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Abstracts from William Still's Underground Railroad

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All Records in Abstracts from William Still's Underground Railroad

Record #1

Traveler's Names William Griffen
Age 34
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name James Waters Esq

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Traveler's Names William Griffen
Age 34
Description medium size and substantial appearance
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name James Waters Esq
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 97
Other Travelers William Griffen; Henry Moor; James Camper; Noah Ennells; Levin Parker
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative The great number of cases to be here noticed forbids more than a brief reference to each passenger. As they arrived in parties, their narratives will be given in due order as found on the book of recrods: William Griffen, Henry Moor; James Camper, Noah Ennells and Levin Parker. This party came from Cambridge, Md. WILLIAM is thirty-four years of age, of medium size and substantial ap- pearance. He fled from James Waters, Esq., a lawyer, living in Cambridge. He was ?wealthy, close, and stingy,? and owned nine head of slaves and a farm, on which William served. He was used very hard, which was the cause of his escape, though the idea that he was entitled to his freedom had been entertained for the previous twelve years. On preparing to take the Underground, he armed himself with a big butcher-knife, and resolved, if attacked, to make his enemies stand back. His master was a member of the Methodist Church.
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Record #2

Traveler's Names Henry Moor
Age 30
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Levin Dale

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Traveler's Names Henry Moor
Age 30
Description tall, copper-colored
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Levin Dale
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 97
Other Travelers William Griffen; Henry Moore; James Camper; Noah Ennells; Levin Parker
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative The great number of cases to be here noticed forbids more than a brief reference to each passenger. As they arrived in parties, their narratives will be given in due order as found on the book of recrods: William Griffen, Henry Moor; James Camper, Noah Ennells and Levin Parker. This party came from Cambridge, Md. HENRY is tall, copper-colored, and about thirty years of age. He com- plained not so much of bad usage as of the utter distaste he had to working all the time for the ? white people for nothing.? He was also decidedly of the opinion that every man should have his liberty. Four years ago his wife was ? sold away to Georgia ? by her young master; since which time not a word had he heard of her. She left three children, and he, in escaping,, also had to leave them in the same hands that sold their mother. He was owned by Levin Dale, a farmer near Cambridge. Henry was armed with a six-barreled revolver, a large knife, and a determined mind.
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Record #3

Traveler's Names James Camper
Age 24
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Henry Hooper

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Traveler's Names James Camper
Age 24
Description quite black, small size, keen look
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Henry Hooper
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 97
Other Travelers William Griffen; Henry Moore; James Camper; Noah Ennells; Levin Parker
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative The great number of cases to be here noticed forbids more than a brief reference to each passenger. As they arrived in parties, their narratives will be given in due order as found on the book of records: William Griffen, Henry Moor; James Camper, Noah Ennells and Levin Parker. This party came from Cambridge, Md. JAMES in twenty-four years of age, quite balc, small size, keen look, and "a dashing young man and a member of the Episcopal Church." Left because he "did not enjoy privileges" as he wished to do. He was armed with two pistols and a dirk to defend himself.
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Record #4

Traveler's Names Noah Ennells
Age 19
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name "Black-head Bill LeCount"

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Traveler's Names Noah Ennells
Age 19
Description dark, well-proportioned and possessed of a fair average of common sense
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name "Black-head Bill LeCount"
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 97-98
Other Travelers William Griffen; Henry Moore; James Camper; Noah Ennells; Levin Parker
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative The great numver of cases to be here noticed forbids more than a brief reference to each passenger. As they arrived in parties, their narratives will be given in due order as found on the book of recrods: William Griffen, Henry Moor; James Camper, Noah Ennells and Levin Parker. This party came from Cambridge, Md. NOAH is only nineteen, quite dark, well-proportioned, and possessed of a fair average of common sense. He was owned by "Black-head Bill LeCoutn" who "folllowed drinking, chewing tobacco, catching 'runaways,' and had a "rough wife," who belonged to the Methodist Church. Left because he "expected everyday to be sold" -- his master being largely in "debt." Brought iwth him a butcher-knife.
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Record #5

Traveler's Names Levin Parker
Age 22
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Lawrence G. Colson

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Traveler's Names Levin Parker
Age 22
Description short built, medium size and well colored
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Lawrence G. Colson
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 98
Other Travelers William Griffen; Henry Moore; James Camper; Noah Ennells; Levin Parker
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative The great number of cases to be here noticed forbids more than a brief reference to each passenger. As they arrived in parties, their narratives will be given in due order as found on the book of recrods: William Griffen, Henry Moor; James Camper, Noah Ennells and Levin Parker. This party came from Cambridge, Md. LEVIN is twenty-two, rather short built, medium size, and well colored. He fled from Lawrence G Colson, "a very bad man, fond of drinking, great to fight and swear and hard to please. His mistress was"real rough, very bad, worse than he was as 'fur' as she could be." Having been stinted with food and clothing and worked hard, as the apology offered by Levin for running off.
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Record #6

Traveler's Names Aaron Cornish, wife with 6 children
Age 35
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Levi D. Traverse

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Aaron Cornish, wife with 6 children
Age 35
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Levi D. Traverse
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 99-101
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names Wife's name Daffney
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Ad from the Cambridge Democrat November 4 1857 $300 Reward --- Ran away from the subscriber, from the neighborhood of Town Point, on Saturday night, the 24th inst, my negro man, Aaron Cornish, about 35 years old. He is about five feet ten inches high, black, good-looking, rather pleasant countenance, and carries himself with a confident manner. He went off with his wife Daffney, a negro woman belonging to Reuben E. Phillips. I will give the above reward if taken out of the county, and $200 if taken in the county; in either case to be lodged in Cambridge Jail. October 25, 1857 Levi D. Traverse
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative
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Record #7

Traveler's Names Daffney Cornish, wife of Aaron Cornish above
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Reuben E. Phillips

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Daffney Cornish, wife of Aaron Cornish above
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Reuben E. Phillips
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 99
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Ad from the Cambridge Democrat November 4 1857 $300 Reward --- Ran away from the subscriber, from the neighborhood of Town Point, on Saturday night, the 24th inst, my negro man, Aaron Cornish, about 35 years old. He is about five feet ten inches high, black, good-looking, rather pleasant countenance, and carries himself with a confident manner. He went off with his wife Daffney, a negro woman belonging to Geugen E. Phillips. I will give the above reward if taken out of the county, and $200 if taken in the county; in either case to be lodged in Cambridge Jail. October 25, 1857 Levi D. Traverse Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative
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Record #8

Traveler's Names Solomon
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

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Traveler's Names Solomon
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 101
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative
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Record #9

Traveler's Names George Anthony
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names George Anthony
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 101
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative
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Record #10

Traveler's Names Joseph
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

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Traveler's Names Joseph
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 101
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative
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Record #11

Traveler's Names Edward James
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

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Traveler's Names Edward James
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 99
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative
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Record #12

Traveler's Names Perry Lake
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

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Traveler's Names Perry Lake
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 99
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative
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Record #13

Traveler's Names Nameless Babe
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name

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Traveler's Names Nameless Babe
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title
Page Number
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession
Full Narrative
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Record #14

Traveler's Names Kit Anthony and wife Leah and 3 children; Adam, Mary, and Murray
Age 35
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Samuel Pattison

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Traveler's Names Kit Anthony and wife Leah and 3 children; Adam, Mary, and Murray
Age 35
Description Kit is five feet, six or seven inches high, dark chestnut color and has a scar on one of his thumbs, he has a very quick step and walks very straight and can read and write
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Samuel Pattison
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 101-102
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Runaway ad of October 26, 1857 Letter to L. W. Thompson from Samuel Pattison Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative $2,000 REWARD. ? Ran away from the subscriber on Saturday night, the 24th inst, FOURTEEN HEAD OF NEGROES, viz : Four men, two women, one boy and
seven children. KIT is about 35 years of age, five feet six or seven inches high, dark chestnut color, and has a scar on one of his thumbs. JOE is about 30 years old, very black, his teeth are very white, and is about five feet eight inches high. HENRY
is about 22 years old, five feet ten inches high, of dark chestnut color and large front teeth. JOE is about 20 years old, about five feet six inches high, heavy built and black. TOM is about 16 years old, about five feet high, light chestnut color. SUSAN is about 35 years old, dark chestnut color, and rather stout built ; speaks rather slow, and has with her FOUR CHILDREN, varying from one to seven years of age. LEAH is about 28 years old, about five feet high, dark chestnut color, with THREE CHILDREN, two boys and one girl, from one to eight years old.
I will give $1,000 if taken in the county, $1,500 if taken out of the county and in the State, and $2,000 if taken out of the State ; in either case to be lodged in Cambridge (Md.) Jail, so that I can get them again ; or I will give a fair proportion of the above reward if any part be secured. SAMUEL PATTISON,
October 26, 1857. Near Cambridge, Md. SAMUEL PATTISOX'S LETTER.
CAMBRIDGE, Nov. 16th, 1857.
L. W. THOMPSON : ? SIR, this morning I received your letter wishing an accurate description of my Negroes which ran away on the 24th of last month and the amt of reward offered &o &c. The description is as follows. Kit is about 35 years old, five feet, six or seven inches high, dark chestnut^color and has a scar on one of his thumbs, he has a very quick step and walks very straight, and can read and write. Joe, is about 30 years old,
very black and about five feet eight inches high, has a very pleasing appearance, he has a free wife who left with him she is a light molatoo, she has a child not over one year old.
Henry is about 22 years old, five feet, ten inches high, of dark chestnut coller and large front teeth, he stoops a little in his walk and has a downward look. Joe is about 20 years old, about five feet six inches high, heavy built, and has a grum look and voice dull, and black. Tom is about 16 years old about five feet high light chestnut coller, smart active boy, and swagers in his walk. Susan is about 35 years old, dark chesnut coller and stout built, speaks rather slow and has with her four children, three boys and one girl ? the girl has a thumb or finger on her left hand (part of it) cut off, the children are from 9 months to 8 years old. (the youngest a boy 9 months and the oldest whose name is Lloyd is about 8 years old) The husband of Susan (Joe Viney) started off with her, he is a slave, belonging to a gentleman in Alexandria D. C. he is about 40 years old and dark chesnut cotler rather slender built and and about five feet seven or eight inches high, he is also the Father of Henry, Joe and Tom. A reward of $400. will be given for his apprehension.
Leah is about 28 years old about five feet high dark chesnut coller, with three children. 2 Boys and 1 girl, they are from one to eight years old, the oldest boy is called Adam, Leah is the wife of Kit, the first named man in the list. Sarah Jane is about 25 years
old, stout built and chesnut coller, quick and active in her walk. Making in all 15 head, men, women and children belonging to me, or 16 head including Joe Viney, the husband of my woman Susan.
A Reward of $2250. will be given for my negroes if taken out of the State of Maryland and lodged in Cambridge or Baltimore Jail, so that I can get them or a fair proportion for any part of them. And including Joe Viney's reward $2650 00.
At the same time eight other negroes belonging to a neighbor of mine ran off, for which a reward of $1400 00 has been offered for them.
If you should want any information, witnesses to prove or indentify the negroes, write immediately on to me. Or if you should need any information with regard to proving the negroes, before I could reach Philadelphia, you can call on Mr. Burroughs at Martin & Smith's store, Market Street, No 308. Phila and he can refer you to a gentleman who knows the negroes. Yours &c SAML. PATTISON.
This letter was in answer to one written in Philadelphia and signed, " L. W. Thompson." It is not improbable that Mr. Pattison's loss had produced such a high state of mental excitement that he was hardly in a condition for cool reflection, or he would have weighed the matter a little more carefully before exposing himself to the U. G. R. R. agents. But the letter possesses two commendable features, nevertheless. It was tolerably well written and prompt.
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Record #15

