Hill
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned H.T. Aborn (white)
Message Abstract States that Mr [[underlined]] H. T. Aborn [[/underlined]] (white) who came there to teach was notified to leave his boarding place at the hotel as soon as they ascertained his mission; that he (Butler) called a meeting and they raised $42,50 to pay the teacher's expenses, provided him with a room and propose to board him themselves. Thinks the house is too small for the number of pupils.
Message Body I am here at this place and found things in a very bad condition two teachers here and no school worth speaking of Mr. H.J. Aborn w white gentleman who was sent here by the Balt. Association he went to the Hotel to board and as soon as they found that he came to teach the colored people he was notified to leave or all the boarders would leave the Hotel he had to do so and would have come back but after I arrived and had an interview with him and told what I expected to do he consented to wait and see what I could do for the school we secured a room for him furnishing it and had a large meeting last night and I talked to the people about an hour and a half and got them to concentrate upon a plan that is to make the school free and board the teacher themselves at his room we raised $.42.50 to defray the teacher's expenses and go ahead with the school and not be drove off by the ^white people The colored said last night that they will support the school and I think they will have to build a school House larger than the one they have it is a small House about 18 by 27 feet Mr. Aborn will write to me at Sandeburg (?) as soon as you get this letter as I have not herd from you since I have been on the Eastern shore
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Record #75

Date 17 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that he addressed a large meeting at Berlin: that they raised $42.00 for school purposes a…

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Roll Number 5
Date 17 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Worcester
City/Town/Neighborhood Berlin
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Mrs. Anna R. Gross; Robt. J. Baker
Message Abstract States that he addressed a large meeting at Berlin: that they raised $42.00 for school purposes and have employed Mrs. [[underlined]] A.R. Gross [[\underlined]] for teacher who will open school on the 19th inst; that they have no school house, and a lot for that purpose would be difficult to get; that [[underlined]] Robt. J. Baker [[underlined]] is the proper person to address for information
Message Body I write to inform that I am here at this place, the people here are doing nothing as they are of many other places. But he had a meeting last night and we had a large turnout considering the short notice And after "talking" to them on the importance of Education we taken up a subscription for a public school to the amount of $42.00 Organized elected a teacher and opens "their" school Monday at 9 oclock free to all who will send their children. They say that Mrs. Anna R. Gross was as good a teacher as they wanted and being there and all acquainted with her prefered her to her husband their former teacher and she will serve them for twenty dollars per month and board her self she will report to you Monday and to the association also if required There is no school House here the people would like to have one but land is very hard to get here for such purposes and very high at that - the time is too short I that I am instructed to give them to by land and build the house in two months If you wish to corrspond with any one them you will write to Mrs. Robert J. Baker Berlin and if to the Teacher MRs. Anna R. Gross same place
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Record #76

Date 19 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract Received letter of the 16th inst. States they have a small insignificant school house at Salisbur…

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Roll Number 5
Date 19 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Salisbury
Other Locations Mentioned Tyaskin; Quantico; Naticoke; Dorcester Co.
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Wesley Williams
Message Abstract Received letter of the 16th inst. States they have a small insignificant school house at Salisbury but no school now in operation owing to difficulty between the school trustees and trustees of the building" that they are to have ameeting to see what can be done and that [[underline]]Wesley ^ Williams [[\underline]] should be addressed if information is desired. [[double line]]
Message Body This comes to inform you that I am here and received your letter dated the 16th being the first I have received since I came over here on this side of the Bay. There is no school here at Saulsburry and I do not see much likelyhood of getting one started soon as there seems to be some dificulty betwen the school trustees and those of the school arising from the fact that the school House is not a school House but was built some years ago for a class room. We had a large meeting yesterday but it being Sunday we could not quarl (?) with the people as I would wish to do and they have a spertual meeting going on they appointed this night week to meet and sent the matter the little old House is not worth contending for I would not give $75 dollars for it The children here have advanced rapidly and it is a shame to have no school here no school House neither I am going to Princess Ann to day to see after what you have requested and then to Tyashin, Quantico Nanticoke and several other places then I shall come back here and get letters from you and go up in Dorchester County and proceed on up ward unless changed by your directions Very respectfully yours
John H. Butler
N.B. if you wish to write to the people of this place direct your letter to Mr. Wesley Williams and he will make your wishes known to the people
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Record #77

Date 20 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract Encloses [[underlined]] Johnson & Clark's [[/underlined]] bill amounting to $258.28; also enclose…

