Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

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Bible Records of Accomack and Northampton Counties, Virginia

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All Records in Bible Records of Accomack and Northampton Counties, Virginia

Record #1

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Potter Family Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record H&E Phinney NY 1830
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Negroes belonging to J.R. Potter & Annie M. Potter: Phillis b 1812, Juliet, John Robert, Ames, J…

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Book Volume 1
Page Number 59-61
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Potter Family Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record H&E Phinney NY 1830
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Negroes belonging to J.R. Potter & Annie M. Potter: Phillis b 1812, Juliet, John Robert, Ames, Jane, Peggy, Caleb, Lucinda- daughter of Phillis-1830, Bill - son of Phillis - b. 1834, Louisa - daughter of Juliet- b. 1832, Matilda - daughter of Agnes, Jane - daughter of Agnes, Elijah - son of Agnes, Virginia - daughter of Agnes, Melinda, John - son of Phillis, b. 3/1846, Ann - daughter of PHillis- b. 1840, Lizzy - daughter of Phillis- b. 1842, Charlot- daughter of Phillis- b. 1851, Florence- daughter of Phillis- b. 1852, Benjamin Potter? - son of Elizabeth b. 9/1858, John ...: b. 12/6/1860?, Henry- son of Elizabeth- b. 1862, Lucy- daughter of Dinah, Agnes- daughter of Dinah
Additional Other Records x
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Record #2

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Waddey Family Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Births (entered on a family record pg taken from another Bible, but inserted at end of above dats…
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 1
Page Number 62-65
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Waddey Family Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Births (entered on a family record pg taken from another Bible, but inserted at end of above dats. Probably record of slave births): Sady b. 10/15/1842; Margaret b. 1/17/1847; George b 8/1848; Henrietta b. 1/19/1849; Severn b. 8/1850; John b 7/16/1852; Mallintha b. 10/5/1855; Sally b. 10/20/1852; Adeline b. 10/19/1854; Virgininnia b. 1/8/1856; Florence b. 3/10/1858; Rache b. 5/29/1857; Adah b. 5/15/1860; Katherine-daughter of Edie b.
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #3

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jessee N. Jarvis Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Holy Bible American Bible Society; 5/17/1850
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Slaves of Jessee N. Jarvis: Cornelius, child of Ada b. 5/1847; Missouri, child of Adlade b. 10/7…
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 1
Page Number 102-103
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jessee N. Jarvis Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Holy Bible American Bible Society; 5/17/1850
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Slaves of Jessee N. Jarvis: Cornelius, child of Ada b. 5/1847; Missouri, child of Adlade b. 10/7/1854; Fanny, child of Adlade b. 6/21/1856; George, child of Adah b. 11/16/1858; John, child of Susan b. 12/5/1859; William, child of Susan b. 9/21/1861; Another child of Adlade b. 9/19/1862
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #4

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Edward Taylor Family (from Ledger kept by Edward Taylor (Accomack County, Va) ledger pg 29
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/18/1775-1789
Family Records: Birth and Other Records The following Negroes: man Peter abt 70 yo; man Cesar 53 yo; man America 30 yo; man Occrow 30 yo;…
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 2
Page Number 11-12
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Edward Taylor Family (from Ledger kept by Edward Taylor (Accomack County, Va) ledger pg 29
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/18/1775-1789
Family Records: Birth and Other Records The following Negroes: man Peter abt 70 yo; man Cesar 53 yo; man America 30 yo; man Occrow 30 yo; man George 32 yo; woman Nanny abt 73 yo; woman Barsheba 52 69; woman Sarah 37 yo; woman Tab 15 yo; boy George b. 4/1/1761; boy Abel b. 3/27/1765; boy Stephen- son of Tab- b. 12/16/1776; girl Rachel b. 1785; girl Leah -born of Fame- 3/1/1787; child born of Leah named Nanncy b. 9/9/1786; Sarah b. 9/15/1790 of Leah & she died 1/21/1805
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #5

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Edward Taylor Family (from Ledger kept by Edward Taylor (Accomack County, Va) ledger pg 15
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/18/1775-1789
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Slaves in inventory of Thomas Teackle Taylor, deceased & their values: Peter, Negro man slave 1 …

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Book Volume 2
Page Number 11-12
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Edward Taylor Family (from Ledger kept by Edward Taylor (Accomack County, Va) ledger pg 15
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/18/1775-1789
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Slaves in inventory of Thomas Teackle Taylor, deceased & their values: Peter, Negro man slave 1 pound, Caesar, ditto 5 lb; Ocro, ditto 60 lb; Phame, girl 20 lb; Nanny woman 0.5; Abel boy 27/10; Europe man 55 lb; America ditto 55 lb; George boy 45lb; Southy ditto 40 lb; Jacob ditto 20 lb; London ditto 20 lb; Daniel ditto 30 lb; Major ditto 17/10; Moses ditto 25 lb; Parker ditto 27/10; Beersheba woman 10 lb.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #6

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Peter Rison Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record torn
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Birth of Slaves: Harrod, son of Liza b. 3/15/184; Henry - son of Polly b. 12/30/1814; Joe- son o…
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 4
Page Number 21-23
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Peter Rison Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record torn
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Birth of Slaves: Harrod, son of Liza b. 3/15/184; Henry - son of Polly b. 12/30/1814; Joe- son of Liza b. 5/17/1816; Archer - son of Polly b. 4/5/1817; Arianna- daughter of Rosetta b. 9/1812; Sam - son of Polly b. 12/24/1820; Clarissa b. 9/1824
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #7

Family Name of Bible or Other Record James Wilkins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Edmond Cushing, Lunenburg, Mass; 1828
Family Records: Birth and Other Records William - Negro b. 8/28/1851; Benjamin negro b June or July 1852; Robert negro b. 6/12/1853; Nonn…
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 4
Page Number 45-48
Family Name of Bible or Other Record James Wilkins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Edmond Cushing, Lunenburg, Mass; 1828
Family Records: Birth and Other Records William - Negro b. 8/28/1851; Benjamin negro b June or July 1852; Robert negro b. 6/12/1853; Nonny negro b. 6/1856; Henry negro b. 8/1857
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #8

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Mitchell Chandler Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Kimber & Sharpless 1824
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Children of Black: Comfort- Dauter of tamor was b. 6/19/1804
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 5
Page Number 59-61
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Mitchell Chandler Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Kimber & Sharpless 1824
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Children of Black: Comfort- Dauter of tamor was b. 6/19/1804
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #9

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Henry J. Boggs Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record A. Paul NY; 1823
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Black Ages: Tom of Boggs b. 1/21/1857; Henry of Boggs b. 8/3/1859; Leah daughter of Mary b. 12/13…
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 5
Page Number 172-173
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Henry J. Boggs Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record A. Paul NY; 1823
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Black Ages: Tom of Boggs b. 1/21/1857; Henry of Boggs b. 8/3/1859; Leah daughter of Mary b. 12/13/1861; Elen of Boggs daughter of Eliza b. 5/30/1861
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #10

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George Hope Ewell Record
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record found in book printed 1724
Family Records: Birth and Other Records on blank page: C.P. (probably colored person): Sabour Daughter of Oclor (Ador?) was borned 3/11/…
Family Records: Other Records Noted on pgs of bk: Nancy Tyson Her Book given by her father Nathaniel Tyson. 10/8/1811 Ann Fitc…

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Book Volume 6
Page Number 38-44
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George Hope Ewell Record
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record found in book printed 1724
Family Records: Birth and Other Records on blank page: C.P. (probably colored person): Sabour Daughter of Oclor (Ador?) was borned 3/11/1820
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Noted on pgs of bk: Nancy Tyson Her Book given by her father Nathaniel Tyson. 10/8/1811 Ann Fitchet her book; Nancy Eewll 1813.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #11

