Salisbury University Libraries
SU Libraries
Staff Login
SU Libraries Application Server
General Applications
GAC Building Maps
No Login Needed
Maps of each floor of the Guerrieri Academic Commons with color-coded rooms and a search by room number function.
GAC Digital Signage
Apollo Login (Staff Only)
For managing the slides on the digital signage in the GAC.
GAC Space Usage
Apollo Login
Track space usage in the public areas of the Guerrieri Academic Commons.
Leave Calendar
Apollo Login
Calendar showing which library staff are out of the office on particular days.
Library Links
Apollo Login (Staff Only)
Allows staff to create shareable links that can be tracked based on tags.
Library News
Apollo Login (Staff Only)
Allows posting news items to the library website, mobile apps, and the digital signage in the GAC.
Library Service Updates
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Post status updates to the library homepage, Service Updates page, A-Z Database List, and the SU Libraries app.
MakerLab Dashboard
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Keeps track of 3D prints in the MakerLab, as well as visitors, student schedules, and patron information.
Social Buttons
Apollo Login
Make changes to the social buttons page, including adding, editing, and removing buttons.
Student Worker Positions
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Allows supervisors to update the job listings on the SU LIbraries Student Employment page.
Collection Management
Barcode Generator
No Login Needed
Generates one or multiple barcodes capable of being scanned by library scanners.
Call Number Locator
Apollo Login
Allows editing the various call number ranges in the GAC as well as printing labels for the shelf end caps.
Circulation Student Schedule
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Lets student workers at the Circulation Desk sign up for their shifts for the semester as well as get coverage for their shifts.
Controlled Digital Lending
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
View the loans that have been created through the CDL system and see which books/scans have been accessed.
Course Reserves
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Administration of the Course Reserves system, including adding new items and managing courses.
In-House Serials Usage
Apollo Login
Track usage of serials used in-house. Allows marking individual titles as used, viewing statistics, and exporting reports.
Stacks Inventory
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
App for checking the inventory of the stacks against an Aleph shelf list.
Reference & Instruction
Liaison Area Management
Apollo Login (Staff Only)
Allows management of the display of liaisons and liaison areas on the library website.
LibGuides Accessibility Review
Apollo Login
Review image alt text and other accessibility features in SU Libraries LibGuides.
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Allows faculty to submit requests for purchases from their liaison librarian, and allows liaisons to manage their departments' budgets and place orders.
Reference Desk Schedule
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Desk shift schedule for the Research Help Desk.
Search Settings
Apollo Login
Settings for the search box on the library homepage, including which terms trigger alternate resource suggestions.
Nabb Center
Enduring Connections
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Database that allows users to search records of Delmarva’s Black history collected by the Nabb Center.
Finding Aid Portal
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Administrative app for managing the Finding Aid Portal, including adding, editing, and removing items from the database.
Nabb Online Exhibits (Omeka)
App-Specific Login
Allows the creation and publication of digital exhibits in Omeka.
Database Management
Apollo Login (Staff Only)
Create and restore backups of databases on this server. Accessible by admins only.
LibCal Event Request
SU Login
Request an event be created in LibCal to enable registration for Library-related events.
Library Committees
Apollo Login
Lists all library committees and their membership. All library staff can view, while server admins can edit.
Library Support Center
SU Login
Jira support portal for managing tickets submitted to library.
Room Signs
No Login Needed
Generates the display screens for the iPads outside of each reservable study room and the library classrooms.
User Directory
Apollo Login (Staff Only)
Shows all current users with a SU Libraries Web Apps login. Anyone not listed will not be able to access protected applications on this server.
Legacy Applications
Circulating Device Tracking
Apollo Login
Keeps records on the status of some circulating devices, including iPads, Fitbits, and accessories.
Leisure Book Pickup Service
Apollo Login
App Account Needed
Allows patrons to request pickup of leisure collection items when the library is closed.
Order Cards
App-Specific Login
No longer in active use. Was used to order non-GOBI items, but now is only for viewing records of those purchases.
SOAR URL Manager
No Login Needed
App that generates prettier URLs for use when sharing SOAR@SU content online.