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Roll Number 5
Date 20 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Princess Ann
Other Locations Mentioned Tipkin; Nanticoke; Schildes; Quantico Forktown
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned John Miller; J.W. McGrath; Johnson and Clark
Message Abstract Encloses [[underlined]] Johnson & Clark's [[/underlined]] bill amounting to $258.28; also encloses a list of material needed, amounting to $156,50. States that [[underlined]] John Miller [[/underlined]] will furnish it for this sum, and if the order is given the trustees will build with out delay; that if this is approved [[underlined]] J.W. McGrath [[/underlined]] should be notified and he will push the work forward; that the check for Johnson and Clark's bill should be sent to them, and the one for Miller should be sent to McGrath.
Message Body I drop you these few lines to inform you that I have seen Messrs Johnson & Clark's bill which I enclose and send to you The amount as per bill is $258,,28
and also the other material required is also sent the amount is [[underlined]] 156.50 [[/underlined]]
This last estimate was made $414,,78
out by a gentleman named John Miller who furnishes these material he made out this last bill and will fill it up at these figures I would not let them put in no nails, hair, lime, locks, hinges, and c. And the trustees say they will have the House put up forthwith if you will give the additional order of $156,,50 worth of material. If this meets the Genl's favour please write to J.W. McGrath Princess Anne to go on with the building and he will push things foward. And when pay time comes send a check in favour of Johnson & Clark for $258,,28 And one in favour John Miller but send it to J.W. McGrath Miller holds him responcible for the amount of his bill or you can send it in favour of JW McGrath who will pay off these bills he is a responcible man and will do what is right They are hawling the material on the ground and will wait your desition please let them know at your earliest convenience and also favour me with the same notice and direct to me at Saulsburry as I am going to Tipkin, Nanticoke, Schildes, Quantico Forktown and other places. Please say who the people must expect a teacher from you or the Balt association I shall continue to say from you untill otherwise ordered.
[Enclosed bill:]
8 12 Light 10 x 15 $3.75 with Painting Bench | $30.00
2 feet Side Door
[[fraimes?]] 3 feet by 7 @ 3.75 | 7.50
2 Out Side Doors 3 f by 7 |14.00
[[subtotal]] | $51.50
10000 Shingles | $100.00
400 Bricks | 5.00
[[total]] | $156.50
To Johnson & Clark [[?]]
To Lumber for Freedmans Schoolhouse
3 Sills 40 ft. long 6x6 | 360 ft @ 2.50 | 9 00
2 Do. [[Do. for Sills]] 30 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 6x6 | 180 " " " [[dittos for ft @ 2.50]] | 4 50
3 Plates 40 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 4x6 | 240 " " [[dittos for ft @]] 1.80 4 32
2 " [[ditto for Plates]] 30 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 4x6 | 120 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 2 16
6 Posts 12 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 4x6 | 144 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 4 59
46 Joists 16 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 3x8 | 1472 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 26 49
30 " [[ditto for Joists]] 16 " " [[dittos for ft. long]] 3x5 | 600 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 10 80
70 Pcs Studding 12 ft. — 3x4 | 840 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 15 12
8 " [[ditto for Pcs]] (for Braces) 12 " [[ditto for ft.]] 4x4 | 128 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 2 30
32 Rafters 20 ft. long 3x5 | 800 " " [[dittos for ft @ 1.80]] 14 40
1300 ft. Flooring | @ 3.00]] 39 00
1600 " [[ditto for ft.]] Sheathing 4/4 | " [[ditto for @]] 1.60 | 25 60
300 " [[ditto for ft.]] Flooring for wainscotting | " [[ditto for @]] 3.00 | 9 00
5500 Plastering Lath | " [[ditto for @]] 3.00 | 16 50
2200 ft Siding 5/8 | 22. @ 1.80 | 39 00
[[subtotal]] | $220.78
1500 ft. dressed 4/4 boards | @ 2.50 | 37 50
[[total]] | 258.28
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Record #78

Date 23 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States there is a large settlement of colored people at this place but no school or school-houses…