Family Name of Bible or Other Record John Ker's Notation Book
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record was among Ker papers at Cessford, Eastville Va 1823-1830
Family Records: Birth and Other Records John? Ker's slaves: James Hnery, Bettey's child b 5/18/1810; Mary Edney, Bettey's child, b. 4/23…
Family Records: Other Records 5/9/1809 - paid Old Beck for washing $2.25; 10 /25/1824 Sold Zilpher 31 yo and her children, Geor…

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Book Volume 7 pt 2
Page Number 176-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record John Ker's Notation Book
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record was among Ker papers at Cessford, Eastville Va 1823-1830
Family Records: Birth and Other Records John? Ker's slaves: James Hnery, Bettey's child b 5/18/1810; Mary Edney, Bettey's child, b. 4/23/1813; George, Zilpher's child bÂ…..; William, Judith's child b. 11/14/1818; David Rich, Tinney's child b. 11/27/1818; Daniel Smith, Judith's child, b. 3/7/1821; Jacob, Zilpher's child b. ....; Samuel, Zilpher's child b. 2/28/1823; John Thomas (Judith's child) b. 12/30/1823; Robert, Zilpher's child b. 8/18/1824;
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records additional births: Rachel Jane, Tinney's child b 1/4/1825; Judith had son b 9/17/1825 who lived only 3-4 days due to her being ill of fever & Mrs Ker forgetting to have any assistance afforded to mother or child - writer is outraged, but next page torn out. Rose, Tinney's child b. 12/19/1826; Judith's daughter Harriet b. 12/28/1827; Jacob, Tinney's child b. 2/26/1829; Judith's daughter Juliet Ann b. 10/8/1830; Mary Edney's daughter Betty b. 12/21/1830; Tinney's daughter Margaret Susan b. 1/13/1831; Tiney's son George Weston b. 12/1/1834; Mary Edney's daughter Francis Ellen b. 8/15/1835; Rose's son Henry b. 2/18/1847; Susy's son Smith Seymour b. 7/23/1850; Susy's son Hugh b. 1/31/1852
Family Records: Death and Other Records Mary Edney lost a fine boy in summer 1833 probably by neglect; Rachel;s daughter Matilda b. 3/1846 Â…affected with hydrocephalus d. 7/1847
Family Records: Other Records 5/9/1809 - paid Old Beck for washing $2.25; 10 /25/1824 Sold Zilpher 31 yo and her children, George 6 yo, Jacob 3 yo, Samuel 18 mos old and Robert 6 wks old to Thos Leals of Augusta, Georgia for $360. Anus bought of Jas. M Nicholson 1/1/1850 abt 21 yo. Edmund (Anne's child) came out N.J. Winder's Estate 7 yo 12/1849. Priscey bought of Sev E. Bowdin b 1821. Priscey's daughter Mary Ann b. 12/26/1842. Susan, Priscey's child b 12/7/1845. James Henry, Priscey's child b. 6/10/1848. Alice Rich (Priscey's child) b. 10/17/1852. Priscilla b. 1/12/1858.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #12

Family Name of Bible or Other Record James H Ball
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Sumner & Goodman; 1846
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records on back flyleaf: this is the age of my negro boy Nathan b. 9/20/1855. my boy Joshua b 4/5/1856. …

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Book Volume 8
Page Number 72-74
Family Name of Bible or Other Record James H Ball
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Sumner & Goodman; 1846
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records on back flyleaf: this is the age of my negro boy Nathan b. 9/20/1855. my boy Joshua b 4/5/1856. My boy Bill b. 6.23/1858.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #13

Family Name of Bible or Other Record John Downing Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record T. Carlton & J. Porter NY 1889
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Abstract of Deed written 6/29/1858 Northampton Co Va: Elizabeth A. Mathews widow of William K. Ma…

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Book Volume 9
Page Number 165-172
Family Name of Bible or Other Record John Downing Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record T. Carlton & J. Porter NY 1889
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Abstract of Deed written 6/29/1858 Northampton Co Va: Elizabeth A. Mathews widow of William K. Mathews, conveys to her children Margeret, Sydy & Mary 105 acre tract : Three Islands". Also title in negro slave named George, owned by Wm K Mathews in his lifetime.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #14

Family Name of Bible or Other Record John W. Bird Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Bird Bible pgs found in folder in attic at Kerr Place
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Elsey negro "gall" b DecemberÂ…..
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 10 pt 1
Page Number 38-43
Family Name of Bible or Other Record John W. Bird Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Bird Bible pgs found in folder in attic at Kerr Place
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Elsey negro "gall" b DecemberÂ…..
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records Elsey decised this life 11/9/1837. Dare a negro man Decised this life 4/8/1837. William BirdÂ…Sun of JohÂ…decesed this life 1/26/1825.
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #15

Family Name of Bible or Other Record John Savage, Senr Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record copies of Family Record pgs found in vertical files at ESVA HS Kerr Place
Family Records: Birth and Other Records "A List of My negroes ages": Letty b 1800; Harriet b 1804; Handy b 1810; Caleb b 7/9/1819; Leah b…
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 12 pt 1
Page Number 97-104
Family Name of Bible or Other Record John Savage, Senr Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record copies of Family Record pgs found in vertical files at ESVA HS Kerr Place
Family Records: Birth and Other Records "A List of My negroes ages": Letty b 1800; Harriet b 1804; Handy b 1810; Caleb b 7/9/1819; Leah b 7/9/1819; Peggy b 1822; Henry b 1822; Isaac b 1822; Lewis b 1832; Ann b 1832; Keziah b 1780; Abel b 5/25/1840; Jane b 11/26/1840; Bill 7/10/1842; Lizzie 12/26/1846; George 11/28/1848; Sabrough b 5/15/1850; Ewing b 6/18/1852; Mary 10/16/1844; Bob 4/5/1846; Wilson 3/26/1854; Louisa b 4/2/1854; Charles Hill 3/16/1849; Dennia 3/16/1851; John 6/15/1853; Payton 5/7/1858; George D. Wise b Christmas morning 1855. Singed Jno Savage Sen'r
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records John d. 3/14/1854
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #16

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Dr. T.J.L.L. Nottingham 1807-1878 Ledgers
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record N/A 1821-1854
Family Records: Birth and Other Records original on pg 142 transcription of parts of Nottingham's ledger - likely his slaves
Family Records: Other Records Bennet b Jan 1820 of Dinah; Sarah b 12/1821 of Charlotte; Bill b 6/1830 of Char…

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Book Volume 12 pt 2
Page Number 137-146
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Dr. T.J.L.L. Nottingham 1807-1878 Ledgers
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record N/A 1821-1854
Family Records: Birth and Other Records original on pg 142 transcription of parts of Nottingham's ledger - likely his slaves
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Bennet b Jan 1820 of Dinah; Sarah b 12/1821 of Charlotte; Bill b 6/1830 of Charlotte; Henry b 6/1831 of Jinny; James b 11/1836 of Jinny; Joshua b 8/15/1838 of Sarah; Isaac b 1/1841 of Sarah; Molly b 10/7/1836 of Charlotte; Billy Winder b 8/1795; John b 2/21/1842 of Sarah (dead); Jinny b abt 1801; Charlotte b 1791 (dead); George b 5/1845 of Sarah Candace b 10/6/1849 of Sarah Zeek b 5/1/1849 of Sarah (died '92); Fanny b 7/15/1851 of Sarah (dead); Mary b 2/17/1854 of Molly
Additional Other Records x
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Record #17