Traveler's Names Joseph Hill and wife Alice and son Henry also Joseph's sister
Age 30
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

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Traveler's Names Joseph Hill and wife Alice and son Henry also Joseph's sister
Age 30
Description Joe is about 30 years old, very black and about five feet eight inches high, has a very pleaseing appearance, he has a free wife who left with him she is a light molatoo, she has a child not over one year old
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 99
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative $2,000 REWARD. ? Ran away from the subscriber on Saturday night, the 24th inst, FOURTEEN HEAD OF NEGROES, viz : Four men, two women, one boy and
seven children. KIT is about 35 years of age, five feet six or seven inches high, dark chestnut color, and has a scar on one of his thumbs. JOE is about 30 years old, very black, his teeth are very white, and is about five feet eight inches high. HENRY
is about 22 years old, five feet ten inches high, of dark chestnut color and large front teeth. JOE is about 20 years old, about five feet six inches high, heavy built and black. TOM is about 16 years old, about five feet high, light chestnut color. SUSAN is about 35 years old, dark chestnut color, and rather stout built ; speaks rather slow, and has with her FOUR CHILDREN, varying from one to seven years of age. LEAH is about 28 years old, about five feet high, dark chestnut color, with THREE CHILDREN, two boys and one girl, from one to eight years old.
I will give $1,000 if taken in the county, $1,500 if taken out of the county and in the State, and $2,000 if taken out of the State ; in either case to be lodged in Cambridge (Md.) Jail, so that I can get them again ; or I will give a fair proportion of the above reward if any part be secured. SAMUEL PATTISON,
October 26, 1857. Near Cambridge, Md. SAMUEL PATTISOX'S LETTER.
CAMBRIDGE, Nov. 16th, 1857.
L. W. THOMPSON : ? SIR, this morning I received your letter wishing an accurate description of my Negroes which ran away on the 24th of last month and the amt of reward offered &o &c. The description is as follows. Kit is about 35 years old, five feet, six or seven inches high, dark chestnut^color and has a scar on one of his thumbs, he has a very quick step and walks very straight, and can read and write. Joe, is about 30 years old,
very black and about five feet eight inches high, has a very pleasing appearance, he has a free wife who left with him she is a light molatoo, she has a child not over one year old.
Henry is about 22 years old, five feet, ten inches high, of dark chestnut coller and large front teeth, he stoops a little in his walk and has a downward look. Joe is about 20 years old, about five feet six inches high, heavy built, and has a grum look and voice dull, and black. Tom is about 16 years old about five feet high light chestnut coller, smart active boy, and swagers in his walk. Susan is about 35 years old, dark chesnut coller and stout built, speaks rather slow and has with her four children, three boys and one girl ? the girl has a thumb or finger on her left hand (part of it) cut off, the children are from 9 months to 8 years old. (the youngest a boy 9 months and the oldest whose name is Lloyd is about 8 years old) The husband of Susan (Joe Viney) started off with her, he is a slave, belonging to a gentleman in Alexandria D. C. he is about 40 years old and dark chesnut cotler rather slender built and and about five feet seven or eight inches high, he is also the Father of Henry, Joe and Tom. A reward of $400. will be given for his apprehension.
Leah is about 28 years old about five feet high dark chesnut coller, with three children. 2 Boys and 1 girl, they are from one to eight years old, the oldest boy is called Adam, Leah is the wife of Kit, the first named man in the list. Sarah Jane is about 25 years
old, stout built and chesnut coller, quick and active in her walk. Making in all 15 head, men, women and children belonging to me, or 16 head including Joe Viney, the husband of my woman Susan.
A Reward of $2250. will be given for my negroes if taken out of the State of Maryland and lodged in Cambridge or Baltimore Jail, so that I can get them or a fair proportion for any part of them. And including Joe Viney's reward $2650 00.
At the same time eight other negroes belonging to a neighbor of mine ran off, for which a reward of $1400 00 has been offered for them.
If you should want any information, witnesses to prove or indentify the negroes, write immediately on to me. Or if you should need any information with regard to proving the negroes, before I could reach Philadelphia, you can call on Mr. Burroughs at Martin & Smith's store, Market Street, No 308. Phila and he can refer you to a gentleman who knows the negroes. Yours &c SAML. PATTISON.
This letter was in answer to one written in Philadelphia and signed, " L. W. Thompson." It is not improbable that Mr. Pattison's loss had produced such a high state of mental excitement that he was hardly in a condition for cool reflection, or he would have weighed the matter a little more carefully before exposing himself to the U. G. R. R. agents. But the letter possesses two commendable features, nevertheless. It was tolerably well written and prompt.
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Record #16

Traveler's Names Marshall Dutton
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Marshall Dutton
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 99
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative
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Record #17

Traveler's Names George Light
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names George Light
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 99
Other Travelers Aaron Cornish his wife with 6 children; Solomon; George Anthony; Joseph, Edward James; Perry Lake with nameless babe; Kit Anthony his wife Leah and children; Adam, Mary and Murray; Joseph Hill his wife Mary and son Henry also Joseph's sister; Marshall Dutton; and George Light
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Illustration between pages 102 and 103
Items in Possession Weapons of defense: three revolvers, three barreled pistols, three single barreled pistols, three sword-canes four butcher knives, one bowie knife and one paw (weapon with iron prongs, four inches long, to be grasped with the hand and used in close encounter) provisions for one day
Full Narrative
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Record #18

Traveler's Names Daniel Stanly
Age 35
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Robert Calender

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Daniel Stanly
Age 35
Description Well-made and wide-awake
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Robert Calender
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 102
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative DANIEL STANLY, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanly, Daniel Stanly, jr., John Stanly and Miller Stanly (arrival from Cambridge.) Daniel is about 35, well-made and wide-awake. Fortunately, in emancipating himself, he also, through great perseverance, secured the freedom of his wife and six children ; one child he was compelled to leave behind. Daniel belonged to Robert Calender, a farmer, and, "except when in a passion," said to be "pretty clever." However, considering as a father, that it was his "duty to do all he could " for his children, and that all work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy, Daniel felt bound to seek refuge in Canada. His wife and children were owned by "Samuel Count, an old, bald-headed, bad man," who "had of late years been selling and buying slaves as a business," though he stood high and was a "big bug in Cambridge." The children were truly likely- looking.
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Record #19

Traveler's Names Nat Amby
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Muir

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Nat Amby
Description Full black and about 6 feet high ; of powerful physical pro-
portions, and of more than ordinary intellectual capacities. Slight impediment, large scar on the neck
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Muir
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 103-104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources The following advertisement from The Cambridge Democrat of Nov. 4,
speaks for itself ?
$300 REWARD. ? Ran away from the subscriber, on Saturday night last, 17th inst., my negro woman Lizzie, about 28 years old. She is medium sized, dark complexion, good-looking, with rather a down look. When spoken to, replies quickly. She was well dressed, wearing a red and green blanket shawl, and carried with her a variety of clothing. She ran off in company with her husband, Nat Amby (belonging to John Muir, Esq.), who is about 6 feet in height, with slight impediment in his speech, dark chestnut color, and a large scar on the side of his neck. I will give the above reward if taken in this County, or one-half of what she sells for if
taken out of the County or State. In either case to be lodged in Cambridge Jail.
Cambridge, Oct. 21, 1857. ALEXANDER H. BAYLY.
P. S.? For the apprehension of the above-named negro man Nat, and delivery in Cambridge Jail, I will give $500 reward. JOHN Mum.
Items in Possession good pistol and a big knife
Full Narrative Nat is no ordinary man. Like a certain other Nat known to history, his honest and independent bearing in every respect was that of a natural hero. He was full black, and about six feet high ; of powerful physical proportions, and of more than ordinary intellectual capacities. With the strongest desire to make the Port of Canada safely, he had resolved to be " carried back," if attacked by the slave hunters, " only as a dead man." He was held to service by John Muir, a wealthy farmer, and the owner of 40 or 50 slaves. " Muir would drink and was generally devilish." Two of Nat's sisters and one of his brothers had been "sold away to Georgia by him." Therefore, admonished by threats and fears of having to pass through the same fiery furnace, Nat was led to consider the U. G. R. R. scheme. It was through the marriage of Nat's mistress to his present owner that he came into Muir's hands. " Up to the time of her death," he had been encouraged to "hope" that he would be " free;"indeed, he was assured by her" dying testimony that the slaves were not to be sold." But regardless of the promises and will of his departed wife, Muir soon extinguished all hopes of freedom from that quarter. But not believing that God had put one man here to "be the servant of another ? to work," and get none of the benefit of his labor, Nat armed himself with a good pistol and a big knife, and taking his wife with him, bade adieu forever to bondage. Observing that Lizzie (Nat's wife) looked pretty decided and resolute, a member of the committee
remarked, "Would your wife fight for freedom?" "I have heard her say she would wade through blood and tears for her freedom," said Nat, in the most serious mood. AUBURN, June 10th, 1858.
MR. WILLIAM STILL : ? Sir, will you be so Kind as to write a letter to affey White in straw berry alley in Baltimore city on the point Say to her at nat Ambey that I wish to Know from her the Last Letar that Joseph Ambie and Henry Ambie two Brothers and Ann Warfield a couisin of them two boys I state above I would like to hear from my mother sichy Ambie you will Please write to my mother and tell her that I am well and doing well and state to her that I perform my Relissius dutys and I would like to hear from her and want to know if she is performing her Relissius dutys yet and send me word from all her children I left behind say to affey White that I wish her to write me a Letter in Hast my wife is well and doing well and my nephew is doing well Please teli affey White when she writes to me to Let me know where Joseph and Henry Ambie is
Mr. Still Please Look on your Book and you will find my name on your Book They
was eleven of us children and all when we came through and I feal interrested about my Brothers I have never heard from them since I Left home you will Please Be Kind
annough to attend to this Letter When you send the answer to this Letter you will
Please send it to P. R. Freeman Auburn City Cayuga County New York
Yours Truly NAT AMBIE.
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Record #20

Traveler's Names John Scott
Age 36
Alias Jack Scott
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name David B. Turner, Esq.