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Roll Number 5
Date 23 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Wicomico
City/Town/Neighborhood Nanticoke
Other Locations Mentioned Tyaskin, Wicomico Co., Md.; Salisbury
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned MR. Zachariah Netter
Message Abstract States there is a large settlement of colored people at this place but no school or school-houses; that they will pay the teacher's board if the Bureau will send them one, and they will start a school in a small place which can be used for the purpose; that they are ready to build if the Bureau will aid them to the amount of $300, and they have land which they will deed for the purpose; that Mr. [[underlined]] Zachariah Netter [[/underlined]] is the proper person to address. Suggest that the Bureau aid in building three houses in each of these three Counties.
Message Body I write to inform you that I am here at this place held a meeting with the people here last night. This is a large settlement of colored people and they are disposed to do all they can if they had some assistance no one have been among them on the subject of Education and they will from 60 to 75 colored families within three miles around which makes a larger settlement with about 150 to 200 children and no school They want the Bureau to send them a teacher to give them a start and they will pay the board and washing they say that a colored male teacher will suit them best. They have a small place to commence school in And they are ready to build if the Bureau will help them to the amount of three hundred dollars worth of material as can be bought down here They have land and will deed it as requested as soon as they hear from you They asked me to make application for them to the Genl. And if granted will comply and build as soon as possible These people bid fair to be a very prosperous people as nearly all of them have little Houses of their own and soon will finish paying for them. They form a permanent settlement And I would suggest that the Bureau assist in building at least about 3 school Houses in each of these 3 Counties as there is only one school House in Worcester Co. strictly speaking and that one is worth nothing to the people I means the one called St Peter's which have not a foot of ground to set it on, And they have one in Somerset Co on Deals Island And none in this Wicomico and these people here seems willing to go on just as you want them to do write to Mr Zachariah Netter Tyaskin Wicomico Co. Md. or more convenient for him to say Nanticoke Wicomico Co Md.
NB if you send these people a teacher send him to Saulsbury and write several days ahead as this place is more than thirty miles from Saulsbury
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Record #79

Date 24 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States there is a large number of colored people at this [[place?]] but they manifest little ener…

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Roll Number 5
Date 24 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Wicomico
City/Town/Neighborhood Quantico
Other Locations Mentioned Forktown; Cambridge; Dorcester Co.
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned John Handy; Mr. Noah Moore; Mr William [Conish?]
Message Abstract States there is a large number of colored people at this [[place?]] but they manifest little energy for education [[smudge]] improvement.
Suggests that the Bureau might send an experienced teacher to open a free school in the church.
States that [[underline]] John Handy [[/underline]] is the proper person to address.
Message Body I drop you these lines to inform you that I am here and a hard place it is
There [[strikethrough]]are[[/strikethrough]] is a large number of colored people in this district and very little enerjey amont them for the educational improvement of themselves or children and I do not see what could be done unless you would send an experience teacher down here and open a school in the Church and have all the children to come in free of charge till they could be taught to see the importance of education. If you want to write to this place direct your letter to Mr John Handy. And [[?Tipkin]] seems to be about the same as this place The one who you can write to there is named Mr Noah Moore. And [[?Rockawalking]] is nother place in this county is about the same states of things there as at the other places write to Mr William [[?Conish]]. I am going to forktown and from there in Dorchester Co write to me at Cambrige
Pages 973
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Record #80

Date 26 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States the people of this place desire to have a teacher sent them to open school on the 1st of t…

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Roll Number 5
Date 26 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Wicomico
City/Town/Neighborhood Forktown
Other Locations Mentioned Cambridge
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Hezekiah Black
Message Abstract States the people of this place desire to have a teacher sent them to open school on the 1st of the month in their church (colored female preferred): that they request him to apply for them to the Bureau to aid them in building a house: that [[underline]] Hezekiah Black [[/underline]] will deed a lot for the purpose and he is the person to address
Message Body I write to inform you that we had a large meeting of the Colored people of this place last night and after the lecture they by a unanimous vote apply to you through me for a Teacher as soon as you can possible send them one. They want a colored female They say they have from thirty to forty children to send to the school and have no school House but intend to hold the school in their Church They want a school House and want me to apply to the Bureau to assist them in building as they have land given to them by Mr [[?]] Black who is one of their numbers If you send them a teacher send her by Rail Road to Forktown to Mr [[?]] Black since writing I have been given his correct name [[?Hesschiek]] Black, Please write to him at your earliest convenience as they want to commence their school on the first of the month. They never had any teacher here more than one of their own members who taught in the church a few months. They have a prosperous Sunday school I have been sick for a week with Chills and fevers but have not stoped for them yet though they use me very badly Please write to me at Cambrige as I expect to go to Dorchester to day
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Record #81

Date 27 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that the Baltimore Association proposed to send a teacher to this place if the people woul…