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Volunteer Enlistment of Slaves of L.B. Nottingham During Civil War
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Official enlistment forms 1863 & list submitted by Nottingham
Family Records: Birth and Other Records The following Slaves belonging to L.B. Nottingham have gone off or Joined the Army: see overlo…
Family Records: Other Records Documents: 1. Alfred Sneed b. Eastville 23 yo, farmer volunteered 10/30/1863 - black eyes, blac…

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Book Volume 13 pt 1
Page Number 27-36
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Volunteer Enlistment of Slaves of L.B. Nottingham During Civil War
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Official enlistment forms 1863 & list submitted by Nottingham
Family Records: Birth and Other Records The following Slaves belonging to L.B. Nottingham have gone off or Joined the Army: see overlow in Marriage column. Alfred Snead 24 yo in Army Craney Island; Southy Nottingham 24 yo in Army; Edward Snead 16 yo In Army Craney Island; Geo Snead in Navy; Allen - believed in Army; Stephen - 50 yr at Norfolk; Richard- 28 yo in Navy, LBN Adm to WT Notttingham dec'd; John 22 yo in Army; Genp? 22 yo in Army; Henry 14 yo- Guardian to T.C Tyson -in Army; Wm Tyson 25 yo- Guardian to T. Trower - at Old Point; Henrietta 25 yo went to Balto in Sep 1862; Sophia 45 yo went to Old Point Aug 1863; Mary Ann 23 yo went to Old Point Oct 1863; Lydia 50 yo went to Old Point Dec 1863; Betsy - went to Old Point Dec 1863; Susan 5 yo went to Old Point Dec 1863; Nelly 2 yo went to Old Point Dec 1863; Elizabeth & her 4 children hired by LB Nottingham; Eday 45 yo hired by LBN; Francis 6 yo hired by LBN; John Bonain? 45 yo at work for wages; John Calvin 30 yo going at large; Nat 5 yo at my house belonging to LBN; Henry Booker 30 yo in the Army; Stephen 55 yo; Edward 14 yo; Allen 50 yo Slave of Leonard B Nottingham; Alfred 25 yo slave of Leonard B Nottingham; Lydia 50 yo; Susan 3 yo;
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Continuation of "Family Records" column showing enlistments in Army: Mary Ann 20 yo slave of LBN; Henrietta 25 yo slave of LBN; Sophia 45 yo slave of LBN; John Calvin 30 yo slave of LBN; John 24 yo; George 20 yo LB N adm of WT Nottingham; LB Nottingham adm of WT Nottingham; Henry 14 yo; Bill Tyson 22 yo LBNottingham guardian T. Trower; Ben 25 yo- John F Nottingham Jr; George Warren 15 yo - John E Nottingham Jr; Wm Henry or Henry Booker-Robinson Nottingham I authorize Dr, Geo T Yerby or Mr. WT Moor Jr to act as my agent in getting receipts for such of above named negroes as they can & also to act for my sons John E, Nottingham Jr & Robinson Nottingham. 25 Nov 1863 signed by L,B. Nottingham
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Documents: 1. Alfred Sneed b. Eastville 23 yo, farmer volunteered 10/30/1863 - black eyes, black hair black complexion, 5'6". 2. Henry Booker of Eastville aged 27 volunteered on 10/30/1863. Black eyes, hair & complexion, 6'2". 3. Henry Booker, Alfred Sneed enlisted in 10th US. Colored Troops. Claimed as slaves by Leonard B. Nottingham 11/28/1863. 4. small slip of paper written Adj T.C. Glazier 10 UST Drummondtown. 5. note pad w/ Army crest: Capt. McCarty; Certificate for Southy Nottingham 11/11/1863. Cherry Stone Landing signed by S/McCarty Capt & Recruiting Officer. See continuation in "Distributed" column.
Additional Other Records Continuation of enlistment Documents in "Other" column: 6. Edmund Brown certification written on lined sheet w/ embossed stamp. To Certify that Edmund Brown was enlisted into servcie of US. as soldier on 10/30/1863 Company A 10th USC Troops & mustered into service 11/27/1863. Signed by Geo (U)?) Brown Capt Co A 10th US Colored Troops.
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Record #18

Family Name of Bible or Other Record missing pgs 37-38-29=40 or book pages misnumbered
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 13 pt 1
Page Number
Family Name of Bible or Other Record missing pgs 37-38-29=40 or book pages misnumbered
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #19

Family Name of Bible or Other Record A.S. Matthews
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record National Publishing Co; 187-
Family Records: Birth and Other Records N/A
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 13 pt 1
Page Number 77
Family Name of Bible or Other Record A.S. Matthews
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record National Publishing Co; 187-
Family Records: Birth and Other Records N/A
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records N/A
Family Records: Death and Other Records Henry Wharton, colored, an old family servant of A.S. & Anna Matthews departed this life, 3/8/1918 having been with one of the family for over 45 yrs.
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #20

Family Name of Bible or Other Record J.B. Wise ledger (James Bowdoin Wise 1857-1920)
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record N/A
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Ledger (in original only) of Mr. Wise of Cherrystone Northamspton includes cash paid to list of …

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Book Volume 13 pt 1
Page Number 79
Family Name of Bible or Other Record J.B. Wise ledger (James Bowdoin Wise 1857-1920)
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record N/A
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Ledger (in original only) of Mr. Wise of Cherrystone Northamspton includes cash paid to list of laborers ; payments ranged from 83 cent - $20 /month, mainly $3-$6 monthly; no indication of race: LishieÂ…, Mary Bailey, Jeru Baly, Roberta Brown, Severn Brown, Preston Cisco, Salomon Costin, Annie Kellam, Josephine Lee, James Moore, Lucy Saunders, Emerson Savage, Margaret Smith, Rose Smith Lizzie Spady, Edna Washington, Mary Washington
Additional Other Records x
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Record #21

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Will of William Simkins, Sr ; copy of original pg 43-44
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record will written 28 Sept 1793 & proved in Norhampton Co. Va 10 Dec 1793
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Jabob b 20 Jan 1762; James b 17 Sep 1765; Joshua b 25 Mar 1766; Chaney b 27 Jun 1769; Daniel b …
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 14 pt 1
Page Number 41-42
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Will of William Simkins, Sr ; copy of original pg 43-44
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record will written 28 Sept 1793 & proved in Norhampton Co. Va 10 Dec 1793
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Jabob b 20 Jan 1762; James b 17 Sep 1765; Joshua b 25 Mar 1766; Chaney b 27 Jun 1769; Daniel b 20 Oct 1767; Adam b 13 Oct 1769; Nathan b 23 Dec 176; Nim b 26 Apr 1773; Ezekiel b 10 Dec 177;1 Millas b 10 Oct 1772; Harry b 10 Oct 1773; Appy b 10 Dep 1775; Stepney b 20 Aug 1776; Elijah b 1 Apr 1777; Ben b 8 Apr 1777; Sam b 14 Dec 178; Esther b 10 Mar 1787; George b 15 Apr 1789; Ibby b in May 1892 [1792?]; Andrew b abt 1738; Virginia b abt 1757; James b abt 174; Tilphia b abt 1753; Mizea b abt 1737
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #22

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Henry I Nottingham Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Davis Brothers & Co Richmond Va 1881
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 14 pt 1
Page Number 101-103
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Henry I Nottingham Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Davis Brothers & Co Richmond Va 1881
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #23