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names John Scott
Age 36
Description substantially built, dark color, and of quiet and prepossessing manners.
Alias Jack Scott
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name David B. Turner, Esq.
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 104-105
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative " JACK SCOTT." Jack is about thirty-six years of age, substantially built, dark color, and of quiet and prepossessing manners. He was owned by David B. Turner, Esq., a dry goods merchant of New York. By birth, Turner was a Virginian, and a regular slave-holder. His slaves were kept
hired out by the year. As Jack had had but slight acquaintance with his New York owner, he says but very little about him. He was moved to leave simply because he had got tired of working for the " white people for nothing." Fled from Richmond, Va. Jack went to Canada direct. The following letter furnishes a clew to his whereabouts, plans, etc. MONTREAL, September 1st 1859.
DEAR SIR :? It is with extreme pleasure that I set down to inclose you a few lines to let you know that I am well & I hope when these few lines come to hand they may find you & your family in good health and prosperity I left your house Nov. 3d, 1857, for Canada I Received a letter here from James Carter in Peters burg, saying that my wife would leave there about the 28th or the first September and that he would send her on by way of Philadelphia to you to send on to Montreal if she come on you be please to send
her on and as there is. so many boats coming here all times a day I may not know what time she will. So you be please to give her this direction, she can get a cab and go to the Donegana Hotel and Edmund Turner is there he will take you where I lives and if he is not there cabman take you to Mr Taylors on Durham St. nearly opposite to the Methodist
Church. Nothing more at present but Remain your well wisher JOHN SCOTT.
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Record #21

Traveler's Names William
Age 25
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names William
Age 25
Description Complexion brown, intellect naturally good, no favorable notions of the peculiar institution
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title
Page Number 104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession Armed with formidable dirk knife
Full Narrative William is 25, complexion brown, intellect naturally good, with her favoriable notions of the peculiar institution. He was armed with a formidable dirk knife, and declared he would use if attacked, rather than be dragged back to bondage.
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Record #22

Traveler's Names Hannah Peters
Age 23 or 24
Origin- Town/City Marshall Hope
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Charles Peters

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Hannah Peters
Age 23 or 24
Description Hearty-looking young woman
Origin- Town/City Marshall Hope
Origin- County Caroline
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Charles Peters
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative HANNAH is a hearty-looidng young woman of 23 or 24, with a countenance that indicated that liberty was what she wanted and was contending for, and that she could not willingly submit to the yoke. Though she came with the Cambridge party, she did not come from Cambridge, but from Marshall Hope, Caroline County, where she had been owned by Charles Peters, a man who had distinguished himself by getting "drunk, scratching and fighting, etc.," not unfrequently in his own family even. She had no parents that she knew of. Left because they used her " so bad, beat and knocked " her about.
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Record #23

Traveler's Names Henrietta Dobson
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Henrietta Dobson
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative
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Record #24

Traveler's Names Elizabeth Amby
Age 28
Alias Lizzie
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Elizabeth Amby
Age 28
Description medium sized, dark complexion , good-looking, with a down look
Alias Lizzie
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 103-104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources The following advertisement from The Cambridge Democrat of Nov. 4, speaks for itself -- $300 Reward/--Ran away from the subscriber, on Saturday night lats 17th inst., my negro woman Lizzie, about 28 years old. She is medium sized, dark complexion, good-looking with rather a down look. When spoken to, replies quickly. She was well dressed, wearing a red and green blanket shawl, and carried with her a variey of clothing. She ran off in company with her husband, Nat Amby (blonging to John Muir, Esq. ), whi is about 6 feet in heitht with slight impediment in his speech, dark chestnut color, and a large scar on the side of his neck. I will the above reward if taken in this county, or one-half of what she sells for if taken out of the Conty or State. In either case to be lodged in Cambridge Jail. Cambridge, Oct. 21 1857 Alexander H. Bayly P.S. -- For the apprehension of th e above-named negro man Nat and delivery in Cambridge Jail, I will give $500 reward John MUir
Items in Possession
Full Narrative
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Record #25

Traveler's Names Josiah Stanly
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Josiah Stanly
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative DANIEL STANLY, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanly, Daniel Stanly, jr., John Stanly and Miller Stanly (arrival from Cambridge.) Daniel is about 35, well-made and wide-awake. Fortunately, in emancipating himself, he also, through great perseverance, secured the freedom of his wife and six children ; one child he was compelled to leave behind. Daniel belonged to Robert Calender, a farmer, and, "except when in a passion," said to be "pretty clever." However, considering as a father, that it was his "duty to do all he could " for his children, and that all work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy, Daniel felt bound to seek refuge in Canada. His wife and children were owned by "Samuel Count, an old, bald-headed, bad man," who "had of late years been selling and buying slaves as a business," though he stood high and was a "big bug in Cambridge." The children were truly likely- looking.
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Record #26

Traveler's Names Caroline Stanly
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Caroline Stanly
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative DANIEL STANLY, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanly, Daniel Stanly, jr., John Stanly and Miller Stanly (arrival from Cambridge.) Daniel is about 35, well-made and wide-awake. Fortunately, in emancipating himself, he also, through great perseverance, secured the freedom of his wife and six children ; one child he was compelled to leave behind. Daniel belonged to Robert Calender, a farmer, and, "except when in a passion," said to be "pretty clever." However, considering as a father, that it was his "duty to do all he could " for his children, and that all work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy, Daniel felt bound to seek refuge in Canada. His wife and children were owned by "Samuel Count, an old, bald-headed, bad man," who "had of late years been selling and buying slaves as a business," though he stood high and was a "big bug in Cambridge." The children were truly likely- looking.
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Record #27

Traveler's Names Daniel Stanly, Jr
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Daniel Stanly, Jr
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative DANIEL STANLY, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanly, Daniel Stanly, jr., John Stanly and Miller Stanly (arrival from Cambridge.) Daniel is about 35, well-made and wide-awake. Fortunately, in emancipating himself, he also, through great perseverance, secured the freedom of his wife and six children ; one child he was compelled to leave behind. Daniel belonged to Robert Calender, a farmer, and, "except when in a passion," said to be "pretty clever." However, considering as a father, that it was his "duty to do all he could " for his children, and that all work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy, Daniel felt bound to seek refuge in Canada. His wife and children were owned by "Samuel Count, an old, bald-headed, bad man," who "had of late years been selling and buying slaves as a business," though he stood high and was a "big bug in Cambridge." The children were truly likely- looking.
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Record #28

Traveler's Names John Stanly
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names John Stanly
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative DANIEL STANLY, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanly, Daniel Stanly, jr., John Stanly and Miller Stanly (arrival from Cambridge.) Daniel is about 35, well-made and wide-awake. Fortunately, in emancipating himself, he also, through great perseverance, secured the freedom of his wife and six children ; one child he was compelled to leave behind. Daniel belonged to Robert Calender, a farmer, and, "except when in a passion," said to be "pretty clever." However, considering as a father, that it was his "duty to do all he could " for his children, and that all work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy, Daniel felt bound to seek refuge in Canada. His wife and children were owned by "Samuel Count, an old, bald-headed, bad man," who "had of late years been selling and buying slaves as a business," though he stood high and was a "big bug in Cambridge." The children were truly likely- looking.
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Record #29

Traveler's Names Miller Stanly
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Miller Stanly
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title The Arrivals of a Single Month
Page Number 104
Other Travelers Daniel Stanly, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanley, Daniel Stanley, Jr, John Stanley, Miller Stanly
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative DANIEL STANLY, Nat Amby, John Scott, Hannah Peters, Henrietta Dobson, Elizabeth Amby, Josiah Stanly, Caroline Stanly, Daniel Stanly, jr., John Stanly and Miller Stanly (arrival from Cambridge.) Daniel is about 35, well-made and wide-awake. Fortunately, in emancipating himself, he also, through great perseverance, secured the freedom of his wife and six children ; one child he was compelled to leave behind. Daniel belonged to Robert Calender, a farmer, and, "except when in a passion," said to be "pretty clever." However, considering as a father, that it was his "duty to do all he could " for his children, and that all work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy, Daniel felt bound to seek refuge in Canada. His wife and children were owned by "Samuel Count, an old, bald-headed, bad man," who "had of late years been selling and buying slaves as a business," though he stood high and was a "big bug in Cambridge." The children were truly likely- looking.
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Record #30

Traveler's Names James Massey
Origin- Town/City Level Square
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name James Pittman

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names James Massey
Description likely-looking young man, dark, tall , and sensible and worth about $1000
Origin- Town/City Level Square
Origin- County Queen Anne's
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name James Pittman
Chapter Title Eight Arrivals
Page Number 143
Other Travelers James Massey, Perry Henry Trusty, George Rhoads, James Rhoads, George Washington, Sarah Elizabeth Rhoads and child, Mary Elizabeth Stevenson
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative ST. CATHARINES, C. W., April 24, 1857.
DEAR WIFE ? I take this opertunity to inform you that I have Arive in St. Catharines this Eving, After Jorney of too weeks, and now find mysilf on free ground and wish that
you was here with me But you are not here, when we parted I did not know that I should come away so soon as I did, But for that of causin you pain I left as I did, I hope
that you will try to come. But if you cannot, write to me as soon as you can and tell me all that you can But dont be Desscuredged I was sory to leave you, and I could not
help it for you know that I promest see you to sister, But I was persuaded By Another man go part with it grived mutch, you must not think that I did not care for you. I cannot tell how I come, for I was some times on the earth and some times under the earth Do not Bee afraid to come But start and keep trying, if you are afrid fitch your
tow sister with you for compeny and I will take care of you and treat you like a lady so long as you live. The talk of cold in this place is all a humbug, it is wormer here than it was there when I left, your father and mother has allways treated me like their own child I have no fault to find in them. I send my Respects to them Both and I hope that they will remember me in Prayer, if you make a start come to Philidelpa tell father and mother that I am safe and hope that they will not morn after me I shall ever Remember them. No more at present But yours in Body and mind, and if we no meet on Earth I hope that we shall meet in heven. Your husbern. Good night.
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Record #31

Traveler's Names Perry Henry Trusty
Age 32
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John McGuire