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Roll Number 5
Date 27 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Dorchester
City/Town/Neighborhood Vienna
Other Locations Mentioned Cambridge
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Thos. Pinchett; Miss Matthews
Message Abstract States that the Baltimore Association proposed to send a teacher to this place if the people would pay the board and $10. per month besides; that the people are willing to pay the board but not able to pay the $10. and desire to have the Bureau send them a colored male teacher; that if one is sent [[underlined]] Thos. Pinckett [[/underlined]] should be notified and he will meet the teacher at Cambridge.
Message Body I am here at this place and have been looking after the school here There have been no school started here yet. Though the people thought to have commenced their school before this time. They say that they received a letter from the Educational association of Balt stating that if they would pay for the board and washing of a teacher would send them one. They answered the letter of the association stating that they were ready. While waiting for their teacher they received another letter that the people would have to pay ten dollars additional per month after they received the second letter they called the people together and then they found that board, washing, lights, and fuel would with the ten dollars per month would be more than 25 dollars per month which they say they are not able to pay and if they cannot get a teacher on the first condition they will be compelled to have no school till some other arrangements are made These people are verry poor here and they live in a hard neighbourhood for this is the place that Miss Matthews the colored teacher were beaten twice very badly for teaching these people and I hope if you can do it that you will send [[?]] a teacher and the school will be opened forthwith. they are verry anxious to start the school and would prefer a colored male teacher if you send them one. You can write to this place and direct your letter to Mr. Thomas Pinchett at this place and you will receive answer If you send a teacher send him to Cambrige and notify Pinchett before hand and he will meet him there
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Record #82

Date 28 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that the people of this place are too poor to pay the $10. per month to support their scho…

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Roll Number 5
Date 28 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Dorchester
City/Town/Neighborhood Salem
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned John Baker
Message Abstract States that the people of this place are too poor to pay the $10. per month to support their school, proposed by the Baltimore Asso.; that they apply through him to the Bureau to furnish them with a colored male teacher, and they will pay his board; that [[underlined]] John Baker [[/underlined]] is the person to address
Message Body I write to inform you that these people say they have met and decided that necesity compels them to keep their school closed as they are not able to pay any salary of teacher. They say that if it had been required of them two years ago they could paid it much better than now. or since the crops have [[fouled?]] two years the young people who use to keep them they are gone away to other places and left Fathers, mothers, and orphans here to battle with the opposition and darkness [[?]] They say that it would be the pride of their lives to commence and keep this school agoing and respectfully aske for a colored male teacher if their application meets your favour
N.B. to this place to Mr John Baker
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Record #83

Date 28 Oct 1868
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that the colored people of this place apply through him for a colored male teacher; that t…

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Roll Number 5
Date 28 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Dorchester
City/Town/Neighborhood Draw Bridge
Other Locations Mentioned Vienna
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Leven Parker; Rev. Chas Pullett
Message Abstract States that the colored people of this place apply through him for a colored male teacher; that they are very poor and not able to pay salary, but will pay board: that [[underlined]] Leven Parker [[/underlined]] is the proper person to address, care of Rev. [[underlined]] Chas Pullett [[/underlined]] Vienna.
Message Body There was a school here last year and the people thought to have started their school before this time and have been waiting for a teacher from the Balt. Association, they have met and concluded they would pay all the salary if they were able before the school should stop But as they are not able and cannot pay it. They have decided to let their school go Down untill some other arrangement can be made. They say that their crops have failed the last two years, and the poor people have not made more than half crops and that they are worst off then they were two years ago including the Horse ailments that have killed off their Horses that many are left without any Horse at all. They desire to ask you please furnish them with a colored male teacher and they will see to his board and washing and take care of him You will please correspond with Mr. Leven Parker at this place who will answer
N.B. Direct to Mr. Leven Parker care of Rev. Charles Pullett
I am still quite sick
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Record #84

Date 4 Nov 1868
State Maryland
Authors Robt. J. Baker
Recipient Major Kimball
Message Abstract States that they have secured a lot for which they propose to pay $100. Inquires if the material…

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Roll Number 5
Date 4 Nov 1868
State Maryland
County Worcester
City/Town/Neighborhood Berlin
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Robt. J. Baker
Position President Board Trustees
Recipient Major Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that they have secured a lot for which they propose to pay $100.
Inquires if the material for school-house will be furnished if the lot is paid for this month
Message Body We have secured a lot for a School House for which we expect to pay $50.00 on Saturday and we wish to know if we can obtain the material if we [[strikethrough]] obtain [[/strikethrough]] pay the remaining $50.00 during the present month. This lot is not more than one quarter of a mile from the Post office. We have railroad communication via Salisbury and the Delaware R.R.
There has been but a week of School owing to the Church having caught fire and to the [[strikethrough]] opposition [[/strikethrough]] objection being made to School being held in it. The number in attendance has been very small indeed though a School is greatly needed: Can we attain a two story house for society use as well as school
We would be glad to have a reply by return mail that we may know what action to take.
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Record #85