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records First born girl at Cobb Station, VA b. 2/11/1908
Family Records: Other Records Littleton Daniel Bibbins - confessed religion 1901

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records First born girl at Cobb Station, VA b. 2/11/1908
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Littleton Daniel Bibbins & Laura Apermilia Francis. At her parents home in Exmore Va October 2 , 1907
Family Records: Death and Other Records 2/11/1908
Family Records: Other Records Littleton Daniel Bibbins - confessed religion 1901
Additional Other Records x
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Record #24

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Francis Permiollia Bibbins at Cobb Station, VA b. 2/9/1909
Family Records: Other Records Francis confessed religion 9/28/1922

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Francis Permiollia Bibbins at Cobb Station, VA b. 2/9/1909
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Francis confessed religion 9/28/1922
Additional Other Records x
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Record #25

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Ruth Loice Bibbins at Cobb Station, VA b. 7/22/1910
Family Records: Other Records Ruth confessed religion 22/28/1922

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Ruth Loice Bibbins at Cobb Station, VA b. 7/22/1910
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records 11/20/1934 Wm C. Garrett
Family Records: Death and Other Records 12/15/1971
Family Records: Other Records Ruth confessed religion 22/28/1922
Additional Other Records x
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Record #26

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Paul Edward Bibbins at Cobb Station, Va on 12/15/1911
Family Records: Other Records Paul confessed religion 9/22/1928

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Paul Edward Bibbins at Cobb Station, Va on 12/15/1911
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records 12/28/1934
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Paul confessed religion 9/22/1928
Additional Other Records x
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Record #27

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mary Elizabeth Bibbins at Cobb Station, Va on 8/20/1916
Family Records: Other Records Elizabeth confessed religion 9/22/1928

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mary Elizabeth Bibbins at Cobb Station, Va on 8/20/1916
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Elizabeth confessed religion 9/22/1928
Additional Other Records x
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Record #28

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Ellen Brown Bibbins at Cobb Station Va on 1/20/1915
Family Records: Other Records Ellen confessed religion 9/22/1928

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Ellen Brown Bibbins at Cobb Station Va on 1/20/1915
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Ellen confessed religion 9/22/1928
Additional Other Records x
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Record #29

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Robertia Louisie Bibbins at Cobb Station Va on 8/20/1916
Family Records: Other Records Bertie confessed religion 9/21/1930

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Robertia Louisie Bibbins at Cobb Station Va on 8/20/1916
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Bertie confessed religion 9/21/1930
Additional Other Records x
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Record #30

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Vergie Arline Bibbins in Savage Neck, VA on 5/6/1919
Family Records: Other Records Arline confessed religion 9/18/1934

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Vergie Arline Bibbins in Savage Neck, VA on 5/6/1919
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Arline confessed religion 9/18/1934
Additional Other Records x
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Record #31

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Loretta M. Bibbins at Shady Side, VA on 6/18/1921
Family Records: Other Records Loretta confessed religion 9/18/1934

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Loretta M. Bibbins at Shady Side, VA on 6/18/1921
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Loretta confessed religion 9/18/1934
Additional Other Records x
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Record #32

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Lucretia Oneal Bibbins at Shady Side, Va on 8/23/1921
Family Records: Other Records Lucretia confessed religion 9/18/1934

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Lucretia Oneal Bibbins at Shady Side, Va on 8/23/1921
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lucretia confessed religion 9/18/1934
Additional Other Records x
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Record #33

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Littleton Daniel Bibbins b at Cobb Station, VA on 12/23/1866
Family Records: Other Records buried 12/31/1931; aged 44 yo

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Littleton Daniel Bibbins b at Cobb Station, VA on 12/23/1866
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records 12/30/1931
Family Records: Other Records buried 12/31/1931; aged 44 yo
Additional Other Records x
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Record #34

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Laura A Francis b St Stewart's Worf, Va on 8/21/1885
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 177-178
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Littleton Daniel Bibbins Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Laura A Francis b St Stewart's Worf, Va on 8/21/1885
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records 8/21/1969
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #35

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Sallie Frances Spady and George Russel Seaton md at Capeville Baptist Church 11/8/1913
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #36

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Lillie Seaton & Paul E Bibbons md 12/18/1934
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #37

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records married for 30 years on 6/23/1981. Lives in OverBrook, Philadelphia PA (no issue) (per Seaton/Bib…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Oner Seaton & Lundy Bridges md 6/23/1951
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records married for 30 years on 6/23/1981. Lives in OverBrook, Philadelphia PA (no issue) (per Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible. Spencer Press c 1955)
Additional Other Records x
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Record #38

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mr. George R Seaton b. 11/17/1894
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mr. George R Seaton b. 11/17/1894
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records d. 9/18/1959
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #39

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mrs Sallie Frances Seaton B. 1/11/1894
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mrs Sallie Frances Seaton B. 1/11/1894
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #40

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Lillie B Seaton, daughter of George & Sallie B. 1/1/1916
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Lillie B Seaton, daughter of George & Sallie B. 1/1/1916
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #41

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Oner P. Seaton, daughter of George & Sallie, b. 10/3/1923
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Oner P. Seaton, daughter of George & Sallie, b. 10/3/1923
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #42

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mr. Isaiah Spady, father of above Sallie Seaton, b. 12/7/1868
Family Records: Other Records Deacon in Capeville Baptist Baptist Church

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mr. Isaiah Spady, father of above Sallie Seaton, b. 12/7/1868
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records d. 12/18/1940
Family Records: Other Records Deacon in Capeville Baptist Baptist Church
Additional Other Records x
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Record #43

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records George Liltton Bibbins B. 12/2/1936
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records George Liltton Bibbins B. 12/2/1936
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #44

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mary Stafford Spady, 2nd wife of Isaiah Spady B. 1/1887
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mary Stafford Spady, 2nd wife of Isaiah Spady B. 1/1887
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records d. 5/24/1964
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #45

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Francis Beatress Bibbins b. 10/4/1941
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Francis Beatress Bibbins b. 10/4/1941
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #46

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Paul E. Bibbins Jr, son of Paul & Lillie, b. 2/3/1947
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Paul E. Bibbins Jr, son of Paul & Lillie, b. 2/3/1947
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #47

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Hyler Brittania Spady, 2nd child of Isaiah & Lillie b. 2/3/1895
Family Records: Other Records She was registered nurse at Harlem Hospital for 40 years.

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Hyler Brittania Spady, 2nd child of Isaiah & Lillie b. 2/3/1895
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records d. 8/1/1964
Family Records: Other Records She was registered nurse at Harlem Hospital for 40 years.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #48

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records Mrs. Lillie Stafford Spady, 1st wife of Isaiah Spady, d. 5/1899
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #49

Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 174-175
Family Name of Bible or Other Record George and Sallie Seaton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1895 National Bible Press
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records Hattie Seaton, wife of Lewis Seaton, d. 5/24/1964
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #50

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Spencer Press c. 1955
Family Records: Birth and Other Records George Geoffrey Bibbins, Jr (?) b. 3/13/1969
Family Records: Other Records son of George L & Helga

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Spencer Press c. 1955
Family Records: Birth and Other Records George Geoffrey Bibbins, Jr (?) b. 3/13/1969
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records son of George L & Helga
Additional Other Records x
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Record #51

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Paul E. Bibbins, Jr.; b. 2/12/1947
Family Records: Other Records son of Paul & Lillie

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Paul E. Bibbins, Jr.; b. 2/12/1947
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records son of Paul & Lillie
Additional Other Records x
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Record #52

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Nicole Marice Bibbins; b. 4/29/1971 in Chigaco
Family Records: Other Records daughter of George & Helga

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Nicole Marice Bibbins; b. 4/29/1971 in Chigaco
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records daughter of George & Helga
Additional Other Records x
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Record #53

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Kirsten B. Bibbins; b. 11/24/1965 in Germany
Family Records: Other Records daughter of George L & Helga

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Kirsten B. Bibbins; b. 11/24/1965 in Germany
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records daughter of George L & Helga
Additional Other Records x
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Record #54

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Susan Knight Stafford, wife of Dan Stafford
Family Records: Other Records was 96 years of age on 10/16/1966

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Susan Knight Stafford, wife of Dan Stafford
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records was 96 years of age on 10/16/1966
Additional Other Records x
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Record #55

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Betty Lue Brown Bibbins; b. 4/3/1951
Family Records: Other Records wife of Paul E Bibbins, Jr.