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Perry Henry Trusty
Age 32
Description round-made of dark complexion
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County Caroline Co.
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John McGuire
Chapter Title Eight Arrivals
Page Number 144
Other Travelers James Massey, Perry Henry Trusty, George Rhoads, James Rhoads, George Washington, Sarah Elizabeth Rhoads and child, Mary Elizabeth Stevenson
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative PERRY was about thirty-one years of age, round-made, of dark complexion, and looked quite gratified with his expedition, and the prospect of becoming a British subject instead of a Maryland slave. He was not free, however, from the sad thought of having left his wife and three children in the "prison house" nor of the fact that his own dear mother was brutally stabbed to the heart with a butcher knife by her young master, while he (Perry) was a babe ; nor of a more recent tragedy by which a fellow-ser- vant, only a short while before he fled, was also murdered by a stab in the groin from another young master."Powerful bad" treatment, and "no pay," was the only reward poor Perry had ever received for his life services. Perry could only remember his having received from his master, in all, eleven cents. Left a brother and sister in Slavery. Perry was worth $1200 perhaps.
PERRY was compelled to leave his wife and three children ? namely, Hannah (wife), Perry Henry, William Thomas and Alexander, who were
owned by John' McGuire, of Caroline county, Maryland. Perry was a fellow-servant of James Massey, and was held by the same owner who held James. It is but just, to say, that it was not in the Pittman family that his
mother and his fellow-servant had been so barbarously murdered. These occurrences took place before they came into the hands of Pittman.
The provocation for which his fellow-servant was killed, was said to be very trifling. In a moment of rage, his young master, John Piper, plunged the blade of a small knife into Perry's groin, which resulted in his death twenty-six hours afterwards. For one day only the young master kept himself concealed, then he came forward and said he "did it in self-defense,"and there the matter ended. The half will never be told of the barbarism of Slavery. PERRY'S letter subjoined, explains where he went, and how his mind was
occupied with thoughts of his wife, children and friends.
ST. CATHARINES, C. W. June 21, 1857.
DEAR SIR. ? I take this opportunity to inform you that I am well at present, and hope that these few lines may find you injoying the same Blessing, I have Been for some time now, But have not written to you Before, But you must Excuse me. I want you to give my Respects to all my inquiring friends and to my wife, I should have let you know But I was afraid and all three of my little children too, P. H. Trusty if he was mine Wm. T. Trusty and to Alexander I have been A man agge But was assurd nuthin, H. Trusty, a hard grand citt. I should lie know how times is, Henry Turner if you get this keep it,
and read it to yourself and not let any one else But yourself, tell ann Henry, Samuel Henry, Jacob Bryant, Wm Claton, Mr James at Almira Receved at Mr Jones house the Best I could I have Been healthy since I arrived here. My Best Respect to all and my thanks for past favours. No more at present But Remain youre obedented Servent &c.
Please send me an answer as son as you get this, an^ oblige yours,
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Record #32

Traveler's Names George Rhoads
Age 25
Origin- Town/City Perryville
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John P. Dellum

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names George Rhoads
Age 25
Description Chestnut color, face round, and hating Slavery heartily
Origin- Town/City Perryville
Origin- County Queen Anne's
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John P. Dellum
Chapter Title Eight Arrivals
Page Number 145
Other Travelers James Massey, Perry Henry Trusty, George Rhoads, James Rhoads, George Washington, Sarah Elizabeth Rhoads and child, Mary Elizabeth Stevenson
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative GEORGE RHOADS 19 a young man of twenty five years of age, chestnut color, face round, and hating Slavery heartily. He had come from
under the control of John P. Dellum a farmer, and a crabbed master, who "would swear very much when crossed, and would drink moderately every day," except sometimes he would " take a spree" and would then get pretty high. Withal he was a member of the Presbyterian church at Perry- ville, Maryland ; he was a single man and followed farming. Within the last two or three years, he had sold a man and woman; hence, George thought it was time to take warning. Accordingly he felt it to be his duty to try for Canada, via Underground Rail Road. As his master had always declared that if one run off, he would sell the rest to Georgia, George very wisely concluded that as an effort would have to be made, they had better leave their master with as " few as possible to be troubled with selling."
Consequently, a consultation was had between the brothers, which resulted in the exit of a party of eight. The market price for George would be about $1400. A horrid example professed Christians set before the world, while holding slaves and upholding Slavery.
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Record #33

Traveler's Names James Rhoads
Age 23
Origin- Town/City Perryville
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John P. Dellum

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names James Rhoads
Age 23
Description medium size, dark color, intelligent, and manly
Origin- Town/City Perryville
Origin- County Queen Anne's
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John P. Dellum
Chapter Title Eight Arrivals
Page Number 145
Other Travelers James Massey, Perry Henry Trusty, George Rhoads, James Rhoads, George Washington, Sarah Elizabeth Rhoads and child, Mary Elizabeth Stevenson
Other Conductors
Additional Names wife and child
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative JAMES RHOADS, brother of George, was twenty-three years of age,
medium size, dark color, intelligent and manly, and would doubtless have
brought, in the Richmond market, $1700. Fortunately he brought his wife
and child with him. James was also held by the same task-master who
held George. Often had he been visited with severe stripes, and had borne
his full share of suffering from his master.
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Record #34

Traveler's Names George Washington
Age 15
Origin- Town/City Perryville
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John P. Dellum

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names George Washington
Age 15
Description Tall enough, however to pass for a young man of 20. George was of an excellent, fast, dark color
Origin- Town/City Perryville
Origin- County Queen Anne's
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John P. Dellum
Chapter Title Eight Arrivals
Page Number 145
Other Travelers James Massey, Perry Henry Trusty, George Rhoads, James Rhoads, George Washington, Sarah Elizabeth Rhoads and child, Mary Elizabeth Stevenson
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative GEORGE WASHINGTON, one of the same party, was only about fifteen years of age ; he was tall enough, however, to pass for a young man of twenty. George was of an excellent, fast, dark color. Of course, mentally he was undeveloped, nevertheless, possessed of enough mother-wit to make
good his escape. In the slave market he might have been valued at $800. George was claimed as the lawful property of Benjamin Sylves ? a Presbyterian, who owned besides, two men, three girls, and a boy. He was "toler- able good " sometimes, and sometimes "bad." Some of the slaves supposed
themselves to be on the eve of being emancipated about the time George left ; but of this there was no certainty. George, however, was not among this hopeful number, consequently, he thought that he would start in time, and would be ready to shout for Freedom quite as soon as any other of his
fellow-bondmen. George left a father and three sisters. Sarah Elizabeth Rhoads, wife of James Rhoads, was seventeen years of age, a tall, dark, 10 young woman, who had had no chances for mental improvement, except
such as were usual on a farm, stocked with slaves, where learning to read the Bible was against the "rules." Sarah was a young slave mother with a babe (of course a slave) only eight months old. She was regarded as having been exceedingly fortunate in having rescued herself and child from the
horrid fate of slaves.
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Record #35

Traveler's Names Ann Jonston
Age 24
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Samuel Harrington and William Moore

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Ann Jonston
Age 24
Description Tall and of a dark chestnut
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Samuel Harrington and William Moore
Chapter Title Two female passengers from Maryland
Page Number 164
Other Travelers Ann Johnson, Lavina Woolfley
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative It is, therefore, a pleasure to thus transfer from the old Record book the names of Ann Johnson and Lavina Woolfley, who fled from Maryland in 1857. Their lives, however, had not been in any way very remarkable. Ann was tall, and of a dark chestnut color, with an intelligent countenance, and about twenty-four years of age. She had filled various situations as a Slave. Sometimes she was required to serve in the kitchen, at other times she was required to toil in the field, with the plow, hoe, and the like.Samuel Harrington, of Cambridge District, Maryland,
was the name of the man for whose benefit Ann labored during her younger days. She had no hesitation in saying, that he was a very " ill-natured man;"he however, was a member of the "old time Methodist Church." In Slave property he had invested only to the extent of some five or six head. About three years previous to Ann's escape, one of her brothers fled and went to Canada. This circumstance so enraged the owner, that he declared he would " sell all " he owned. Accordingly Ann was soon put on the auction block, and was bought by a man who went by the name of William
Moore. Moore was a married man, who, with his wife, was addicted to in-temperance and carousing. Ann found that she had simply got "out of the fire into the frying-pan." She was really at a loss to tell when her lot was the harder, whether under the "rum drinker," or the old time Methodist. In this state of mind she decided to leave all and go to Canada, the refuge for the fleeing bondman.
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Record #36

Traveler's Names Lavina Woolfley
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name Samuel Harrington

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Lavina Woolfley
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name Samuel Harrington
Chapter Title Two female passengers from Maryland
Page Number 165
Other Travelers Ann Johnson, Lavina Woolfley
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative Lavina, Ann's companion, was the wife of James Woolfley. She and her husband set out together, with six others, and were of the party of eight who were betrayed into Dover
jail, as has already been described in these pages. After fighting their way out of the jail, they separated (for prudential reasons). The husband of Lavina, immediately after the conflict at the jail, passed on to Canada,
leaving his wife under the protection of friends. Since that time several months had elapsed, but of each other nothing had been known, before she received information on her arrival at Philadelphia. The Committee was
glad to inform her, that her husband had safely passed on to Canada, and that she would be aided on also, where they could enjoy freedom in a free country.
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Record #37

Traveler's Names John Spencer
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names John Spencer
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title John Spencer and his son William, and James Albert
Page Number 204-205
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative These individuals escaped from the eastern shore of Maryland, in the Spring of 1853, but were led to conclude that they could enjoy the freedom they had aimed to find, in New Jersey. They procured employment in the neighborhood of Haddonfield, some six or eight miles from Camden, New Jersey, and were succeeding, as they thought, very well.
Things went on favorably for about three months, when to their alarm "slave-hunters were discovered in the neighborhood," and sufficient evidence was obtained to make it quite plain that, John, William and James were the identical persons, for whom the hunters were in "hot pursuit." When brought to the Committee, they were pretty thoroughly
alarmed and felt very anxious to be safely off to Canada. While the Committee always rendered in such cases immediate protection and aid, they nevertheless, felt, in view of the imminent dangers existing under the fugitive slave law, that persons disposed to thus stop by the way, should be very plainly
given to understand, that if they were captured they would have themselves the most to blame. But- the dread of Slavery was strong in the minds of these fugitives, and they very fully realized their folly in stopping in New Jersey. The Committee procured their tickets, helped them to disguise
themselves as much as possible, and admonished them not to stop short of Canada.
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Record #38

Traveler's Names William Spencer
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names William Spencer
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title John Spencer and his son William, and James Albert
Page Number 204-205
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative These individuals escaped from the eastern shore of Maryland, in the Spring of 1853, but were led to conclude that they could enjoy the freedom they had aimed to find, in New Jersey. They procured employment in the neighborhood of Haddonfield, some six or eight miles from Camden, New Jersey, and were succeeding, as they thought, very well.
Things went on favorably for about three months, when to their alarm "slave-hunters were discovered in the neighborhood," and sufficient evidence was obtained to make it quite plain that, John, William and James were the identical persons, for whom the hunters were in "hot pursuit." When brought to the Committee, they were pretty thoroughly
alarmed and felt very anxious to be safely off to Canada. While the Committee always rendered in such cases immediate protection and aid, they nevertheless, felt, in view of the imminent dangers existing under the fugitive slave law, that persons disposed to thus stop by the way, should be very plainly
given to understand, that if they were captured they would have themselves the most to blame. But- the dread of Slavery was strong in the minds of these fugitives, and they very fully realized their folly in stopping in New Jersey. The Committee procured their tickets, helped them to disguise
themselves as much as possible, and admonished them not to stop short of Canada.
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Record #39

Traveler's Names James Albert
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names James Albert
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title John Spencer and his son William, and James Albert
Page Number 204-205
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative These individuals escaped from the eastern shore of Maryland, in the Spring of 1853, but were led to conclude that they could enjoy the freedom they had aimed to find, in New Jersey. They procured employment in the neighborhood of Haddonfield, some six or eight miles from Camden, New Jersey, and were succeeding, as they thought, very well.
Things went on favorably for about three months, when to their alarm "slave-hunters were discovered in the neighborhood," and sufficient evidence was obtained to make it quite plain that, John, William and James were the identical persons, for whom the hunters were in "hot pursuit." When brought to the Committee, they were pretty thoroughly
alarmed and felt very anxious to be safely off to Canada. While the Committee always rendered in such cases immediate protection and aid, they nevertheless, felt, in view of the imminent dangers existing under the fugitive slave law, that persons disposed to thus stop by the way, should be very plainly
given to understand, that if they were captured they would have themselves the most to blame. But- the dread of Slavery was strong in the minds of these fugitives, and they very fully realized their folly in stopping in New Jersey. The Committee procured their tickets, helped them to disguise
themselves as much as possible, and admonished them not to stop short of Canada.
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Record #40