State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract States that the school at this place is closed and the people are anxious to have it reopened but…

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Roll Number 5
State Maryland
County Dorchester
City/Town/Neighborhood Airy
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Enock W. Wilson
Message Abstract States that the school at this place is closed and the people are anxious to have it reopened but are not able to do more than pay the board of teacher, owing to failure of crops &c; that they apply through him for a colored male teacher; that [[underlined]] Enock W. Wilson [[/underlined]] is the proper person to address.
Message Body I write to inform you that the school at this place is also closed. They say that they would do any thing they could to have school reopened but they are not able to do any more than pay board and washing in this locality they have lost their crops from the wet weather and also the larger portion of their Horses They say that they would be glad to get a teacher forthwith hoping that this application may meet your favour and if so they would prefer a colored male teacher I must close as I am very sick
Correspond with Mr Enoch W. Wilson at this place who will promptly answer all communications
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Record #86

Date 10 Nov 1868
State Maryland
Authors W.M. Boynton
Recipient John Kimball
Message Abstract States in reply to letter of the 24th ult. that the school has been in operation since Sept. 7th:…

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Roll Number 5
Date 10 Nov 1868
State Maryland
County Caroline
City/Town/Neighborhood Potter's Landing
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors W.M. Boynton
Recipient John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States in reply to letter of the 24th ult. that the school has been in operation since Sept. 7th: that the number of pupils registered is 48 with an average attendance of 30: that they have a white male teacher (a resident) whom they pay $25.00 per month but he fears they will not be able to continue the school without assistance.
Message Body Yours of 24th of Oc. was duly recd. In reply I would state that we have had a school in successful operation since the 7th of Sept. There is an average attendance of about thirty scholars. The number on the register being forty eight. We have a white teacher who gives general satisfaction, a resident of this place, but a native of Penn. He came here some three years since when the tide of Northern emigration was turned toward this State. We have had no trouble from the rebel element although the more ignorant and consequently more unprincipled of the democracy have made threats of burning the house and hanging the teacher. Grants election has done much toward quieting all such and we have no more fear of being molested.
We hope to be able to carry our school through the winter but have doubts of the ability of colored people to do so unaided.
We have relied entirely upon ourselves so far but as the fall work is about over and very little work to be had by the laboring class during the winter we fear for the [[result?]].
There is no wealth among the colored people and we receive no aid and very little sympathy from any of the whites. The salary we have engaged to pay our teacher is twenty five dolls ($25.) per month.
If you have any funds in hand which could be applied in assisting us, in making the payment to our teacher, it would be thankfully recd
Pages 1000
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Record #87

Date 11 Mar 1869
State Maryland
Authors Robt. J. Baker
Message Abstract Requests aid for the purpose of building school-house. States that they have procured lot &c.

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Roll Number 5
Date 11 Mar 1869
State Maryland
County Worcester
City/Town/Neighborhood Berlin
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Robt. J. Baker
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Requests aid for the purpose of building school-house. States that they have procured lot &c.
Message Body I take the Present
Opportunity of writing you
a few lines [Consirning] the & send it to you rite away we have naw school on the accunt of haveing of having naw house but I think we shall seart school in the Curch in [[?hantaureek]] but suffer for a house we wold like to have ato story house to meet our Council in So I Shall Look for a few lines From you in a few days So [[?]] more at Present
Lumber for a school house
I did not hear you say No
that you would give us the
Lumber but I heard of your
being at our Place & was [vary]
sorry that I did not get yo
see you but I hear that you
say if we wold (???)
a lot on which to build a school
house we have a lot now all
ready & if you (?)have the
Lumber Please to drop me
afew lines & I will
have the deed fill out
Pages 1250
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Record #88

Date 20 May 1869
State Maryland
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Message Abstract Applies for an appointment as Asst. Supt. Of Education for the state of Maryland.

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Roll Number 5
Date 20 May 1869
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors John H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract Applies for an appointment as Asst. Supt. Of Education for the state of Maryland.
Message Body I see it announced in the papers that you have been appointed Superintendant of Schools for the District of Coloumbia West Verginia & Maryland And as you have