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Betty Lue Brown Bibbins; b. 4/3/1951
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records wife of Paul E Bibbins, Jr.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #56

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Betty (Helga) Wardecker Bibbins b. 6/17/1935
Family Records: Other Records wife of George Bibbins

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Betty (Helga) Wardecker Bibbins b. 6/17/1935
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records wife of George Bibbins
Additional Other Records x
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Record #57

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Sallie Spady
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 1st wife Lillie (Lillie & Mary were sisters; see Stafford)

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Sallie Spady
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Lillie
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 1st wife Lillie (Lillie & Mary were sisters; see Stafford)
Additional Other Records x
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Record #58

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Hyla Spady
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 1st wife Lillie (Lillie & Mary were sisters; see Stafford)

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Hyla Spady
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Lillie
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 1st wife Lillie (Lillie & Mary were sisters; see Stafford)
Additional Other Records x
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Record #59

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records John Spady
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 1st wife Lillie (Lillie & Mary were sisters; see Stafford)

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records John Spady
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Lillie
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 1st wife Lillie (Lillie & Mary were sisters; see Stafford)
Additional Other Records x
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Record #60

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Isaiah Spady b. 11/2/1902
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 2nd wife Mary (sister of Mary - see Stafford)

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Isaiah Spady b. 11/2/1902
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Mary
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 2nd wife Mary (sister of Mary - see Stafford)
Additional Other Records x
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Record #61

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Laurine Spady b. 5/4/1908
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 2nd wife Mary (sister of Mary - see Stafford)

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Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Laurine Spady b. 5/4/1908
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Mary
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 2nd wife Mary (sister of Mary - see Stafford)
Additional Other Records x
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Record #62

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Cornelious (Ninnie); b. 10/4/1912
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 2nd wife Mary (sister of Mary - see Stafford)

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 14 pt 2
Page Number 175-176
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Seaton/Bibbins/Bridges Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Cornelious (Ninnie); b. 10/4/1912
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Mary
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records children of Grandpa Isaiah Spady w/ 2nd wife Mary (sister of Mary - see Stafford)
Additional Other Records x
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Record #63

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Philip A Fitzhugh (among papers)
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records hire of negro woman Grace
Family Records: Other Records found on outside of folded documents among old papers: P.A. Fitzhugh to E. Holland $25 plus clot…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 29
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Philip A Fitzhugh (among papers)
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records hire of negro woman Grace
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records found on outside of folded documents among old papers: P.A. Fitzhugh to E. Holland $25 plus clothing & a blanket pd 1/1/1863 for year 1862
Additional Other Records x
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Record #64

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Charley Hill Francis Bible and parts of another Bible & scraps of paper & other notes found in Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Georgia Sarah Francis b. 11/14/1899; Earley Hill Francis b. 9/4/1901; Raimond Carl Francis b. 7/1…
Family Records: Other Records included is a sheet from another bible containing records of father & mother of Charley Hill Fran…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 31 - 47
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Charley Hill Francis Bible and parts of another Bible & scraps of paper & other notes found in Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Georgia Sarah Francis b. 11/14/1899; Earley Hill Francis b. 9/4/1901; Raimond Carl Francis b. 7/18/1903; Earnest B. Francis b. 1/24/1905; Arminta Poulson Francis b. 10/3/1910; Joseph F Anderson 2/10/ [19]20; Christine Doughty b. 8/29/1896; Clestine Francis b. 3/2/1917; Albert James Francis b. 2/2/1912; Thomas Welton Francis b. 8/28/1913; Lillie Mae Francis Wilson b. 5/3/1915; Carl Bentson Johnson b. 11/18/1942; James Ruben Lecator b. 1/20/1940; Handly Wesley Francis b. 5/30/1910; James Edward Francis b. 10/8/1922; Charley Hill Francis b. 6/21/1875; Gertrude Hellen Francis b. 12/16/1881; Alice R. Francis b. 4/5/1878. O.H. Heath b. 1857.
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Charley Hill Francis son of George L an d Georgia Francis and Gertrude H Francis Daughter of Sarah Willis At Franktown A.M.E. Church on 28 day of December 1898 In Presence of Elder Joseph Tynes, George G Francis & Betemer Johnson. Signed by Charley Hill Francis & Gertrude H. Willis. Charles H. Francis & Annie F Poulson m. 4/28/1909. Charles H. Francis & Alice H Heath m. 10/17/1918; Earley H. Francis & Mazie Samplem.12/12/1923. Mr. Ernest B. Francis & Mis Inez Polyte Williams m. 10/3/1932 in New York City.
Family Records: Death and Other Records Raimond Francis d 7/21/1904; Gertrud H Francis d. 4/4/1908; Charles H. Francis d.4/23/1947; Ernest B. Francis d. 5/25/1941; Julia Francis d. 4/22/1946; Celestine Francis departed this life 10/8/1922; Gracie W. Heath d. 6/6/1899. O.H. Heath d. 5/6/1937; Horace Francis d. 2/4/1933 age 45 yrs 10 mos & 5 ds. Mary Moore Francis d. 10/16/1922 27 yo. Mrs. Lucy Bivins d. 2/11/55 in Philadelphia, Pa. - GJH (Gordon J. Heath-Aunt Alice brother)
Family Records: Other Records included is a sheet from another bible containing records of father & mother of Charley Hill Francis: George E. Francis b. 4/12/1851; Georgianner Francis b. 12/8/1856; George E. Francis & Georgianner LeCato M. 2/13/1873. Steller C. Francis b. 8/29/1897-1896. ; Jesse N. Francis b. 2/1899. Charley --- 6/21/1875; Aurther L. Francis b 3/5/1877; Hessie K. Francis 12/1/1878; George G Francis 2/26/1881; Laura Amalier Farncis b. 8/21/1883; Effie Sarah Francis [paper torn]; Idia Ann Francis b. July 1886. Lizzie [Elizabeth] B. Francis b. 5/3/18-- paper torn; John [Wesley Francis]; Ellen [Brown Francis]; Hessie Ker Francis d. 7/-/1880; Mary Henry Francis d 1/30/1897. On scraps of paper: Geneva E Francis b 4/24/1928 age 12. Gertrude H Willis 17 yo join church 10/31/1897. Marie Francis, church member, asks to be sent to Franktown her church membership info
Additional Other Records x
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Record #65

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Norfolk Virginian & Richmond Dispatch newspspapers
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 12/1888 - 7/1889
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 48-49
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Norfolk Virginian & Richmond Dispatch newspspapers
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 12/1888 - 7/1889
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records Maria Bivens (Negro) aged 56, 4/25/1889; Willilam Brown (Negro) 4/11/1889; Magruder Fletcher (Negro) 3/15/1889; Susan Hall, child of (Negro) 3/13/1889; John Moody (Negro) 4/11/1889; William Widgen (Negro) 4/13/1889
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #66