Traveler's Names Rose Anna Tonnell
Alias Maria Hyde
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Isaac Tonnell

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Rose Anna Tonnell
Alias Maria Hyde
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- County Sussex Co.
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Isaac Tonnell
Chapter Title Rose Anna Tonnell alias Maria Hyde
Page Number 207
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative She fled from Isaac Tonnell of Georgetown, Delaware, in Christmas week, 1853. A young woman with a little boy of seven years of age accompanied Rose Anna. Further than the simple fact of their having thus safely arrived, except the expense incurred by the Committee, no other particulars appear on the records.
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Record #41

Traveler's Names Mary Ennis
Age 33
Alias Licia Hemmin
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Ennis

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Mary Ennis
Age 33
Description quite tall with a countenance and general appearance well fitted to awaken sympathy at first sight
Alias Licia Hemmin
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- County Sussex Co.
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Ennis
Chapter Title Hansel Waples, Rose Anna Tonnell and Mary Ennis
Page Number 207
Other Travelers Mary Ennis and her two children
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative Mary arrived with her two children in the early Spring of 1854.
The mother was a woman of about thirty-three years of age, quite tall, with a countenance and general appearance well fitted to awaken sympathy at first sight. Her oldest child was a little girl seven years of age, named Lydia ; the other was named Louisa Caroline, three years of age,
both promising in appearance. They were the so called property of John Ennis, of Georgetown, Delaware. For their flight they chose the dead of Winter. After leaving they made their way to West Chester, and there found friends and security for several weeks, up to the time they reached
Philadelphia. Probably the friends with whom they stopped thought the weather too inclement for a woman with children dependent on her support to travel. Long before this mother escaped, thoughts of liberty filled her heart. She was ever watching for an opportunity, that would en-
courage her to hope for safety, when once the attempt should be made. Until, however, she was convinced that her two children were to be sold, she could not quite muster courage to set out on the journey. This threat to sell proved .in multitudes of instances, " the last straw on the camel's back." When nothing else would start them this would. Mary and her children
were the only slaves owned by this Ennis, consequently her duties were that of "Jack of all trades; "sometimes in the field and sometimes in the barn, as well as in the kitchen, by which, it is needless to say, that her life was rendered servile to the last degree.
To bind up the broken heart of such a poor slave mother, and to aid such tender plants as were these little girls, from such a wretched state of barbarism as existed in poor little Delaware, was doubly gratifying to the Committee.
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Record #42

Traveler's Names Lydia
Age 7
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Ennis

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Lydia
Age 7
Description promising in appearance
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- County Sussex Co.
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Ennis
Chapter Title Hansel Waples, Rose Anna Tonnell and Mary Ennis
Page Number 207
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative
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Record #43

Traveler's Names Louisa
Age 3
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Ennis

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Louisa
Age 3
Description promising in appearance
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- County Sussex Co.
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Ennis
Chapter Title Hansel Waples, Rose Anna Tonnell and Mary Ennis
Page Number 207
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative
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Record #44

Traveler's Names William Wooden
Age 23
Alias William Nelson
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Judge Wooden

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names William Wooden
Age 23
Description tall, well built man of dark complexion and promising
Alias William Nelson
Origin- Town/City Georgetown, DE
Origin- County Sussex Co.
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Judge Wooden
Chapter Title From Virginia, Maryland, Delaware
Page Number 232
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative It was from this State, that William Wooden fled. True, William was said to belong to Judge Wooden, of Georgetown, Del., but, according to the story of his "chattel," the Judge was not of the class who judged
righteously. He had not only treated William badly, but he had threatened to sell him. This was the bitter pill which constrained William to " take out." The threat seemed hard at first, but its effect was excellent for this young man ; it was the cause of his obtaining his freedom at the age of twenty-three. William was a tall, well-built man, of dark complexion and promising. No further particulars concerning him are on the records.
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Record #45

Traveler's Names James Edward Handy
Age 26
Alias Daniel Canon
Origin- Town/City Seaford, DE
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Samuel Lewis

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names James Edward Handy
Age 26
Description Stout, heavy built man
Alias Daniel Canon
Origin- Town/City Seaford, DE
Origin- County Sussex Co.
Origin- State Delaware
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Samuel Lewis
Chapter Title From Virginia, Maryland, Delaware
Page Number 232-233
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative JAMES EDWARD HANDY, alias DANIEL CANON. At Seaford, Delaware, James was held in bonds under a Slave-holder called Samuel Lewis, who followed farming. Lewis was not satisfied with working James hard and keeping all his earnings, but would insolently talk occasionally of handing him "over to the trader." This "stirred James' blood " and aroused
his courage to the "sticking point." Nothing could induce him to remain. He had the name of having a wife and four children, but according to the Laws of Delaware, he only had a nominal right in them.
They were " legally the property of Capt. Martin." Therefore they were all left in the hands of Capt. Martin. The wife's name was Harriet Delaney, alias Smart Stanley. James Henry Delaney came as a
fellow-traveler with James Edward. He had experienced oppression under Capt. Martin, and as a witness, was prepared to testify, that Martin " ill-
treated his Slaves, especially with regard to the diet, which was very poor." Nevertheless James was a stout, heavy-built young man of twenty-six years
of age, and looked as if he might have a great deal of valuable work in him. He was a single man.
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Record #46

Traveler's Names Samuel Green
Age 25
Alias Wesley Kinnard
Origin- Town/City Indian Creek
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Dr. James Muse

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Samuel Green
Age 25
Alias Wesley Kinnard
Origin- Town/City Indian Creek
Origin- County Chester Co
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Dr. James Muse
Chapter Title Samuel Green alias Wesley Kinnard, August 28th, 1854
Page Number 246
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative The passenger answering to the above name, left Indian Creek, Chester Co., Md., where he had been held to service or labor, by Dr. James Muse. One week had elapsed from the time he set out until his arrival in Philadelphia. Although he had never enjoyed school privileges of any kind, yet he was not devoid of intelligence. He had profited by his daily experience as a slave, and withal, had managed to learn to read and write a little, despite law and usage to the contrary. Sara was about twenty-five years of age and by trade, a blacksmith. Before running away, his general character for sobriety, industry, and religion, had evidently been considered good,
but in coveting his freedom and running away to obtain it, he had sunk far below the utmost limit of forgiveness or mercy in the estimation of the slave-holders of Indian Creek.
During his intercourse with the Vigilance Committee, while rejoicing over his triumphant flight, he gave, with no appearance of excitement, but calmly, and in a common-sense like manner, a brief description of his master, which was entered on the record book substantially as follows : "Dr. James Muse is thought by the servants to be the worst man in Mary-
land, inflicting whipping and all manner of cruelties upon the servants."
While Sam gave reasons for this sweeping charge, which left no room for doubt, on the part of the Committee, of his sincerity and good judgment,
it was not deemed necessary to make a note of more of the doctor's character than seemed actually needed, in order to show why " Sam " had taken
passage on the Underground Rail Road. For several years, "Sam" was hired out by the doctor at blacksmithing ; in this situation, daily wearing
the yoke of unrequited labor, through the kindness of Harriet Tubman (sometimes called " Moses "), the light of the Underground Rail Road and Canada suddenly illuminated his mind. It was new to him, but he was quite too intelligent and liberty-loving, not to heed the valuable information which this sister of humanity imparted. Thenceforth he was in love
with Canada, and likewise a decided admirer of the U. R. Road. Harriet was herself, a shrewd and fearless agent, and well understood the entire route from that part of the country to Canada. The spring previous, she had paid a visit to the very neighborhood in which " Sam " lived, expressly to lead her own brothers out of "Egypt." She succeeded. To " Sam " this was cheering and glorious news, and he made up his mind, that before a great while, Indian Creek should have one less slave and that Canada should have one more citizen. Faithfully did he watch an
opportunity to carry out his resolution. In due time a good Providence opened the way, and to " Sam's " satisfaction he reached Philadelphia, having encountered no peculiar difficulties. The Committee, perceiving that he was smart, active, and promising, encouraged his undertaking, and having given him friendly advice, aided him in the usual manner. Letters of introduction were given him, and he was duly forwarded on his way. He had left his father, mother, and one sister behind. Samuel and Catharine
were the names of his parents. Thus far, his escape would seem not to affect his parents, nor was it apparent that there was any other cause why the owner should revenge himself upon them.
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Record #47

Traveler's Names Sam Green (father of Samuel Green)
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State Maryland
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Sam Green (father of Samuel Green)
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title
Page Number 247-250
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources page 250 is a picture of Sam Green
Items in Possession
Full Narrative The father was an old local preacher in the Methodist Church ? much esteemed as an inoffensive, industrious man; earning his bread by the sweat
of his brow, and contriving to move along in the narrow road allotted colored people bond or free, without exciting a spirit of ill will in the pro-slavery power of his community. But the rancor awakened in the breast of slave-holders in consequence of the high-handed step the son had taken, brought the father under suspicion and hate. Under the circumstances, the eye of Slavery could do nothing more than watch for an occasion to pounce upon him. It was not long before the desired opportunity presented itself. Moved by parental affection, the old man concluded to pay a visit to his boy, to see how he was faring in a distant land, and among strangers. This resolution he quietly carried into effect. He found his son in Canada, doing well; industrious; a man of sobriety, and following his father's footsteps
religiously. That the old man's heart was delighted with what his eyes saw and his ears heard in Canada, none can doubt. But in the simplicity of his imagination, he never dreamed that this visit was to be made the means of his destruction. During the best portion of his days he had faithfully worn the badge of Slavery, had afterwards purchased his freedom, and thus become a free man. He innocently conceived the idea that he was doing no harm in availing himself not only of his God-given rights, but of the rights that he had also purchased by the hard toil of his own hands. But the enemy was lurking in ambush for him ? thirsting for his blood. To his
utter consternation, not long after his return from his visit to his son " a party of gentlemen from the New Market district, went at night to Green's house and made search, whereupon was found a copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin, etc." This was enough ? the hour had come, wherein to wreak vengeance upon poor Green. The course pursued and the result, may be seen
in the following statement taken from the Cambridge (Md.), " Democrat," of April 29th, 1857, and communicated by the writer to the " Provincial
The case of the State against Sam Green (free negro) indicted for having in his possession, papers, pamphlets and pictorial representations, having a
tendency to create discontent, etc., among the people of color in the State, was tried before the court on Friday last.
This case was of the utmost importance, and has created in the public mind a great deal of interest ? it being the first case of the kind ever
having occurred in our country.
It appeared, in evidence, that this Green has a son in Canada, to whom Green made a visit last summer. Since his return to this county, suspicion has fastened upon him, as giving aid and assisting slaves who have since absconded and reached Canada, and several weeks ago, a party of gentlemen from New Market district, went at night, to Green's house and made search, whereupon was found a volume of " Uncle Tom's Cabin," a map of Canada, several schedules of routes to the North, and a letter from his son in
Canada, detailing the pleasant trip he had, the number of friends he met with on the way, with plenty to eat, drink, etc., and concludes with a
request to his father, that he shall tell certain other slaves, naming them, to come on, which slaves, it is well known, did leave shortly afterwards, and
have reached Canada. The case was argued with great ability, the counsel on both sides displaying a great deal of ingenuity, learning and eloquence. The first indictment was for the having in possession the letter, map and route schedules.
Notwithstanding the mass of evidence given, to show the prisoner's guilt, in unlawfully having in his possession these documents, and the nine-tenths
of the community in which he lived, believed that he had a hand in the running away of slaves, it was the opinion of the court, that -the law under which he was indicted, was not applicable to the case, and that he must, accordingly, render a verdict of not guilty.
He was immediately arraigned upon another indictment, for having in possession " Uncle Tom's Cabin," and tried ; in this case the court has not
yet rendered a verdict, but holds it under curia till after the Somerset county court. It is to be hoped, the court will find the evidence in this case sufficient to bring it within the scope of the law under which the prisoner is indicted (that of 1842, chap. 272), and that the prisoner may meet his due reward ? be that what it may.
That there is something required to be done by our Legislators, for the protection of slave property, is evident from the variety of constructions put upon the statute in this case, and we trust, that at the next meeting of the Legislature there will be such amendments, as to make the law on this subject, perfectly clear and comprehensible to the understanding of every one.
In the language of the assistant counsel for the State, " Slavery must be protected or it must be abolished."
From the same sheet, of May 20th, the terrible doom of Samuel Green, is announced in the following words:
In the case of the State against Sam Green, (free negro) who was tried at the April term of the Circuit Court of this county, for having in his posses-
sion abolition pamphlets, among which was " Uncle Tom's Cabin," has been found guilty by the court, and sentenced to the penitentiary for the term of
ten years ? until the 14th of May, 1867.
The son, a refugee in Canada, hearing the distressing news of his father's sad fate in the hands of the relentless " gentlemen," often wrote to know if
there was any prospect of his deliverance. The subjoined letter is a fair sample of his correspondence : -
SALFOBD, 22, 1857.
Dear Sir I take my pen in hand to Request a faver of you if you can by any means without duin In Festus to your self or your Bisness to grant it as I Bleve you to be a man that would Sympathize in such a ones Condition as my self I Reseved a letter that Stats
to me that my Fater has ben Betraed in the act of helping sum frend to Canada and the law has Convicted and Sentanced him to the Stats prison for 10 yeares his White Frands ofered 2 thousen Dollcrs to Redem him but they would not short three thousen. I am in Canada and it is a Dificult thing to get a letter to any of my Frands in Maryland so as to
get prop per infermation abot it? if you can by any means get any in telligence from Baltimore City a bot this Event Plese do so and Rit word and all so all the inform mation that you think prop per as Regards the Evant and the best mathod to Redeme him and so
Plese Rite soon as you can You will oblige your sir Frand and Drect your letter to Salford P. office C. W. SAMUEL GKEEN,
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Record #48

Traveler's Names Josiah Bailey
Age 28
Origin- Town/City Easton
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name William H. Hughlett

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Josiah Bailey
Age 28
Description 5 feet 10 inches of chestnut color, bald head, with a remarkable scar on his cheek, not posibive on which it is, but think it is on the left, under the eye, has intelligent countenance, active and well-made
Origin- Town/City Easton
Origin- County Talbot
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name William H. Hughlett
Chapter Title Heavy Reward
Page Number 273-274
Other Travelers Josiah and William Bailey, Peter Pennington
Other Conductors
Additional Names Eliza Nokey
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Runaway Ad
Items in Possession
Full Narrative Two THOUSAND Six HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD.? Ran away from the subscriber, on Saturday night November 15th, 1856, Josiah and William Bailey, and Peter Pennington. Joe is about 5 feet 10 inches in height, of a chestnut color, bald head, with a remarkable scar on one ot his cheeks, not positive on which it is, but think it is on the left, under the eye, has intelligent countenance, active, and well-made. He is about 28 years old. Bill is of a darker color, about 5 feet 8 inches in height, stammers a little when con-
fused, well-made, and older than Joe, well dressed, but may have pulled kearsey on over their other clothes. Peter is smaller than either the others, about 25 years of age, dark chestnut color, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high.
A reward of fifteen hundred dollars will be given to any person who will apprehend the said Joe Bailey, and lodge him safely in the jail at Easton, Talbot Co., Md., and $300 for Bill and $800 for Peter. W. R. HUGHLETT,
T. WEIGHT Josiah Bailey was the leader of this party, and he appeared well-qualified for this position. He was about twenty-nine years of age, and in no particular physically, did he seem to be deficient. He was likewise civil and polite in his manners, and
a man of good common sense. He was held and oppressed by William H. Hughlett, a farmer and dealer in ship timber, who had besides invested in
slaves to the number of forty head. In his habits he was generally taken for a " moderate " and " fair " man, " though he was in the habit of flogging
the slaves ? females as well as males," after they had arrived at the age of maturity. This was not considered strange or cruel in Maryland. Josiah
was the " foreman " on the place, and was entrusted with the management of hauling the ship-timber, and through harvesting and busy seasons was re-
quired to lead in the fields. He was regarded as one of the most valuable hands in that part of the country, being valued at $2,000. Three weeks be-
fore he escaped, Joe was " stripped naked," and " flogged " very cruelly by his master, simply because he had a dispute with one of the fellow-servants^
who had stolen, as Joe alleged, seven dollars of his hard earnings. This flogging, produced in Joe's mind, an unswerving determination to leave Slavery or die : to try his luck on the Underground Rail Road at all hazards. The very name of Slavery, made the fire fairly burn in his bones. Although a married man, having a wife and three children (owned by Hughlett), he was not prepared to let his affection for them keep him in chains ? so Anna Maria, his wife, and his children Ellen, Anna Maria, and Isabella, were
shortly widowed and orphaned by the slave lash.
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Record #49

Traveler's Names William Bailey
Origin- Town/City Easton
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John C. Henry

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names William Bailey
Description he is of a darker color, about 5 feet 8 inches in height, stammers a little when confused, well-made and older than Joe, well dressed, but may have pulled kearsey over their other clothes
Origin- Town/City Easton
Origin- County Talbot
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John C. Henry
Chapter Title Heavy Reward
Page Number 273-274
Other Travelers Josiah and William Bailey, Peter Pennington
Other Conductors
Additional Names Eliza Nokey
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Runaway Ad
Items in Possession
Full Narrative Two THOUSAND Six HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD.? Ran away from the subscriber, on Saturday night November 15th, 1856, Josiah and
William Bailey, and Peter Pennington. Joe is about 5 feet 10 inches in height,
of a chestnut color, bald head, with a remarkable scar on one ot his cheeks,
not positive on which it is, but think it is on the left, under the eye, has intel-
ligent countenance, active, and well-made. He is about 28 years old. Bill is of a darker color, about 5 feet 8 inches in height, stammers a little when confused, well-made, and older than Joe, well dressed, but may have pulled kearsey on over their other clothes. Peter is smaller than either the others, about 25 years of age, dark
chestnut color, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high.
A reward of fifteen hundred dollars will be given to any person who will apprehend the said Joe Bailey, and lodge him safely in the jail at Easton, Talbot Co., Md., and $300 for Bill and $800 for Peter. W. R. HUGHLETT,
T. WEIGHT. WILLIAM BAILEY was owned by John C. Henry, a large slave-holder, and a very " hard " one, if what William alleged of him was true. His story certainly had every appearance of truthfulness. A recent brutal flogging had " stiffened his back-bone/' and furnished him with his excuse for not
being willing to continue in Maryland, working his strength away to enrich his master, or the man who claimed to be such. The memorable flogging, however, which caused him to seek flight on the Underground Rail Road, was not administered by his master or on his master's plantation. He was hired out, and it was in this situation that he was so barbarously treated. Yet he considered his master more in fault than the man to whom he was hired, but redress there was none, save to escape.
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Record #50

Traveler's Names Peter Pennington
Age 25
Origin- Town/City Easton
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name William H. Hughlett

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Peter Pennington
Age 25
Description Peter is smaller then either the others, chestnut color, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high
Origin- Town/City Easton
Origin- County Talbot
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name William H. Hughlett
Chapter Title Heavy Reward
Page Number 273-274
Other Travelers Josiah and William Bailey, Peter Pennington
Other Conductors
Additional Names Eliza Nokey
Method of Travel
Additional Resources Runaway Ad
Items in Possession
Full Narrative Two THOUSAND Six HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD.? Ran away from the subscriber, on Saturday night November 15th, 1856, Josiah and William Bailey, and Peter Pennington. Joe is about 5 feet 10 inches in height, of a chestnut color, bald head, with a remarkable scar on one ot his cheeks, not positive on which it is, but think it is on the left, under the eye, has intelligent countenance, active, and well-made. He is about 28 years old. Bill is of a darker color, about 5 feet 8 inches in height, stammers a little when confused, well-made, and older than Joe, well dressed, but may have pulled kearsey on over their other clothes. Peter is smaller than either the others, about 25 years of age, dark chestnut color, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high.
A reward of fifteen hundred dollars will be given to any person who will apprehend the said Joe Bailey, and lodge him safely in the jail at Easton, Talbot Co., Md., and $300 for Bill and $800 for Peter. W. R. HUGHLETT,
T. WEIGHT The hour for forwarding the party by the Committee, came too soon to allow time for the writing of any account of Peter Pennington and Eliza
Nokey. Suffice it to say, that in struggling through their journey, their spirits never flagged ; they had determined not to stop short of Canada. They truly had a very high appreciation of freedom, but a very poor opinion of Maryland.
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Record #51

Traveler's Names Cyrus Mitchell
Age 26
Alias John Steel
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name James K. Lewis