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 1: Abel $350; Isaac $160 Rose $60 . …

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Book Volume 15
Page Number 50-53
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 1: Abel $350; Isaac $160 Rose $60 . To receive form No 6: $14.33; To receive from sales of Joice & Peter Cool: $171.33. T $755.66
Additional Other Records to G Parker
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Record #67

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 2: Bob $350, Bridget & Child John $200. To receive from sales of Joice & Peter Cook $205.…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 50-53
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 2: Bob $350, Bridget & Child John $200. To receive from sales of Joice & Peter Cook $205.66. Total $755.66
Additional Other Records to J.G. Parker
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Record #68

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 3: Judah & Children, Wm & Danl $350, Fanny Girl $2240; to receive from sales of Joice & Pe…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 50-53
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 3: Judah & Children, Wm & Danl $350, Fanny Girl $2240; to receive from sales of Joice & Peter Cook $165.66
Additional Other Records to J. Ker
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Record #69

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 4: Charity & Child, Henry $350; Rebeckah $260; George of Charity $100; to receive from sa…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 50-53
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 4: Charity & Child, Henry $350; Rebeckah $260; George of Charity $100; to receive from sales of Joice & Peter Cook $45.66. Total $755.66
Additional Other Records to A Upshur
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Record #70

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 5: Polly & Children, Fanny & Caroline; Susanna $300; George of Agnes $100; to receive fro…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 50-53
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 5: Polly & Children, Fanny & Caroline; Susanna $300; George of Agnes $100; to receive from sales of Joice & Peter Cook $35.66. Total $755.66
Additional Other Records to A Read)
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Record #71

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 6: Agnes & child , Mary $320; Nancy $300; Caleb $150; to pay No 1 $14.33. Total $755.66

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 50-53
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lot No 6: Agnes & child , Mary $320; Nancy $300; Caleb $150; to pay No 1 $14.33. Total $755.66
Additional Other Records to Ja.A. Parker
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Record #72

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Tiney & David $400; Moses $350; Henry $350; Zilpha, George & Jack $265; Judith, Wm & Daniel $350;…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 50-53
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Jacob Parker's Dower Slaves; transcript & copy of origninal
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Dec 1822
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Tiney & David $400; Moses $350; Henry $350; Zilpha, George & Jack $265; Judith, Wm & Daniel $350; Mry $200. Total $1915 plus $50 = $1965
Additional Other Records N/A?
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Record #73

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Lery Oldham, Sr. Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Ages of Slaves: Adan 31 yo 1858; Juliet 4 (or 40) 11 Apr 1859; Comford 12 yrs 2th Augt 1859 - de…

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Book Volume 15
Page Number 73 & 76
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Lery Oldham, Sr. Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Ages of Slaves: Adan 31 yo 1858; Juliet 4 (or 40) 11 Apr 1859; Comford 12 yrs 2th Augt 1859 - dead; Mary 10 yrs old in Octr; Leah 8 yrs old March 1859; Francis (?) 6 yrs old in Augt 1859; Henry b 7/4/1859; Edward 19 yrs old in Spring of 1859; George --; Juliet b in 1860, Jan
Additional Other Records x
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Record #74

Family Name of Bible or Other Record owner unknown found in untitled handmade booklet in Vertical File at Eastern Shore of Virginia Hi…
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Zilpha, Peg's Daughter b 11/28/1793; Charles, Betty's Son b 2/10/1801; Samuel b 1/20/804; Rozila …
Family Records: Other Records Page 2: Listed in pencil: no dates: Rachel, Rose, Jacob, Susy, Esther …

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Book Volume 15
Page Number 102
Family Name of Bible or Other Record owner unknown found in untitled handmade booklet in Vertical File at Eastern Shore of Virginia Historical Society Archives
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Zilpha, Peg's Daughter b 11/28/1793; Charles, Betty's Son b 2/10/1801; Samuel b 1/20/804; Rozila Francis b 8/31/1807; James Henry b 5/18/1810 Fryday Evening. Mary, Betty's Daughter b 4/23/1813, Friday Morning; Judith's Son William Wilson, b 1/14/1818; Matilda's Son David Rick b 11/27/1818; Zilpha;s Son George b 1818; Mailtda's Son David Rick...
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Page 2: Listed in pencil: no dates: Rachel, Rose, Jacob, Susy, Esther Page 3: Judith's Son Daniel Smith b 3/7/1821 - Ash Wednesday. listed in pencil: son John b 12/1823; Son - born 9/1825; Daughter Juliet; Harriet
Additional Other Records x
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Record #75

Family Name of Bible or Other Record To W.P. Nottingham Agent of estate of Dr. G. Ker. By Command of Gen. Lockwood Capt Commanding Post
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Letter concerning deserted slaves at Cessford
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Note: this Notice now hangs in main hall at Cessford.; south of Eastville Virginia
Family Records: Other Records You will take notice that the slaves of the above estate [Cessford] will no longer be held otherw…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 137
Family Name of Bible or Other Record To W.P. Nottingham Agent of estate of Dr. G. Ker. By Command of Gen. Lockwood Capt Commanding Post
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Letter concerning deserted slaves at Cessford
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Note: this Notice now hangs in main hall at Cessford.; south of Eastville Virginia
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records You will take notice that the slaves of the above estate [Cessford] will no longer be held otherwise than as freemen and with his own consent. The proclamation of the President of the 22nd inst calling attention to the act of July 17th 1860 requires all officers to enforce said act. Hereafter neither individuals nor civil government will be permitted to retain as slaves any of those whose masters have deserted them.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #76

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Negroes of Arthur W Downing Account Book
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Mirror of Arthur W Downing' Affairs Made in the Year 1852 Continued to the Present Date
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records mentioned in ledger of hiring for asst. jobs: Joshua work on house's stable, Levin & Moses for di…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 15
Page Number 142-148
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Negroes of Arthur W Downing Account Book
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Mirror of Arthur W Downing' Affairs Made in the Year 1852 Continued to the Present Date
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records mentioned in ledger of hiring for asst. jobs: Joshua work on house's stable, Levin & Moses for digging a well. Other entries include: "Divison of John Goffigon's Negroes 27 Dec 1852: Old Man Jacob -Minus $75; Old Man Gale (Dead/ 55) - Minus $75; Man Lun - Gardener & Hosler $400; Man Nat $600; Isaac $800; Man Henry - House Servant $400; Boy Victor $700; George Brother of Victor (Dead/54) $600; Boy Joe $600; Boy Jessee $600; Boy Henry $500; Boy Major (Dead/56) $450; Boy George $400; Boy Bill $300; Old Edy Blind - Minus $175; Old Mary (Dead/54) $00; Woman Sarah $100; Woman Tabby $500; Woman Lucy $500; Woman Nicey $600; Girl Betsy $700; Girl Agnes $500; Girl Peggy $400; Girl Lelia Sold by me $425 - $400; Child Celey $200; Child Elisa $200; Child Letty $75; Child Leah $200. By value estimated $10, 210 ($10,625)
Additional Other Records continuation of previous column for other years: 1853 child Jim, of Lucy; 1854 Child Indiana of Lucy; 1855 Child Ceretin (?) of Lucy; 1856 Child David of Lucy. Value of above in 1859: Lun $450; Nat $700; Isaac $800; Henry, Jr $1000; Agnes & Child $900; Boy Jim $450; Girl India $300; Girl Phebe (?) $250; Boy David $200; Eliza $400; George $900; Leah $100; Jim $900; Henry J $300; Victor $1000; Jessee $1000; Joe $800; Bill $700; (?) !50; Tibby $300; Nicey $800; Betty $1000; Peggy $700; Celey $500; Letty $300; Total $14,900
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Record #77

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Notes of Deaths from obituary notices & notations on slips of paper among letters & papers in Ker…
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Lyt is sick; was not here this morning, May 28th, 1903

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Book Volume 16
Page Number 85
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Notes of Deaths from obituary notices & notations on slips of paper among letters & papers in Kerr Collection at Eastern Shoer Historical Society
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records Lyt died June 16, 1903
Family Records: Other Records Lyt is sick; was not here this morning, May 28th, 1903
Additional Other Records
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Record #78

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Southey J, Goffigon Ledger (distribution of Negroes - includes copies of pages of ledger)
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records mentioned in ledger of hiring of Negroes for asst. jobs: Joshua work on house's stable, Levin & M…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 16
Page Number 107-117
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Southey J, Goffigon Ledger (distribution of Negroes - includes copies of pages of ledger)
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records mentioned in ledger of hiring of Negroes for asst. jobs: Joshua work on house's stable, Levin & Moses for digging a well. Also: "Divison of John Goffigon's Negroes 27 Dec 1852. Distribution lots: Lot 1 to Southey J. Goffingon: Levi $900; James $850; Samuel $850; Peter $750; Winney $700; Agnes & child $750; Feriby $350; Sally $600; Henry $475; Grace $500; Anthony $225; Lishey $225; Adaline $250; India $150. Lot 2 to Lucy E Goffigon: Adam $900; Lige $850; Spencer $850; Wilson $700; Edey $550; Dinah $325; Lewis $425; Lilly $300; Frank $250; Harritt $200; Severn $375; Benj. $60; Chrisann $700; Mary $600; Edward & Church $650. Lot 3 to WS Burris, Nathaniel G Burris & WJ Goffigon: Bill $900; Laban $800; Joshua $750; Stephen $750; Levinia & 3 children $900; Adah & child $600; Peggy $275; Rosalina $750; Fanny $325; Edmund $475; Susan $#500; Center $350; Willis $150; Tamer 00. Plus cash exchanged to balance lots. Total value $7528.33 1/3.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #79

Family Name of Bible or Other Record John Riley Boggs Bible - from small booklet included with Bible - recorded births of "Black ones"
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Moses b. 1771; Bearden b. 1786; Betty's son Jacob b 1/7/1800; Betty's son David b 5/16/180?; Suth…
Family Records: Other Records Betty bought 3/15/1800

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 16
Page Number 18-27
Family Name of Bible or Other Record John Riley Boggs Bible - from small booklet included with Bible - recorded births of "Black ones"
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Moses b. 1771; Bearden b. 1786; Betty's son Jacob b 1/7/1800; Betty's son David b 5/16/180?; Suthey- son of Betty b 8/20/1803; Susannah - daughter of Leah b 1/1/1790; Isaac -son of Susey was b 3/15/1809; Thomas - son of Susey was b 11/20/1812; Leah - daughter of Susey was b 3/15/1814; Ann- daughter of Susey was b. 3/1820; Lydia- daughter of Susey was b. 2/1822; Samuel (?) - son of Susey was b. 11/4/1825; George - son of Susey was b. 7/20/1828; Bearden - son of Susey was b. 2/16/1837; Margarets ...; Louisa b. 1/25/1825; Joseph b 1/1831; Henry b. 11/21/1833; George b. 10/16/1836; Southey b. 4/27/1840; Mary - daughrer of Louisa was b. 10/12/1843; Samuel - son of Lydia b. 1/16/1844; Elen Susin - daughter of Ann b. 8/4/1845; Margaret Sarah b. 11/1848; Louis - son of Peggy b. 7/1848; Eliza Emma 2/1848; Laura b. 4/1850;
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Betty bought 3/15/1800
Additional Other Records x
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Record #80

Family Name of Bible or Other Record James S. Holt Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record American Bible Society 1829
Family Records: Birth and Other Records covers - 2 births recorded on covers, each written differently. These could possible be births of…
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 16
Page Number 121-131
Family Name of Bible or Other Record James S. Holt Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record American Bible Society 1829
Family Records: Birth and Other Records covers - 2 births recorded on covers, each written differently. These could possible be births of slaves. Milton Spencer - son o fComfort & Spencer was borned 6/8/1848. Elizabeth Sarah - dau of Comfort & Spencer was borned 11/15/1851
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #81

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Robert T Lewis Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Kimber & Sharpless nd.
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Emily Jane - daughter of Elizabeth, Negro b. 9/29/1840
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 16
Page Number 132-140
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Robert T Lewis Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Kimber & Sharpless nd.
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Emily Jane - daughter of Elizabeth, Negro b. 9/29/1840
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #82

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Marva Stratton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Marva Stratton: grandfather: George Smaw 12/27/1877 - 12/27/1917 and grandmother: Elizabeth Smaw.…
Family Records: Other Records x

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 16
Page Number 93-95
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Marva Stratton Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record x
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Marva Stratton: grandfather: George Smaw 12/27/1877 - 12/27/1917 and grandmother: Elizabeth Smaw. Children: LeRoy Smaw b. 1/12/1898; Indiana Smaw b. 11/15/1902; Augusta Smaw b. 3/28/1903; Adam Smaw b. 10/27/1905; Thomas Smaw b. 11/17/1908 (living at age 90 yrs); Alfanzo Smaw b. 10/4/1911; Lillian Smaw b. 8/1/1912 (mother of Marva); Orlean Smaw B. 4/13/1915
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records Lillian Smaw m. Timothy Stratton. His father was William Stratton; his mother was Annie Henry. Annie Henry's father was James Henry and her mother was Henryanna Joyne Henry. Annie lived 'til 103 yrs. Marva's father was William Stratton whose wife was Carrie Kellam Stratton. Marva's great grandfather was Henry Joynes.
Family Records: Death and Other Records Orlean Smaw d. Monday 9/23/1974
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #83

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 11/6/1778
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Isaac Smith & others, executors of estate of John Bowdoin.Several slaves belonging to estate esca…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 17
Page Number 31
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 11/6/1778
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Isaac Smith & others, executors of estate of John Bowdoin.Several slaves belonging to estate escaped to join Lord Dunmore. They were captured and convicted but later pardoned & sent to the mines. Requested that 2 slaves be ret'd. Accepted.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #84

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 10/13/1792
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records John Custis Wilson - Somerset Md. Wilson owned property in Northampton & Somerset Co Md. Virgin…

All Fields in This Record

Book Volume 17
Page Number 33
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 10/13/1792
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records John Custis Wilson - Somerset Md. Wilson owned property in Northampton & Somerset Co Md. Virginia state law prohibited the importation of slaves. Wilson requested that he be allowed to do so. To Courts of Justice. Reasonable. Reported.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #85

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 12/6/1810
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Elizabeth Hayley. The petioner, widow of James Hayley, requests a law allowing her to bring slav…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 35
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 12/6/1810
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Elizabeth Hayley. The petioner, widow of James Hayley, requests a law allowing her to bring slaves into Virginia. Reasonable. Reported.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #86

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 12/6/1831
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Miers W, Fisher & many others: Requests the removal of Free People of Color from County because o…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 38
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 12/6/1831
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Miers W, Fisher & many others: Requests the removal of Free People of Color from County because of their influence over slaves. Referred to Select Committee. Rejected.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #87