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Cyrus Mitchell
Age 26
Description Stout and unmistakenly dark
Alias John Steel
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name James K. Lewis
Chapter Title Arrival of five From the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Page Number 286-287
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative RESPECTED FRIEND : ? WILLIAM STILL, I send on to thy care this evening by Rail Road, 5 able-bodied men, on their way North ; receive them as the Good Samaritan of old
and oblige thy friend, THOMAS GARRETT. CYRUS is twenty-six years of age, stout, and unmistakably dark, and was
owned by James K. Lewis, a store-keeper, and a "hard master." He kept
slaves for the express purpose of hiring them out, and it seemed to afford
him as much pleasure to receive the hard-earned dollars of his bondmen as
if he had labored for them with his own hands. " It mattered not, how
mean a man might be," if he would pay the largest price, he was the man
whom the store-keeper preferred to hire to. This always caused Cyrus to
dislike him. Latterly he had been talking of moving into the State of
Virginia. Cyrus disliked this talk exceedingly, but he "said nothing to the
white people " touching the matter. However, he was not Jong in deciding
that such a move would be of no advantage to him ; indeed, he had an idea
if all was true that he had heard about that place, he would be still more
miserable there, than he had ever been under his present owner. At once,
he decided that he would move towards Canada, and that he would be fixed
in his new home before his master got off to Virginia, unless he moved
sooner than Cyrus expected him to do. Those nearest of kin, to whom to whomefelt most tenderly allied, arid from whom he felt that it would be hard to
part, were his father and mother. He, however, decided that he should
have to leave them. Freedom, he felt, was even worth the giving up of parents.
Believing that company was desirable, he took occasion to submit his
plan to certain friends, who were at once pleased with the idea of a trip on
the Underground Rail Road, to Canada, etc; and all agreed to join him.
At first, they traveled on foot; of their subsequent travel, mention has
already been made in friend Garrett's epistle.
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Record #52

Traveler's Names Joshua Handy
Age 27
Alias Hambleton Hamby
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Isaac Harris

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Joshua Handy
Age 27
Description quite stout of brown color and would pass for an intelligent farm hand
Alias Hambleton Hamby
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Isaac Harris
Chapter Title Arrival of five From the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Page Number 286-287
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative RESPECTED FRIEND : ? WILLIAM STILL, I send on to thy care this evening by Rail
Road, 5 able-bodied men, on their way North ; receive them as the Good Samaritan of old and oblige thy friend, THOMAS GARRETT. JOSHUA is about twenty-seven years of age, quite stout, brown color, and would pass for an intelligent farm hand. He was satisfied never to wear the yoke again that some one else might reap the benefit of his toil. His master, Isaac Harris, he denounced as a "drunkard." His chief excuse for escaping, was because Harris had "sold" his "only brother." He was obliged to leave his father and mother in the hands of his master.
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Record #53

Traveler's Names Charles Dulton
Age 22
Alias William Robinson
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Mrs. Mary Hurley

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Charles Dulton
Age 22
Description Stout and well made
Alias William Robinson
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Mrs. Mary Hurley
Chapter Title Arrival of five From the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Page Number 286-287
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative RESPECTED FRIEND : ? WILLIAM STILL, I send on to thy care this evening by Rail
Road, 5 able-bodied men, on their way North ; receive them as the Good Samaritan of old and oblige thy friend, THOMAS GARRETT. CHARLES is twenty-two years of age, also stout, and well-made, and apparently possessed all the qualifications for doing a good day's work on a farm. He was held to service by Mrs. Mary Hurley. Charles gave no glowing account of happiness and comfort under the rule of the female sex,
indeed, he was positive in saying that he had " been used rough." During the present year, he was sold for $1200.
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Record #54

Traveler's Names Ephraim Hudson
Age 22
Alias John Spry
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Campbell Henry

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Ephraim Hudson
Age 22
Description stout and athletic
Alias John Spry
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Campbell Henry
Chapter Title Arrival of five From the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Page Number 286-287
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative RESPECTED FRIEND : ? WILLIAM STILL, I send on to thy care this evening by Rail
Road, 5 able-bodied men, on their way North ; receive them as the Good Samaritan of old and oblige thy friend, THOMAS GARRETT. EPHRAIM is twenty-two years of age, stout and athletic, one who appears in every way fitted for manual labor or anything else that he might be privileged to learn. John Campbell Henry, was the name of the man
whom he had been taught to address as master, and for whose benefit he had been compelled to labor up to the day he " took out." In considering what he had been in Maryland and how he had been treated all his life, he alleged that John Campbell Henry was a "bad man." Not only had Ephraim been treated badly by his master but he had been hired out to a man no better than his master, if as good. Ephraim left his mother and six brothers and sisters.
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Record #55

Traveler's Names Francis Molock
Age 21
Alias Thomas Jackson
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name James A. Waddell

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Francis Molock
Age 21
Description able-bodied "article" of dark color
Alias Thomas Jackson
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name James A. Waddell
Chapter Title Arrival of five From the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Page Number 286-287
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative RESPECTED FRIEND : ? WILLIAM STILL, I send on to thy care this evening by Rail
Road, 5 able-bodied men, on their way North ; receive them as the Good Samaritan of old and oblige thy friend, THOMAS GARRETT. FRANCIS is twenty-one, an able-bodied "article," of dark color, and was owned by James A. Waddell. All that he could say of his owner, was, that he was a " hard master," from whom he was very glad to escape.
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Record #56

Traveler's Names Samuel Miles
Alias Robert King
Origin- Town/City Revel's Neck
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Samuel Miles
Alias Robert King
Origin- Town/City Revel's Neck
Origin- County Somerset
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title Sundry Arrivals, About August 1st
Page Number 290
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative ARRIVAL No. 6. Samuel Miles, alias Robert King. Samuel was a representative of Revel's Neck, Somerset Co., Md. His master he regarded as a " very fractious man, hard to please." The cause of the trouble or unpleasantness, which resulted in Samuel's Underground adventure, was traceable to his master's refusal to allow him to visit his wife. Not only was Samuel denied this privilege, but he was equally denied all privileges. His master probably thought that Sam had no mind, nor any need of a wife.
"Whether this was really so or not, Sam was shrewd enough to " leave his old master with the bag to hold," which was sensible. Thirty-one years of Samuel's life were passed in Slavery, ere he escaped. The remainder of his days he felt bound to have the benefit of himself. In leaving home he had to part with his wife and one child, Sarah and little Henry, who were fortunately free.
On arriving in Canada Samuel wrote back for his wife, &c., as follows :
ST. CATHARINES, C. W., Aug. 20th, 1855.
To MR. WM. STILL, DEAR FRIEND : ? It gives me pleasure to inform you that I have had the good fortune to reach this northern Canaan. I got here yesterday and am in good health and happy in the enjoyment of Freedom, but am very anxious to have my wife and child here with me.
I wish you to write to her immediately on receiving this and let her know where I am you will recollect her name Sarah Miles at Baltimore on the corner of Hamburg and
Eutaw streets. Please encourage her in making a start and give her the necessary directions how to come. She will please to make the time as short as possible in getting through to Canada. Say to my wife that I wish her to write immediately to the friends that I told her to address as soon as she hears from me. Inform her that I now stop in St. Catharines near the Niagara Falls that I am not yet in business but expect to get into business very soon ? That I am in the enjoyment of good health and hoping that this com-munication may find my affectionate wife the same. That I have been highly favored
with friends throughout my journey I wish my wife to write to me as soon as she can and let me know how soon I may expect to see her on this side of the Niagara River. My wife had better call on Dr. Perkins and perhaps he will let her have the money he had in charge for me but that I failed of receiving when I left Baltimore. Please direct the letter for my wife to Mr. George Lister, in Hill street between Howard and Sharp. My compliments to all enquiring friends. Very respectfully yours, SAMUEL MILES.
P. S. Please send the thread along as a token and my wife will understand that all is right. S. M.
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Record #57

Traveler's Names James Henson
Age 28
Alias David Campbell
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State Maryland
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names James Henson
Age 28
Alias David Campbell
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County Cecil Co
Origin- State Maryland
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title Sundry Arrivals, About August 1st
Page Number 291
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative ARRIVAL No. 7. James Henson, alias David Caldwcll. James fled from Cecil Co., Md. He claimed that he was entitled to his freedom according to law at the age of twenty-eight, but had been unjustly deprived of it. Having waited in vain for his free papers for four years, he suspected that he was to be dealt with in a manner similar to many others,
who had been willed free or who had bought their time, and had been shamefully cheated out of their freedom. So in his judgment he felt that his only hope lay in making his escape on the Underground Kail Road. He had no faith whatever in the man who held him in bondage, Jacob Johnson, but no other charges of ill treatment,
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Record #58

Traveler's Names Elizabeth Banks
Origin- Town/City Easton
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Elizabeth Banks
Origin- Town/City Easton
Origin- County Talbot
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title Sundry Arrivals, About August 1st
Page Number 291
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative ARRIVAL No. 9. Elizabeth Banks, from near Easton, Maryland. Her lot had been that of an ordinary slave. Of her slave-life nothing of interest was recorded. She had escaped from her owner two and a half years prior to coming into the hands of the Committee, and had been living in Pennsylvania pretty securely as she had supposed, but she had been awakened to a sense of her danger by well grounded reports that she was pursued by her
claimant, and would be likely to be captured if she tarried short of Canada. With such facts staring her in the face she was sent to the Committee for counsel and protection, and by them she \vas forwarded on in the usual way. She was about twenty-five years of age, of a dark, and spare structure.
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Record #59

Traveler's Names Pete Matthews
Alias Samuel Sparrows
Origin- Town/City Oak Hall
Origin- State Virginia
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Pete Matthews
Alias Samuel Sparrows
Origin- Town/City Oak Hall
Origin- County Accomack
Origin- State Virginia
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title "Pete Matthews," alias Samuel Sparrow
Page Number 295-296
Other Travelers
Other Conductors
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Up to the age of thirty-five " Pete " had worn the yoke steadily, if not patiently under William S. Matthews, of Oak Hall, near Temperanceville, in the State of Virginia. Pete said that his "master was not a hard man,"
but the man to whom he " was hired, George Matthews, was a very cruel man." " I might as well be in the penitentiary as in his hands," was his declaration.
One day, a short while before Pete " took out," an ox broke into the truck patch, and helped himself to choice delicacies, to the full extent of his capacious stomach, making sad havoc with the vegetables generally. Peter's attention being directed to the ox, he turned him out, and gave him what he considered proper chastisement, according to the mischief he had done. At this liberty taken by Pete, the master became furious.
" He got his gun and threatened to shoot him." " Open your mouth if you dare, and I will put the whole load into you," said the enraged master. " He took out a large dirk-knife, and attempted to stab me, but I kept out of his way," said Pete. Nevertheless the violence of the master did not abate until he had beaten Pete over the head and body till he was weary, inflicting severe injuries. A gat change was at once wrought in Pete's
mind. He was now ready to adopt any plan that might hold out the least encouragement to escape. Having capital to the amount of four dollars only, he felt that he could not do much towards employing a conductor, but he had a good pair of legs, and a heart stout enough to whip two or three slave-catchers, with the help of a pistol. Happening to know a man who had a pistol for sale, he went to him and told him that he wished to purchase it. For one dollar the pistol became Pete' property. He had but three dollars left, but he was determined to make that amount
answer his purposes under the circumstances. The last cruel beating mad- dened him almost to desperation, especially when he remembered how he had been compelled to work hard night and day, under Matthews. Then, too, Peter had a wife, whom his master prevented him from visiting; this was not among the least offences with which Pete charged his master.
Fully bent on leaving, the following Sunday was fixed by him on which to commence his journey.
The time arrived and Pete bade farewell to Slavery, resolved to follow the North Star, with his pistol in hand ready for action. After traveling about two hundred miles from home he unexpectedly had an opportunity of
using his pistol. To his astonishment he suddenly came face to face with a former master, whom he had not seen for a long time. Pete desired no friendly intercourse with him whatever ; but he perceived that his old him and was bent upon stopping him. Pete held on to his pistol, but moved as fast as his wearied limbs would allow him, in
an opposite direction. As he was running, Pete cautiously, cast his eye over his shoulder, to see what had become of his old master, when to his amazement, he found that a regular chase was being made after him.
Need of redoubling his pace was quite obvious. In this hour of peril, Pete's
legs saved him.
After this signal leg-victory, Pete had more confidence in his " understandings," than he had in his old pistol, although he held on to it until he reached Philadelphia, where he left it in the possession of the Secretary of the Committee. Considering it worth saving simply as a relic of the Under-ground Rail Road, it was carefully laid aside. Pete was now christened Samuel Sparrows. Mr. Sparrows had the rust of Slavery washed off as
clean as possible and the Committee furnishing him with clean clothes, a ticket, and letters of introduction, started him on Canada-ward, looking quite respectable. And doubtless he felt even more so than he looked; free air had a powerful effect "on such passengers as Samuel Sparrows.
The unpleasantness which grew out of the mischief done by the ox on George Matthews' farm took place the first of October, 1855. Pete may be described as a man of unmixed blood, well-made, and intelligent.
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Record #60

Traveler's Names John Chase
Age 20
Alias Daniel Floyd
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Campbell Henry

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names John Chase
Age 20
Description chestnut color, of spare build and smart
Alias Daniel Floyd
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name John Campbell Henry
Chapter Title "Moses" arrives with six passengers
Page Number 296-297
Other Travelers John Chase alias Daniel Floyd; Benjamin Ross alias James Stewart; Henry Ross alias Levin Stewart; Peter Jackson, Alias Staunch Tilghman; Jane Kane alias Catherine Kane and Robert Ross
Other Conductors Harriett Tubman
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources letter
Items in Possession
Full Narrative WILMINGTON, 12 mo. 29th, 1854.
ESTEEMED FRIEND, J. MILLER McKiM : ? We made arrangements last night, and sent
away Harriet Tubman, with six men and one woman to Allen Agnew's, to be forwarded
across the country to the city. Harriet, and one of the men had worn their shoes off their feet, and I gave them two dollars to help fit them out, and directed a carriage to be hired at my expense, to take them out, but do not yet know the expense. I now have two more from the lowest county in Maryland, on the Peninsula, upwards of one hundred miles. I will try to get one of our trusty colored men to take them to-morrow morning to the Anti-slavery office. You can then pass them on. THOMAS GARRETT. December 29th, 1854 ? John is twenty years of age, chestnut color, of spare build and smart. He fled from a farmer, by the name of John Campbell Henry, who resided at Cambridge, Dorchester Co., Maryland. On being interrogated relative to the character of his master, John gave no very amiable account of him. He testified that he was a " hard man " and that he "owned about one hundred and forty slaves and sometimes he would sell," etc. John was one of the slaves who were " hired out." He " desired to have the privilege of hunting his own master." His desire was
not granted. Instead of meekly submitting, John felt wronged, and made this his reason for running away. This looked pretty spirited on the part of one so young as John. The Committee's respect for him was not a
little increased, when they heard him express himself.
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Record #61

Traveler's Names Benjamin Ross
Age 28
Alias James Stewart
Origin- Town/City Bucktown
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Eliza Ann Brodins

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Benjamin Ross
Age 28
Description chestnut color, medium size and shrewd
Alias James Stewart
Origin- Town/City Bucktown
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name Eliza Ann Brodins
Chapter Title Moses arrives with six passengers
Page Number 298
Other Travelers John Chase, alias Daniel Floyd; Benjamin Ross alias James Stewart; Henry Ross, alias Levin Stewart; Peter Jackson, Alias Staunch Tilghman; Jane Kane, alias Catherine Kane and Robert Ross
Other Conductors Harriett Tubman
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative WILMINGTON, 12 mo. 29th, 1854.
ESTEEMED FRIEND, J. MILLER McKiM : ? We made arrangements last night, and sent away Harriet Tubman, with six men and one woman to Allen Agnew's, to be forwarded across the country to the city. Harriet, and one of the men had worn their shoes off their feet, and I gave them two dollars to help fit them out, and directed a carriage to be
hired at my expense, to take them out, but do not yet know the expense. I now have two more from the lowest county in Maryland, on the Peninsula, upwards of one hundred miles. I will try to get one of our trusty colored men to take them to-morrow morning to the Anti-slavery office. You can then pass them on. THOMAS GARRETT. BENJAMIN was twenty-eight years of age, chestnut color, medium size, and shrewd. He was the so-called property of Eliza Ann Brodins, who lived near Buckstown, in Maryland. Ben did not hesitate to say, in unqual- ified terms, that his mistress was "very devilish." He considered his charges, proved by the fact that three slaves (himself one of them) were
required to work hard and fare meagerly, to support his mistress' family in idleness and luxury. The Committee paid due attention to his ex parte
statement, and was obliged to conclude that his argument, clothed in common and homely language, was forcible, if not eloquent, and that he was well
worthy of aid. Benjamin left his parents besides one sister, Mary Ann Williamson, who wanted to come away on the Underground Rail Road.
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Record #62

Traveler's Names Henry Ross
Age 22
Alias Levin Stewart
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Henry Ross
Age 22
Alias Levin Stewart
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title Moses arrives with six passengers
Page Number 298
Other Travelers John Chase, alias Daniel Floyd; Benjamin Ross alias James Stewart; Henry Ross, alias Levin Stewart; Peter Jackson, Alias Staunch Tilghman; Jane Kane, alias Catherine Kane and Robert Ross
Other Conductors Harriett Tubman
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative WILMINGTON, 12 mo. 29th, 1854.
ESTEEMED FRIEND, J. MILLER McKiM : ? We made arrangements last night, and sent
away Harriet Tubman, with six men and one woman to Allen Agnew's, to be forwarded
across the country to the city. Harriet, and one of the men had worn their shoes off their feet, and I gave them two dollars to help fit them out, and directed a carriage to be hired at my expense, to take them out, but do not yet know the expense. I now have two more from the lowest county in Maryland, on the Peninsula, upwards of one hundred miles. I will try to get one of our trusty colored men to take them to-morrow morning to the Anti-slavery office. You can then pass them on. THOMAS GARRETT. HENRY left his wife, Harriet Ann, to be known in future by the name of " Sophia Brown." He was a fellow-servant of Ben's, and one of the sup-
ports of Eliza A. Brodins.
HENRY was only twenty-two, 'but had quite an insight into matters and things going on among slaves and slave-holders generally, in country life. He was the father of two small children, whom he had to leave behind.
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Record #63

Traveler's Names Peter Jackson
Alias Staunch Tilghman
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name George Wenthrop

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Peter Jackson
Alias Staunch Tilghman
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name George Wenthrop
Chapter Title Moses arrives with six passengers
Page Number 298
Other Travelers John Chase, alias Daniel Floyd; Benjamin Ross alias James Stewart; Henry Ross, alias Levin Stewart; Peter Jackson, Alias Staunch Tilghman; Jane Kane, alias Catherine Kane and Robert Ross
Other Conductors Harriett Tubman
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative WILMINGTON, 12 mo. 29th, 1854.
ESTEEMED FRIEND, J. MILLER McKiM : ? We made arrangements last night, and sent
away Harriet Tubman, with six men and one woman to Allen Agnew's, to be forwarded
across the country to the city. Harriet, and one of the men had worn their shoes off their feet, and I gave them two dollars to help fit them out, and directed a carriage to be hired at my expense, to take them out, but do not yet know the expense. I now have two more from the lowest county in Maryland, on the Peninsula, upwards of one hundred miles. I will try to get one of our trusty colored men to take them to-morrow morning to the Anti-slavery office. You can then pass them on. THOMAS GARRETT. PETER was owned by George Wenthrop, a farmer, living near Cambridge, Md. In answer to the question, how he had been used, he said " hard." Not a pleasant thought did he entertain respecting his master, save that he
was no longer to demand the sweat of Peter's brow. Peter left parents, who were free ; he was born before they were emancipated, consequently, he was retained in bondage.
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Record #64

Traveler's Names Jane Kane
Age 22
Alias Catharine Kane
Origin- Town/City
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name Rash Jones

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Traveler's Names Jane Kane
Age 22
Alias Catharine Kane
Origin- Town/City
Origin- County
Origin- State
Slaveowner's Name Rash Jones
Chapter Title Moses arrives with six passengers
Page Number 298
Other Travelers John Chase, alias Daniel Floyd; Benjamin Ross alias James Stewart; Henry Ross, alias Levin Stewart; Peter Jackson, Alias Staunch Tilghman; Jane Kane, alias Catherine Kane and Robert Ross
Other Conductors Harriett Tubman
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative JANE, aged twenty-two, instead of regretting that she had unadvisedly
left a kind mistress and indulgent master, who had afforded her necessary
comforts, affirmed that her master, " Rash Jones, was the worst man in
the country." The Committee were at first disposed to doubt her sweeping
statement, but when they heard particularly how she had been treated,
they thought Catharine had good ground for all that she said. Personal
abuse and hard usage, were the common lot of poor slave girls.
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Record #65

Traveler's Names Robert Ross
Age 35
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

All Fields in This Record

Traveler's Names Robert Ross
Age 35
Description of a chestnt color and well made
Origin- Town/City Cambridge
Origin- County Dorchester
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title Moses arrives with six passengers
Page Number 298
Other Travelers John Chase, alias Daniel Floyd; Benjamin Ross alias James Stewart; Henry Ross, alias Levin Stewart; Peter Jackson, Alias Staunch Tilghman; Jane Kane, alias Catherine Kane and Robert Ross
Other Conductors Harriett Tubman
Additional Names
Method of Travel
Additional Resources
Items in Possession
Full Narrative WILMINGTON, 12 mo. 29th, 1854.
ESTEEMED FRIEND, J. MILLER McKiM : ? We made arrangements last night, and sent away Harriet Tubman, with six men and one woman to Allen Agnew's, to be forwarded across the country to the city. Harriet, and one of the men had worn their shoes off their feet, and I gave them two dollars to help fit them out, and directed a carriage to be
hired at my expense, to take them out, but do not yet know the expense. I now have two more from the lowest county in Maryland, on the Peninsula, upwards of one hundred miles. I will try to get one of our trusty colored men to take them to-morrow morning to the Anti-slavery office. You can then pass them on. THOMAS GARRETT. ROBERT was thirty-five years of age, of a chestnut color, and well made. His report was similar to that of many others. He had been provided with
plenty of hard drudgery ? hewing of wood and drawing of water, and had hardly been treated as well as a gentleman would treat a dumb brute. His
feelings, therefore, on leaving his old master and home, were those of an individual who had been unjustly in prison for a dozen years and had at
last regained his liberty.
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Record #66

Traveler's Names Harriet Shephard
Origin- Town/City Chestertown
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name

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Traveler's Names Harriet Shephard
Origin- Town/City Chestertown
Origin- County Kent Co
Origin- State Maryland
Destination Canada
Slaveowner's Name
Chapter Title Escaping with master's horses and carriages