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/7/1837
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records George W. Mumford C.H.D. Courts of Justice asked to examine the sale of a slave "Mary" by the Co…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 39
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/7/1837
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records George W. Mumford C.H.D. Courts of Justice asked to examine the sale of a slave "Mary" by the Committee of Edward Boinsard (lunatic). Recommended that "Mary" be sold.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #88

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/25/1838
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Edward R Waddey. Request for payment of monies spent in attempting to capture runaway slaves in …

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 39
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/25/1838
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Edward R Waddey. Request for payment of monies spent in attempting to capture runaway slaves in New York. To be referred to Select Committee.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #89

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 2/23/1839
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Citizen. Petition requests that funds allocatged for settling of "free people of color" be more e…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 40
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 2/23/1839
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Citizen. Petition requests that funds allocatged for settling of "free people of color" be more equitably distributed. Referred to Courts of Justice. Laid on table.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #90

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 2/9/1841
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Candis, Shadrack, Henry, George and Mary Robins. Persons of Color requesting permission to remai…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 40
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 2/9/1841
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Candis, Shadrack, Henry, George and Mary Robins. Persons of Color requesting permission to remain in Virginia. Laid on Table.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #91

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 2/15/1843
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Rica Stephens. A free negro requests a law allowing his wife and children to remain in the state…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 41
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Abstracts of Northampton County Legislative Petitions 1776-1862
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 2/15/1843
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Rica Stephens. A free negro requests a law allowing his wife and children to remain in the state. Referred to Courts of Justice.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #92

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Unidentified newspaper article. Possibly from Brooklyn Daily Eagle or a New York City newspaper.
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Jan 1896
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 128-129
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Unidentified newspaper article. Possibly from Brooklyn Daily Eagle or a New York City newspaper.
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Jan 1896
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records Millie Tunnell, olderst inhabitant of Long Island died at Jamaica of old age. She was 111 yo last March. She got her name Tunnell from her owner in slavery days, Henry Tunnell, a wealthy planter of Accomack county,Va. In her youth, she waited on Gen. Washington when he visited her master's estate. When Henry Tunnell died years before the war, he set all his slaves free. They lived in the South for a while and then came North to settle in Jamaica. At first Milleie & her daughter Martha went out to service . Buried in Maple Grove cemetery.
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #93

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Bill of Sale by Belote and Gunters.
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/26/1844
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Bill of Sale of 2 slaves by Belote & Gunters. Smith Belote, Joseph S. M. Gunter & John W. F. Gun…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 130
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Bill of Sale by Belote and Gunters.
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/26/1844
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Bill of Sale of 2 slaves by Belote & Gunters. Smith Belote, Joseph S. M. Gunter & John W. F. Gunter sold to John Adams their interest in 2 Newgroes - Toney & Edy. Negroes beloned to Mrs. Tamah Gunter as dower Negroes & now belong to 7 children, heirs of the said Tamah Gunter. Three sevenths of said Negroes are sold to John Adams for $75.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #94

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Gunter - Belote Papers
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 3/1839
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Rec'd of Jos S.M. Gunter $60 for the hire of Negro man to be paid to WM S. Floid for year 1838 wh…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 132-133
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Gunter - Belote Papers
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 3/1839
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Rec'd of Jos S.M. Gunter $60 for the hire of Negro man to be paid to WM S. Floid for year 1838 which bond is mentioned in deed of trust from Joe S. M. Guner to Smith Belote.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #95

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Gunter - Belote Papers
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/26/184 (4?)
Family Records: Birth and Other Records
Family Records: Other Records Smith Belote, Jos S.M. & Jno W.F. Gunter have sold to John Adams their intersts in 2 Negroes, Ton…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 132-133
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Gunter - Belote Papers
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 1/26/184 (4?)
Family Records: Birth and Other Records
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records
Family Records: Death and Other Records
Family Records: Other Records Smith Belote, Jos S.M. & Jno W.F. Gunter have sold to John Adams their intersts in 2 Negroes, Tony & Edy, which belonged to Tamer Gunter as dower slaves & now belong to 7 children, heirs of Tamer. They sell 3/7th of Negroes to Adams for $75.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #96

Family Name of Bible or Other Record James A Doughty Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Kimber & Sharpless nd.
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Emily Jane , daughter of Elizabeth, Negro b. 9/29/1840
Family Records: Other Records x

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 140-148
Family Name of Bible or Other Record James A Doughty Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record Kimber & Sharpless nd.
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Emily Jane , daughter of Elizabeth, Negro b. 9/29/1840
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records x
Additional Other Records x
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Record #97

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Accomack County Indentures 1786-1797
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 10/10/1789
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Isaac, black free boy, to serve George Marshall who will teach him the trade of farming and to re…

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Book Volume 17
Page Number 109
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Accomack County Indentures 1786-1797
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 10/10/1789
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records Isaac, black free boy, to serve George Marshall who will teach him the trade of farming and to read the Bible
Additional Other Records x
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Record #98

Family Name of Bible or Other Record James A Doughty Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record N/A 1821-1854
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Emily Jane, daughter of Elizzbeth, a negro? Was born 9/29/1840
Family Records: Other Records 3 pgs of Bible records were left in Clerk's office.

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Book Volume 22
Page Number 99-103
Family Name of Bible or Other Record James A Doughty Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record N/A 1821-1854
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Emily Jane, daughter of Elizzbeth, a negro? Was born 9/29/1840
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records 3 pgs of Bible records were left in Clerk's office.
Additional Other Records x
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Record #99

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Edward P. Colonna Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record unknown
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mississura Ellin daugher of Harrit, was bornd 10/10/1855. Shadrack, son of Harrit, was borned 2/…
Family Records: Other Records noted that "my Mother was so fond of her negroes she had their births put in the Bible with her …

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Book Volume 22
Page Number 109
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Edward P. Colonna Bible
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record unknown
Family Records: Birth and Other Records Mississura Ellin daugher of Harrit, was bornd 10/10/1855. Shadrack, son of Harrit, was borned 2/3/1857. Leah Ann, daughter of Sarah was bornd 11/13/1846. Julie Francis, daughter of Sarah was bornd 10/10/1849. Ben James, son of Sarah was bornd 7/7/1851. Charlotte Ann, daughter of Sarah was borned 1/18/1854. John Wesley, son of Sarh, was bornd 1/26/1856. William D. Jackson, son of Sarah was bornd 7/7/1858.
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records Leah Ann, daughter of Sarah died 3/29/1850. Charlotte Ann, daughter of Sarah died 2/5/1857.
Family Records: Other Records noted that "my Mother was so fond of her negroes she had their births put in the Bible with her own children. She was very kind to them, these are but a few of them, however. W.E.C. [perhaps William Edward Colonna]
Additional Other Records x
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Record #100

Family Name of Bible or Other Record Virginian Pilot article
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 5/2007
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Other Records newspaper article w/ picture about watercolor of 10 yo slave girl Mary painted in 1830 Mary Ann…

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Book Volume 22
Page Number 146-147
Family Name of Bible or Other Record Virginian Pilot article
Title Page/Publisher/Date of Record 5/2007
Family Records: Birth and Other Records x
Family Records: Marriage and Other Records x
Family Records: Death and Other Records
Family Records: Other Records newspaper article w/ picture about watercolor of 10 yo slave girl Mary painted in 1830 Mary Anna Randolph Custis before she married Confederate Gen. Robert T. Lee. Girl's name unknown. Custis family was from Arlington plantation in Northampton County Va. where several archaeological digs have been done on Old Plantation Creek in lower Northampton where numerous slaves & servants lived. Portrait bought by Colonial Williamsburg
Additional Other Records x
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